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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The British Pound looks very good on the long side. After the holidays buy in the money calls 3 months out. The oil trade be patient
Monday, December 29, 2008
Crude Oil Prices May Go Higher
The Crude Oil trade we recommended last week on the long side looks like it could be profitable after a rough start. Crude was at $45 a barrel when the trade was recomended. Its now around $40 but could go much higher maybe even to $50 which means the in the money options we recomended would return a pretty good profit. I think the market wanted to go up because crude stocks were very low before the current mideast problems.
THE BOOK When is a book going to be written about the role Ahmed Chalabi played in the United States attacking Iraq. If there is a free press why hasnt the book been written.. Bob Woodward's book about Iraq is a waste because its premise is false. The United States never won anything on the battlefield. Any improvement in the war if there was any came because Iran pulled back not because it was afraid of the U.S.but because Bush promised not to attack their nucular bomb making facilities.
THE BOOK When is a book going to be written about the role Ahmed Chalabi played in the United States attacking Iraq. If there is a free press why hasnt the book been written.. Bob Woodward's book about Iraq is a waste because its premise is false. The United States never won anything on the battlefield. Any improvement in the war if there was any came because Iran pulled back not because it was afraid of the U.S.but because Bush promised not to attack their nucular bomb making facilities.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Remorseful George Bush Now Cries About Poor Intellegence About Iraq
Bullshit!!! Bullshit!!!. The main source of information about pre war Iraq came from an Iranian spy named Ahmed Chalabi who George bush hailed as a great Iraqi leader. The question is what really was the true relationship between Chalabi and Bush. Fist of all did Bush know he was spying for Iran? Did the CIA ever tell Bush this guy was working for Iran? And if Bush did know this information then why did he keep talking to him? If the CIA never told Bush that he was a spy then there were some very serious breeches of national security. But if Bush did know this man was spying for Iran and Bush used his information as the basis for attacking Iraq then Bush should be charged and brought to trial. Because it means Bush was lying to the American people and knew there was no Al-Quedia pressence in Iraq when we went to war. The U.S. proably went to war with Iraq under false pretextes and Bush knew this. George Bush must be questioned about this. In a true democracy he would be. The Question is are we(the United States)a democracy. We will soon find out
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Paulson Bailout Express Must Aid Bernard Bernie Madoff (Fallen Wall Street Icon)
Yes!! Of XCourse!!! Paulson's bailout whatever its formally called must aid the fallen empire of Bernard Bernie Madoff the Dean of Wall Street investing. The government has given a ton to the incomptent, selfish, lying, theiven bankers and the weak, failing management at Gm soon will also be bailed out. The first part of the bailout money that was meant to be used for unfrezzing the credit system quickley was converted into Chritmas gelt for a bunch of Wasp bankers The second half of the $360 billion bailout that they received soon afterwards they havent slicest idea where it went.When Paulson asked the bankers what they did with the money they told him we dont keep track of things like that. So the answer to the question of did the second half of the bailout money go into the system, into the vaults ,or into somebodies pocket is unknown at this time because the bankers dont keep track of stuff like that.
And now Gm the worst managed company in the history of the United states will also now be receiving a gift package from the government. Gm receiving this gift package thru devine intervention shows just who exactly runs the government. And it aint the people. Its the lobbyists. Gm should have been allowed to fail. And then the government could have stepped in and nationalized it so that it could have the money and management to succeed and not merly survive.
Unlike Gm's management who also cooked the books to make things look better than they were Bernard Bernie Madoff is a genius. It took genius abliity to pull off this scheme for over 20 years and stay under the radar to keep it going. Did Bernard Bernie or Bernie Bernard commit fraud? Absoletly!!! But so did the bankers and Gm's Chairmen Rick Wagner. Wagner lied and lied about Gm's true condition to Wall Street which is a crime. So instead of going to jail he is going to be getting bailout money. Is that fair? And while he was a flop as Chairmen of Gm Bernard Bernie showed true genius ability at raising money and keeping his fraud going. I think if Bernie Bernard apologies and promises not to do it again and hires someone who knows how to trade he should be forgiven and also granted government gelt like Wagoner the complete putz and the theiven bankers.
