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Thursday, September 17, 2009


CANCELLING THE MISSILE SHIELD WAS THE RIGHT DECESION: Is the American military machine the best the world has ever seen? Or is the most expensive , wastful and obsolite piece of shit ever built? The American people have poured trillions into the military and a bunch of rag tag rebels have fought it to a draw or even beat it. Thoses stupid ass holes have wasted trillions(Iraq war cost 3 trillion) and they cant even put in a good showing against citizen armies or militias that are poorly equiped. The Detroit Times is the only one in the media that has written about how the military has collapesed. The President did the right thing in canceling another sweat heart deal for the military contractors who have produced out and out shit for so many years. He simply said enough is enough. And he is right.
Where is the money going to come from that will fund this giant recovery? Everyone is making minium wage.
The way he was able to recuit leaders in the Jewish community to betray their friends and family is an amazing story. Ezzra Merkin the president of an influential synagoge in New York city was copted by Bernie to betray the trust of his friends. Stanley Chais a trusted money manager in Los Angeles suddenly became a thief and stole from people who had entrusted their money to him. How Bernies accompished this is an amazing story
GEORGE BUSH MUST BE PROSECUTED:The Detroit Times soon will form a posse to bring him in to face justice. The only way America can get its moral compass back is to bring George Bush in to face trail for all or the horrible things he did to America.