Financial Overview
DETROIT TIMES (GOLDEN TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: Our trading recommendations are truly golden. They are never wrong. Short or Sell (DD) Dupont on tuesday at the high or closing price. Buy puts if u have a weak stomach and dont want to short the actual stock. The stock market will be going down soon. But i dont reccomend betting on it yet.
WHATS WRONG WITH AMERICA:The United States lost the automobile wars to Japan and its military has gotten its ass kicked by rag tag armies in the middle east and every one pretends this is normal and will soon change. What is in the mind of the average American potlicker? I dont know. If u do please comment on this subject
WHATS WRONG WITH AMERICA:The United States lost the automobile wars to Japan and its military has gotten its ass kicked by rag tag armies in the middle east and every one pretends this is normal and will soon change. What is in the mind of the average American potlicker? I dont know. If u do please comment on this subject
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