P.S. The only person I feel sorry for in the Madoff scandal is Carl Shapero. Carl worked hard his whole life and did well and helped a lot of people. But at 95 he was proably to old to be investing money. Age proably dulled his business acumen. And Madoff took advantage of him. That is unfair. But the rest of the suckers were triped up by own their own greed. And now the truth has come home.
And now Gm the worst managed company in the history of the United states will also now be receiving a gift package from the government. Gm receiving this gift package thru devine intervention shows just who exactly runs the government. And it aint the people. Its the lobbyists. Gm should have been allowed to fail. And then the government could have stepped in and nationalized it so that it could have the money and management to succeed and not merly survive.
Unlike Gm's management who also cooked the books to make things look better than they were Bernard Bernie Madoff is a genius. It took genius abliity to pull off this scheme for over 20 years and stay under the radar to keep it going. Did Bernard Bernie or Bernie Bernard commit fraud? Absoletly!!! But so did the bankers and Gm's Chairmen Rick Wagner. Wagner lied and lied about Gm's true condition to Wall Street which is a crime. So instead of going to jail he is going to be getting bailout money. Is that fair? And while he was a flop as Chairmen of Gm Bernard Bernie showed true genius ability at raising money and keeping his fraud going. I think if Bernie Bernard apologies and promises not to do it again and hires someone who knows how to trade he should be forgiven and also granted government gelt like Wagoner the complete putz and the theiven bankers.
P.S. The only person I feel sorry for in the Madoff scandal is Carl Shapero. Carl worked hard his whole life and did well and helped a lot of people. But at 95 he was proably to old to be investing money. Age proably dulled his business acumen. And Madoff took advantage of him. That is unfair. But the rest of the suckers were triped up by own their own greed. And now the truth has come home.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Bush's Foreign Policy Is Indictive of why Old Ted Bundy Eyes Is America's Worst President
The Bush administration is telling the world that a missile shield must be placed over Europe to protect the Europeans from a nucular attack by rogue contries like Iran. Poland and some of the other baltic counties applaud this shield and say there is a crying need for it. Russia on the hand sees the missile shield as a threat to its national security. Russia since the shield was proposed has become far more aggressive in weilding its military power in Eupope and else where. This is mostly to protest the building of Bush's shield. Bush says Iranian misilles are the problem and the U.S. means no harm to Russian national security.
Why dosent Bush just go in there and destroy Irans nucular weapon capablity which the U.S. could still easily do with the help of Isreal? Because Bush cant attack Iran without risking the Iranians going on the offensive in Iraq and making things very difficult for U.S. forces there. May be even taking over Iraq. In other words if Bush hadnt invaded Iraq in the first place there wouldn't be any need for a nucular shield over Europe. The U.S. could have just went in and destroyed Irans nucular missiles and weapons without worring about Iraq. But because of Iraq and Bush's aggreement with Iran not to attack them we are stuck with this stupid costly position of building a wasteful unneccesary nucular shield. Its hard to see the genius of George Bush America's worst president. May be its hard to see his genius because it just isnt there no matter how hard you look.
Why dosent Bush just go in there and destroy Irans nucular weapon capablity which the U.S. could still easily do with the help of Isreal? Because Bush cant attack Iran without risking the Iranians going on the offensive in Iraq and making things very difficult for U.S. forces there. May be even taking over Iraq. In other words if Bush hadnt invaded Iraq in the first place there wouldn't be any need for a nucular shield over Europe. The U.S. could have just went in and destroyed Irans nucular missiles and weapons without worring about Iraq. But because of Iraq and Bush's aggreement with Iran not to attack them we are stuck with this stupid costly position of building a wasteful unneccesary nucular shield. Its hard to see the genius of George Bush America's worst president. May be its hard to see his genius because it just isnt there no matter how hard you look.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Paulson's Bailout Is Getting Weaker and Weaker and Weaker As The Economy Slowly Slips Into A Depression
WHAT HAPPENED?? Paulson got down on one knee and sang mammy to Barney Frank and then pleaded with him to support the bailout. Frank then kissed him on the forehead and said he was a good boy after all and Congress passed the bailout package. And now we are close to being in a depression. So what went wrong?
