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Monday, March 26, 2007

Impeach George Bush and End The War

I was supprized and pleased that the house passed a bill that could lead to the United States leaving Iraq and ending an unjust war. It was a weak bill And unfortuanely it wont accopplish anything other than to voice opposition to the war that is now unpopular with most Americans. George Bush simply will veto the bill and the war will continue. That is why the only way out of Iraq is the impeachment of George Bush. People must march for the impeacment of George Bush and that will be the way the war will be ended. As long as George Bush remains in office there war will continue. The whole premise behind the war was a lie that the gullable American people believed. There isnt any weapons of mass destrction in Iraq and even George Bush admits that now and yet the war continues. Why? Because George Bush is still President. Bill(Rosie) O'Rilley and Dennis(fat ass)Prager two of the many propangaists on talk radio who sold the war to the american people should visit the many soldgers that have been severly wounded in the Iraq war. Bill(Rosie)O'Rielly should put away her vibrator and skip her next vacation to Jamicica where she smokes some strong weed and lets her inhibations down and go to the hospitals and vistit the men and woman that have been serverly wounded in the war. Ms O'Rielly should see the results of the war that she talked the american people into.

Impeach George Bush and End The War

I was supprized and pleased that the house passed a bill that could lead to the United States leaving Iraq and ending an unjust war. It was a weak bill And unfortuanely it wont accopplish anything other than to voice opposition to the war that is now unpopular with most Americans. George Bush simply will veto the bill and the war will continue. That is why the only way out of Iraq is the impeachment of George Bush. People must march for the impeacment of George Bush and that will be the way the war will be ended. As long as George Bush remains in office there war will continue. The whole premise behind the war was a lie that the gullable American people believed. There isnt any weapons of mass destrction in Iraq and even George Bush admits that now and yet the war continues. Why? Because George Bush is still President. Bill(Rosie) O'Rilley and Dennis(fat ass)Prager two of the many propangaists on talk radio who sold the war to the american people should visit the many soldgers that have been severly wounded in the Iraq war. Bill(Rosie)O'Rielly should put away her vibrator and skip her next vacation to Jamicica where she smokes some strong weed and lets her inhibations down and go to the hospitals and vistit the men and woman that have been serverly wounded in the war. Ms O'Rielly should see the results of the war that she talked the american people into.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

California Wants Higher Gasoline Prices

Although crude oil has dropped over six dollars a barrel from where it was last year California motorists are paying over $3.oo a gallaon for gas and this can be traced to the election of Arnie the Panzie as Governor of the great state of California. Although it was made very clear to the voters that the oil companies were poring billions into Arnie the Panzies campaign the voters said we dont care how bad the oil companies are raping and gouging us we want Arnie the Panzie as our Governor. Well the people got there wish Arnie the Panzie is governor and they are paying over 3 bucks a gallon for gas and more to cum when the peak driving season hits. ++++Steven Spielburg and his comrads have backed Baracka Obama for President. That means vote for anybody but Obama. Spielburg refused to condem the Iraq War because he said he was a film maker and that polticis should be left to someone else. He also backed Arnie the Panzie even though Arnie is a conservative Republican who is backed by all the big money special interest groups.++++++++Validmer Putin is the most powerful and influential world leader today.++++++++The United States lost its automotive industry to its asian and european comepetitors because of bad leadership and we are in danger of losing the whole country for the same reason. The problem is the American people have trouble seeing the truth.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Los Angeles:Death of a City

The real estate developers and big constuction companies are killing Los Angeles. The project slated for Grand Ave downtown which is heavly subiside with public money will be a big drag on the cities treasury just like the other big real estate developer projects built with public funds. Hollywood and Highland built by Denver resident Anshultz drains the cities treasury of tens of millions every year. Fortuanetly the Gestapo (the parking police) make up the difference with the exhorbtant parking tickets. Beady eyed evil Elli's project on Grand Ave will be even worse than Hollywood & Highland because even more public money and subisidies are being given to the greedy real estate developers project. Los Angeles should invest in the neighborhoods where there are people already living. The city looks very worn and is in need of genuine development that develops the foundation of the city (its neighborhoods.) Evil Ely and Anshultz are a danger to Los Angeles. Los Angeles has the best city council money can buy. All of them where backed directly or indirecty by evil Ely and Ansultz and that is why they were abel to walk off with the cities treasurey. I think even higher parking tickets are in order to pay for the Grand ave mess. City services will eventulally have to be cut to pay for the Grand Ave which will lead to a detorating city like in Detroit. Because of what Ansultz and evil Ely are doing Los Angeles could end up like Detroit a dying city with a bad economy. CALIFORNIA=The citizens of california have demosntrated a strong desire to pay more for gasoline when they elected Arnold the Panzy as govenor. Aronold was given millions by big oil. He isnt going to do anything to hurt the oil companies money machine. People in Ca are entitled to pay more for gasoiline its there desire.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Iraq:The Only Way Out

The only way out of Iraq is for George Bush to be impeached. Marching against the war is really a waste of time that isnt going to change anything. The Democrates just like the Republicans are owned by big oil and the military contractors. And that is really who started the war and who wants to keep it going. That is George Bush's consitutency. It wasnt the American people who made him president. It was big oil who got the supreme court to give bush the presidency when it was really Al Gore who won the election. The Presidential Candidates= The two leading candidates showed be Validmer Putin and Wesly Clark. Validmer Putin because he has a clear vision of the truth. The last world leader to see things as clearly as Putin was Bill Clinton. I think one of the major reasons Bill Clinton was such a successful President was because he was good at sizing up world situtions accurately and seeing things as they where. George Bush is a yokel who believes his own bull shit. Wesely Clark was a very succcesful general who knows the military from the inside. He understands its capabilities and what it cant do. Currently he would be the most qualifed person to bring an end to the war without the United States getting totally screwed. Unfortantely he dosent do well campaigning. The average potlicker wouldnt vote for him for that reason. A yokel like George Bush straight out of Hee Haw would beat Wesly Clark for that reason.