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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


DETROIT A CITY IN NAME ONLY HAS DETERIOATED TO THE POINT WHERE IT CAN'T BE SAVED: And Los Angeles under the leadership of Mayor Antinino Vee is following the Detroit Plan right to its deadly conclusion.
Los Angeles is run by a rulling junta of real estate developers and power brokers much like Detroit. In Detroit the mafia and the real estate developers run the city. General Motors for obvious reasons had to drop of Detroit's ruling junta.
Max Fisher for many years was the cities most prominent real estate developer and the boss of organized crime right up until he died a few years ago.
Philip Anshultz, Eli Broad and Edward Roski Jr. follow the model that Fisher created in running Detroit many years ago. They back polticians with money and power who will run the city in a way that benefits them at the exspence of everyone else. They receive the tax breaks,grants and special favors from the city while everyone else gets a pat on the ass if that. It takes a ton of money to run for elected office and the junta is only to willing to provide money to electable politician who willthen do the juntas bidding at city hall.
The result is a city that will wither and die just like Detroit. LA residents will get tired of high taxes and poor city services and will eventually move out of Los Angeles as they are now.