Well half the bailout money($180billion) went directly into the bankers Christmas stockings. Right where it should go. Where it will do the most good. Like that when the bankers buy their christmas gifts the money will then trickled down to the rest of the economy.
Rick Wagoner(the dick who runs Gm) got jealous after hearing about all the money the bankers got and started crying and yelling that if the bankers are getting that kind of money and they fucked up as bad or worse then he did then he is also entitled to sum honey. After all its only fair. So now the auto companies who are on their last legs are also going to be getting sum Christmas gelt. What has the economy gotten from Paulson's bailout? So far very little. And maybe that is why we are getting weaker and weaker as we head for a depression
Well half the bailout money($180billion) went directly into the bankers Christmas stockings. Right where it should go. Where it will do the most good. Like that when the bankers buy their christmas gifts the money will then trickled down to the rest of the economy.
Rick Wagoner(the dick who runs Gm) got jealous after hearing about all the money the bankers got and started crying and yelling that if the bankers are getting that kind of money and they fucked up as bad or worse then he did then he is also entitled to sum honey. After all its only fair. So now the auto companies who are on their last legs are also going to be getting sum Christmas gelt. What has the economy gotten from Paulson's bailout? So far very little. And maybe that is why we are getting weaker and weaker as we head for a depression
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Can Wagoner Be Removed From Gm
The nut behing the wheel at Gm is clearly Rick Wagoner. It was his poor performance as chairman of Gm that ruined the company in the first place. How can the government give a company money like Gm money when its leadership is so weak? Bush throwing money at Gm is typical of the many bad decisions he has made over the last 8 years that has put the country close to being in a perment depression. To solve Gm's problems they must start from scratch. That means quickely bringing in new management. Bush's plan is just prolonging Gm's bad situation. Remember the longer it takes to rebuild the auto companies, the longer the nation will endure a weak economy. The United States is in a sinking boat because we just couldnt do what had to be done when it had to be done. The bailout of of an incomptent jerk like Wagner is incomprehensable and a contuation of the bad decision making that put the U.S. enconomy where it is today. On the verge of falling off a clif. The right decision would have been to remove Wagoner before any money was given and then the company saved with new management. The Detroit Times will continue to do everything with in the power of the press to remove a piece of drek(shit) like Wagoner from a great company like Gm. God help the country if we fail.
THE BROKER---While the crude oil trade is now under water it will soon recover. Be patient
THE BROKER---While the crude oil trade is now under water it will soon recover. Be patient
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Broker:Recapping Todays Oil Trade
Yesterday we reccommended buying crude oil for today either with call options in the money or futures. Buying at the low is the important thing. An experienced trader knows how to do that. Dont have much experience? Well then the only way to get experience is buy doing it. It may cost sum money to learn but that is how u get experience.
I beleve oil could be good for possibly a $5 rally over the next few weeks or so. Remember we are scalping not position trading. Take the profits when they are there.
I beleve oil could be good for possibly a $5 rally over the next few weeks or so. Remember we are scalping not position trading. Take the profits when they are there.
2008 The Year of The Con-Man
A month ago or so I wrote about a con man who posed as a relgious Christian and went around to churches and preyed on unsuspecting church members whom he was introduced to by other members of the congregation. When the end came for his swindle he had conned people out of over $50million. After being found guilty he pretty much received what will for him a life sentence. He wont get out until he is almost a hundred. I dont think it was a fair sentence. People in most cases are a victims of their own greed as much as the con mans scheme. A man who was described as a master swindler said from his retirement home you cant cheat an honest man.
