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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


WAITING FOR GODOT: Americans are waiting for something that isnt likely to happen. There isnt goint to be a quick recovery from the collapse of the economy. The bottom falling out of the economy is acutally a symptom of much deeper problems. The American people are lost like beached whales and dont know which direction to take. They dont know who or what to follow. That is the main reason for the election of George Bush, the worst president ever and the person most responsible for our current problems. The American potlickers followed his lead in most cases blindly. Bush's war on terroism has cost the U.S. 3 trillion dollars with no end in sight.
DR.OBAMAS FOREIGN POLICY: Obama obviously a much smarter man than Bush which isnt saying much is merely extending Bush's foreign policy. The Iraq war is still in full swing and he has extended it into Pakistan. The war has actually gotten bigger not smaller under Dr Obama. Dr. Obama was put in office by the military contractors and the oil companies and they are the Mullahs running the government.
GM HAS A SLIM TO NONE CHANCE OF MAKING IT: There coming out with fifty new models in the coming years according to the chairman of Gm but not one of them will be the competitve with the widow maker the(TOYOTA CAMRAY). Plus Gm has lost the commercial truck market to Fords. So basicaly its the same old shit a differnt day at Gm. There is nothing new there.
THE DETROIT TIMES (GOLDEN)TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS:Sell or short Kraft foods(KFT) at the high on Aug.20 or the closing price of the day if u dont know how to sell at the high. The closing price is really a price range. There should be 25 or 50 cents in this trade. Our trades are Golden. They are never wrong. They are a license to print money.