Rupport Murdock:Fry the Kingfish
Murdock must pay a penalty for using his media-empire to sell the biggest miscalulation and mistake made by a President in the last 50yrs to the American public. The Fox News channel and the rest of Murdock's media empire shoved the Iraq war right down the gullable mouths of the American people . Murdock must be penalized by breaking up this propaganda machine that he controls and used not for the better ment of the American people but for the gain of self serving financial interests like Saudi Arabia who has poured tons of capital into his company. Many consumer advocates warned that the concentration of news sources in the hands of a few large corportations would be a dangerous thing. That consequence has now come to foriation. Its called the Iraq war. SOLD to the American public by the Rupport Murdock controlled media. LYNCH RUPPORT!!!!!
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