Bernard(Bernie)Madoff's $50 billion swindle didnt prey on the vulnerable or unspecting but mostly on investment professionals who should have known better but were blinded by greed. Madoff is a master swindler who used his resume and background to conn a bunch of greedy rich people. I personally dont think he should go to jail one because of his age and the fact that most of the people he cheated were very familiar with investing. They should have know better.
A conn man isnt out to hurt anyone physically he just wants the money to usually fund an opulant life style.
The effects of Dutch Regan's conn is just now being felt by the American people. Oh I know there are millions who would say how could you call Ronald Regan a con man when after all he was our president. But that is exactly what he was. The biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the U.S. occured while he was president. The U.S.treasury had a whole lot less in it after Dutch spent or gave trillions to the military contractors who had backed his poltical campaigns to the hilt. Did he really beat the Russians? Proably the most powerful and respected world leader today for the first time in modern history isnt an American president but a Russian leader by the name of Alexander Putin. The real sin isnt that people invested with Bernard(Bernie)but they invested so much. Most investments legitmate or otherwise are going to fail. The old saying dont put all your eggs in one basket sums it all up. Spread the risk and avoid financial tragedy. The winners like a Microsoft or a Home Stake mining will more then cover the losses.
Bernard(Bernie)Madoff's $50 billion swindle didnt prey on the vulnerable or unspecting but mostly on investment professionals who should have known better but were blinded by greed. Madoff is a master swindler who used his resume and background to conn a bunch of greedy rich people. I personally dont think he should go to jail one because of his age and the fact that most of the people he cheated were very familiar with investing. They should have know better.
A conn man isnt out to hurt anyone physically he just wants the money to usually fund an opulant life style.
The effects of Dutch Regan's conn is just now being felt by the American people. Oh I know there are millions who would say how could you call Ronald Regan a con man when after all he was our president. But that is exactly what he was. The biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the U.S. occured while he was president. The U.S.treasury had a whole lot less in it after Dutch spent or gave trillions to the military contractors who had backed his poltical campaigns to the hilt. Did he really beat the Russians? Proably the most powerful and respected world leader today for the first time in modern history isnt an American president but a Russian leader by the name of Alexander Putin. The real sin isnt that people invested with Bernard(Bernie)but they invested so much. Most investments legitmate or otherwise are going to fail. The old saying dont put all your eggs in one basket sums it all up. Spread the risk and avoid financial tragedy. The winners like a Microsoft or a Home Stake mining will more then cover the losses.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
SPECIAL ALERT!!!!!!!The Broker: The Right Trade --Crude Oil
Our recommendation is to buy in the money Crude Oil calls 3 months out tommorrow and then take a short term quick profit. We believe a rally will take place in the crude oil markets
Monday, December 15, 2008
Gm's public relations department is working overtime to present Gm's management as nice guys who may have made some bad choices but deserve a break since they are victims of events that were beyond their control. But is that really accurate or true? Well it was Wagoner who ordered all of Gm's parts suppliers to leave the U.S. and open factories in China,which is the primary cause of our economic problems. The loss of high paying manufacturing jobs left the U.S with minium wage jobs. People dont make enough to pay their bills.
Gm in recent years gave China missile techology it shoudnt have because it endangers U.S. national security. Very Patrotic!!!! In the first Gulf War Gm was one of Iraq"s main arms suppliers. Gm destroyed the city of Detroit because it was built around mass tranist. And they took billions from the cities treasury to serve their own spedcial interests. Detroit built Gm a factory in the city called the Pole Town plant. Herbert Macfadden was a city counselman who opposed giving Gm any tax breaks since the plant was costing the city hundred's of millions of dollars. Needless to say Mr. Macfadden was not reelected and Gm destroyed his poltical carreer. He died a broken man. Yup the bureaucrates who run Gm are just a bunch of nice guys who deserve a break.
