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Saturday, March 13, 2010


IS ISRAEL BEING UNREALISTIC: Just because the United States made a deal allowing a country whose stated mission is to destroy Israel to have nuclear weapons is no good reason for Israel to get upset.
George Bush's deal with Iran to not oppose their development of nuclear weapons in return for going easy in Iraq shouldnt make Israel angry at the U.S. The Detroit Times first broke the story about Bush's deal with Iran. Janes and other important news providers soon followed.
Dr.Obama has continued to honor the Bush deal with Iran.
Israel allowing new settlements in its capital besides showing displeasure with the U.S. for allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons may also mean it wants to see how a nuclear Iran influences the middleast before making big concessions that would affect its national security.
Israel dosent need a settlement with the Palestinians.
MONICA CONYERS WILL GO TO JAIL: And that is to bad because she could have saved Detroit and herself had she talked to Federal investigators about Mike Illich's involment in Detroit's corruption.
THE STOCK MARKET: Its hard to believe because of the extemely negative fundamentals but the stock market is on the cusp of a major bull market. It could last a long time. The Detroit Times dosent make long term bets so we wouldnt any money into this.