The United States is in real danger of experiencing a bad 1930's depression. Fed Chairman Dr. Bernacke predicted last spring the economic nightmare would be a bad dream come Dec. Well December has come and gone and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Many small busineses that were hanging on by a thread in hope of a recovery are now throwing in the towel and closing. The big money center banks who started the downturn and received most of the bailout money continue to refuse loans to consumers and busineses. This hurts an econmoic recovery. And this time the calavery wont be coming to the rescure. The government is running out of money for programs like tarp that are supposed to stimulate the economy. Americans now will feel the full blunt blows of a harsh economy.
Bailing out the banks was done at the exspense of the rest the economy and just postponed the inevitable which is proably a depression.
Toyota's mistakes could change things if they give Fords a big enough boost to employ more workers which would increase the buying power of the consumer. But dont hold your breathe waiting for this to happen. There are to many other problems that have to be worked out such as the collapse in Greece.
The United States is in real danger of experiencing a bad 1930's depression. Fed Chairman Dr. Bernacke predicted last spring the economic nightmare would be a bad dream come Dec. Well December has come and gone and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Many small busineses that were hanging on by a thread in hope of a recovery are now throwing in the towel and closing. The big money center banks who started the downturn and received most of the bailout money continue to refuse loans to consumers and busineses. This hurts an econmoic recovery. And this time the calavery wont be coming to the rescure. The government is running out of money for programs like tarp that are supposed to stimulate the economy. Americans now will feel the full blunt blows of a harsh economy.
Bailing out the banks was done at the exspense of the rest the economy and just postponed the inevitable which is proably a depression.
Toyota's mistakes could change things if they give Fords a big enough boost to employ more workers which would increase the buying power of the consumer. But dont hold your breathe waiting for this to happen. There are to many other problems that have to be worked out such as the collapse in Greece.
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