Gm is one of the pillers of the American economy and it must be fixed. The company must be immediatly nationalized and the old management thrown out the door. Wagoner was intellecatually lazy and made bad decisions. Putting all of the companies efforts into the Suv market was stupid. He fucked up and now he should leave. It wasnt the Uaw who made that descion it was Wagoner
Gm in recent years gave China missile techology it shoudnt have because it endangers U.S. national security. Very Patrotic!!!! In the first Gulf War Gm was one of Iraq"s main arms suppliers. Gm destroyed the city of Detroit because it was built around mass tranist. And they took billions from the cities treasury to serve their own spedcial interests. Detroit built Gm a factory in the city called the Pole Town plant. Herbert Macfadden was a city counselman who opposed giving Gm any tax breaks since the plant was costing the city hundred's of millions of dollars. Needless to say Mr. Macfadden was not reelected and Gm destroyed his poltical carreer. He died a broken man. Yup the bureaucrates who run Gm are just a bunch of nice guys who deserve a break.
Gm is one of the pillers of the American economy and it must be fixed. The company must be immediatly nationalized and the old management thrown out the door. Wagoner was intellecatually lazy and made bad decisions. Putting all of the companies efforts into the Suv market was stupid. He fucked up and now he should leave. It wasnt the Uaw who made that descion it was Wagoner
Friday, December 12, 2008
Why Dosent Wagoner Just Resign
If Wagoner left the company the chances for a short term bailout would be much greater. Giving with money to gm with Wagoner STILL chairman is just throwing it away. It wont help and it wont save Gm Wagoner must go. Saving Gm would really mean that it would have to be nationalized and supervised by the government. Which must be done. IF Gm isnt saved by the Obama administration the economy wont recover any time soon. WAGONER MUST LEAVE FIRST.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Automobile Bailout Is It Really Designed To Save Gm
Carl Levin's auto bailout legislation was created in mind with saving the Gm bureaucracy from extinction rather than giving a life line to Gm. Wagoner will still be chairman and the jobs of all the bureaucrates at Gm will still exist if this bailout package goes thru. Levin's legistalion if it was created to save Gm would have forced Wagoner out instead of saving him. Leaving Wagoner in there is like having cancer surgery and leaving the malgnent tumour left to grow. Wagoner's bad leadership is the cause of many of Gm's problems and therefore should be removed. Its the only way the company can be fixed. What Levin is doing basically is the same thing that just happened in Illinois. Levin is selling the power of his office to help Gm's management. Saving Wagoner is not merited. And saving Wagoner wont save Gm but will waste a whole lot lof tax payer money. Its only being done because Michigan is a democracy and Levin needs Wagoners support to to keep his of job. In a democracy one hand washes the other. If things arent fixed soon people will look else where. Unfortunatly that may mean other types of government . Possibly even at a military dictorship. For a bailout to happen and be successful Wagoner must leave!!!
THE BROKER. Sugar turned around and became a profitable trade. It took about a week for the trade to work. We waited to long for gold. We didnt pull the triger fast enough. But as we said 4 0 5 days ago it was begining to look like a good trade
THE BROKER. Sugar turned around and became a profitable trade. It took about a week for the trade to work. We waited to long for gold. We didnt pull the triger fast enough. But as we said 4 0 5 days ago it was begining to look like a good trade
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wagoner Must Leave
There will be no bailout for Gm until Wagoner leaves. Gm's bureaucracy must show that saving Gm is more important than they are. Because right now it looks like Wagoner and his fellow bureaucrates are more concerned about their positions in Gm rather then saving the company. Fresh management is the key to saving Gm and getting government aid. The new chairmen is the one who should be grappling with congress for aid and not Wagoner who is the cause of most of Gm's problems. Lets face it bad management has just about killed Gm and Wagoner has admitted it. So what is holding up Wagoners departure. Come on fire him and lets get on with saving Gm. Nissan's Chairman Carlos Ghosn has been mentioned as a possible choice to replace Wagoner. He would be a good pick but it would be expensive. There are proably people with in Gm that arent part of the bureaucracy that could replace Wagoner. Skip Henderson Wagoner's assistant isnt one of them. He would be to much like Wagoner since he came from the same system.
