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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


SHORT ON THE TRUTH AND THE FACTS: Time Magazines recent cover story about Detroits decline or collapse was just a white wash of what really happened to that city. The truth is Detroits decline started years before the 1967 riots and the riots where confined to a relatively small area of Detroit called 12th street. The 1967 riots are commonly blamed as the catalyist for Detroit's downword spiral. The riots are a convient cover for the real culprits.
Al Taubman a convicted felon made a ton off of urban sprawl and C.S. Illich robbed the cities treasury blind and now that there is nothing left they are stealing the crumbs off the floor. Saying the riots destroyed Detroit is a convient way for the real killers to cover their tracks. Time didnt even mention casino gambling and the economic harm it has done to Detroit .
Time Magazine value is estimated by analists to be worth no more than $1.50 or a little less then Business Week at a $l.98. That isnt the cover price but the value of the whole operation. Their inaccurate and misleading reporting can be seen in their story about Detroit.
FINANCIAL OVERVIEW: As we have been saying the economy is very weak and this economic crisis will last a long time. The Dow will proably test 9000
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECCOMENDATIONS: A stock to short or sell is ACE Ltd (ace)on Oct 2 2009 at the high or closing price.
P.S. Read the January 23,2009 edition of The Detroit Times for an in depth anaylsis as to why Detroit is where it is today.
