If Obama is to be viewed as a strong leader than Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions must be stopped. Iran succeeding at building or having nuclear weapons capability will destroy Obamas and Americas credablity in all other areas of the world. It would be a big set back for all of Obama's foreign policy iniatives.
The world is watching what happens in Iran and if the U.S. backs down then the U.S. will be seen as a toothless Lion.
FORGET ABOUT SPARTEN GREECE ITS REALLY ABOUT SPARTEN LOS ANGELES: A Los Angeles Timse headline said Greece will proably have a sparten future. Well Los Angeles broke as it is isnt that far behind. Los Angeles mayor Tony Vee has made such a mess of managing and running Los Angeles that the city will struggle for years and will be unable to prevent blight and decay from destroying its neighborhoods.
Mayor Vee is in way over his head as the holder of such an office as mayor of Los Angels. Mayor Vee put the city between a rock and a a hard place. The city cash will now go to paying down the debts Mayor Vee ran up governing the city instead of improving and rebuilding the city.
If Obama is to be viewed as a strong leader than Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions must be stopped. Iran succeeding at building or having nuclear weapons capability will destroy Obamas and Americas credablity in all other areas of the world. It would be a big set back for all of Obama's foreign policy iniatives.
The world is watching what happens in Iran and if the U.S. backs down then the U.S. will be seen as a toothless Lion.
FORGET ABOUT SPARTEN GREECE ITS REALLY ABOUT SPARTEN LOS ANGELES: A Los Angeles Timse headline said Greece will proably have a sparten future. Well Los Angeles broke as it is isnt that far behind. Los Angeles mayor Tony Vee has made such a mess of managing and running Los Angeles that the city will struggle for years and will be unable to prevent blight and decay from destroying its neighborhoods.
Mayor Vee is in way over his head as the holder of such an office as mayor of Los Angels. Mayor Vee put the city between a rock and a a hard place. The city cash will now go to paying down the debts Mayor Vee ran up governing the city instead of improving and rebuilding the city.
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