Wagoner must leave now and a successor picked soon. Currently Wagoner is still Chairman and there isnt much activity for finding his replacement. That isnt good
Wagoner must leave now and a successor picked soon. Currently Wagoner is still Chairman and there isnt much activity for finding his replacement. That isnt good
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
The Auto Czar:Someone Who Has Already Climbed That Moutain
The people who usually run dental and medical schools are doctors and dentists. Its very rare that a lawyer or engineer is put in charge of a medical or dental school. The auto czar would have to be someone who has been to the top of the mountain of the auto industry before and has experienced what he is telling and supervising other people to do. Gerald Greenwald maybe to old to run an automobile company now but he still knows how its supposed to be done since he did it successfully so for many years.
An outsider wouldnt understand the industry well enough to be a czar Running an automobile company is something you have to have a feel for. The problem with all 3 auto companies today is they dont know who to produce hit cars. The very thing Greenwald did at Chrysler. Plus he knows how a large industrial company should be run. Paul Volker is a brillant man and like Greenspan he was a great Fed Chairman but supervising the rebuilding of America's crown jewel should be left to someone who knows the industry first hand.
An outsider wouldnt understand the industry well enough to be a czar Running an automobile company is something you have to have a feel for. The problem with all 3 auto companies today is they dont know who to produce hit cars. The very thing Greenwald did at Chrysler. Plus he knows how a large industrial company should be run. Paul Volker is a brillant man and like Greenspan he was a great Fed Chairman but supervising the rebuilding of America's crown jewel should be left to someone who knows the industry first hand.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Democracy In Action
It is begining to look a lot like Christmas for Ricky Duke. The Dago Wop Sen.Carlo Levine has proably secured billions in welfare money for General Motor's management. A management team that is the worst in automotive history. Very simply they arent deserving of the money. Gm's last big hit was almost 30 years ago. The 1980 Cadllic Sevile with the sloaping back designed by Bill Mitchell had pricing power because it was beautiful car that rode like a cabin cruiser. In the truest sense of the word it was a boat. A luxious boat that Gm made a ton of money on. How come Gm never did anything like that since Ricky Duke has been Chairmen? Because he has got his finger up ass and dosent know shit. In a true capitalistic economic system he would have been fired a long time ago. He isnt going anywere soon. Sen.Richard Shelby is right this bailout with Ricky Duke still in charge is throwing money away.
THE BROKER--THE RIGHT TRADE Its time to start looking at gold on the bullish side. Dont buy it yet. The sugar trade that was recomended a few day ago is begining to become profitable. Dont hold sugar, take the profit when it comes. The trades recommended by the Detroit Times financial bureau are short term scalping trades. Meaning take the profit when its there.
THE BROKER--THE RIGHT TRADE Its time to start looking at gold on the bullish side. Dont buy it yet. The sugar trade that was recomended a few day ago is begining to become profitable. Dont hold sugar, take the profit when it comes. The trades recommended by the Detroit Times financial bureau are short term scalping trades. Meaning take the profit when its there.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Senator Carlo Levine Is Clean
The automobile industry which is still centered in Michigan is hanging by a thread yet Sen.Carlo Levine is clean. Hey he did his best. He could have told Rick Wagoner that he stinks as an automobie executive and that he had to go but that may have endangered his own job. Carlo that Dago-American fruit peddler proably never would have been senator without the backing of Gm's management. What if Carlo did preassure Wagoner to leave and the new guy didnt like Carlo? And he told Carlo that he hadnt done shit for the last 20 years to help Michigan which is true and that Gm wasnt backing him anymore. Carlo would then be washed up. Carlo has basicaly slept while in office only waking up when it was time to run for reelection. Most people know what condition Michigan is in and Carlo's sleeping and neglect has something to do with Michigan's horrable economy. Michigan is a democracy. And Carlo couldnt have gotten elected without Wagoners help. So Senator Carlo Levines backing of Wagoner the biggest incompetent ever is only self preservation. So Carlo Levine is clean
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Only In A Democracy:Rewarding Incompetancy
Giving more money to Rick Wagoner is only prolonging the inevitable and will make it harder and more costly to save Gm. Congress should have had the guts to just say no. Gm's stockholders and board of directors refused to get rid of him even though he was destroying the company and now Congress will continue to let this laggard linger on. Why? Because we live in a democracy. One hand washes the other. But what ever poltical system the U.S. has it isnt working and soon will be replaced unless the automobile situation is settled succesffully. Giving Wagoner money isnt the way to do it.
This is the worst automobile excutive in the history of the business. It was Wagoner's arrogent poor management ablity that utterly destroyed the company. And now congress and the Bush administration are going to give him billions. Why? It dosent make any sense to give a laggard like Wagoner any money. Congress wants to give him billions. They gave billions to a bunch of undeserving bankers and look what happened. Most of it ended up being pocketed by the bankers. The money given to Wagoner will be equally wasted.
Its basically a poltical machine. Sen.Carlo Levine the little dago fruit peddler was elected with the backing of Gm's management, And now little Carlo is the archetect behind this bailout for Gm. One hand washes the other. But is this really going to make our ecnomoy healthy again by rewarding incompentency? Is this really the way democracies are supposed to work? Someone should grab Wagoner by his dumbo ears and force him to commit harrycarry. That somebody would be a hero. There are no hero's in this country anymore. Everybodies afraid of everything. Maybe a dictorship would be the right type of government. Hey its worked in Michigan. I think soon it will get a chance to work for the whole fucken country.
Its basically a poltical machine. Sen.Carlo Levine the little dago fruit peddler was elected with the backing of Gm's management, And now little Carlo is the archetect behind this bailout for Gm. One hand washes the other. But is this really going to make our ecnomoy healthy again by rewarding incompentency? Is this really the way democracies are supposed to work? Someone should grab Wagoner by his dumbo ears and force him to commit harrycarry. That somebody would be a hero. There are no hero's in this country anymore. Everybodies afraid of everything. Maybe a dictorship would be the right type of government. Hey its worked in Michigan. I think soon it will get a chance to work for the whole fucken country.
Friday, December 05, 2008
The Opportunity To Rid Gm of Its Management Bureaucracy And Rebuild The Company
Gm's bureauocrates not only ruined the company but also destroyed the city of Detroit and endangered the national security of the United States. These bureauocrates who comandeered Gm have been to the public well many times before. One of the reasons Detroit is in such dire straits is because Gm's management has milked it for billions of dollars. Gm wanted Detroit torned down because it was built around mass transit. Gm forced the city to cut services to its residents and then took the money and used it to enhance its properties which also was a failure. Gm abondoned the new center area after the city spent billions trying to fix it up which made the area a ghost town.
Gm gave Red China secret missile technology so they could enter the Chinese market when they owned Hughes. China someday could be a potential enemy
What happens to the American automobile companies will happen to the entire country. They must be nationalized and rebuilt. Gm's management must be forced to leave the company so the rebuilding process can start.
Gm gave Red China secret missile technology so they could enter the Chinese market when they owned Hughes. China someday could be a potential enemy
What happens to the American automobile companies will happen to the entire country. They must be nationalized and rebuilt. Gm's management must be forced to leave the company so the rebuilding process can start.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Before Gm receives any aid its problem must be fixed. There has to be new management with no ties to the old burecracy. Because bad management is what caused the company to fail so badly thus bringing down the American economy.
THE BROKER The Eurodollar trade we suggested 2 days ago was successful. If u scalped it as we suggest you could have taken profits today. The sugar trade is in the negative but if u bought call options 3 months out you stil have plenty of time for the trade to work. Sugar can be very tricky
THE BROKER The Eurodollar trade we suggested 2 days ago was successful. If u scalped it as we suggest you could have taken profits today. The sugar trade is in the negative but if u bought call options 3 months out you stil have plenty of time for the trade to work. Sugar can be very tricky
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The Broker: Sugar and The Eurodollar
As we suggested yesterday today was a good day to buy sugar calls and eurodollar puts. It was a down day for sugar which is good since it was cheaper to buy. The eurodollar was up which was also good since we suggested buying puts which makes them cheaper. If you entered the trade with in the money options that expire in 90 days then you have plenty of time for the trade to pay off.
The One Thing Wagoner Left Out of The Aid Package Request
Gm's management said it was willing to make changes and scraifices to get a bailout from the government. But they left out the one really important factor that should be used in deciding their bailout request. Cutting excutive compensation or weak models means very little. Gm's executives have been unable to make hit cars. Cars that people want and will pay top dollar for. The question is has that changed? The answer is there is no evidence at all that Gm has any big hits in the pipeline or has any clue on what to do to change that. Therefore Gm must be allowed to go bankrupt and then be bought buy the government and nationalized. Then the company can be brought back to life with a new management team and ample financing to make this important comeback.
Giving Gm's present management team any money now is a waste of money.
Giving Gm's present management team any money now is a waste of money.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The Right Trade:The Broker
There is a good scalping opportunity in Sugar on the long side. Tommorrow would be a good day to enter the trade. Buy in the money calls 3 months out or futures if you can handle the bigger risk factor. Remember its a short term trade and take profits quickely. This trade has a good proablitiy of working.
Another trade is shorting the eurodollar. It has way more risk then Sugar and is a long shot. Again scalp it. Buy in the money put options tommorrow 3 months out and take profits quickly
A couple of days ago I said the stock market was about to rally. The next day Bloomberg had an article saying Lazlo Birinyi said the market had bottomed. He is one of the top technical analists in the world and he thinks the worst is over. I think the market wants to go up but its waiting for more news. Unless the automobile companies are resturctured correctly(nationalized)the market may not go anywhere but down.
Another trade is shorting the eurodollar. It has way more risk then Sugar and is a long shot. Again scalp it. Buy in the money put options tommorrow 3 months out and take profits quickly
A couple of days ago I said the stock market was about to rally. The next day Bloomberg had an article saying Lazlo Birinyi said the market had bottomed. He is one of the top technical analists in the world and he thinks the worst is over. I think the market wants to go up but its waiting for more news. Unless the automobile companies are resturctured correctly(nationalized)the market may not go anywhere but down.
The Year 2000:Gore vs. Bush----Why Did So Many Pick The Boobytrap
Although most voters picked Gore in 2000 and if there was a real democracy in the U.S. Gore would be president now but one has to wonder why so many picked the wrong door and voted for Bush. What did Bush say that attracted to many voters? He basically has ruined the country. He is crying about now about it. Thats a laugh. We the American people should be crying. We are the ones stuck with the bill. We will have a lower standard of living and have to work longer and harder to earn a living. Its called the Bush Effect. Gore was a sitting Vice-President who had done a good job and was very knowledgable about the issues. And here comes this yokel right out of Hee Haw and the next you know he is President. It was scary then and now that its over with the aftermath of the Bush administraion is even more frightening. Needless to say if Bush hadnt become president we wouldnt be in this mess.
Bush unfairly and needlessly unleashed the massive fire power of the American military against a country who didnt deserve it. Bush is crying about it now but its the Iraqi and American people who will be paying the bill for this horrible mistake for many years to come. And when Bush's term as president is over with he will go back to his ranch and play with his dogs.
Bush unfairly and needlessly unleashed the massive fire power of the American military against a country who didnt deserve it. Bush is crying about it now but its the Iraqi and American people who will be paying the bill for this horrible mistake for many years to come. And when Bush's term as president is over with he will go back to his ranch and play with his dogs.