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Monday, December 15, 2008


Gm's public relations department is working overtime to present Gm's management as nice guys who may have made some bad choices but deserve a break since they are victims of events that were beyond their control. But is that really accurate or true? Well it was Wagoner who ordered all of Gm's parts suppliers to leave the U.S. and open factories in China,which is the primary cause of our economic problems. The loss of high paying manufacturing jobs left the U.S with minium wage jobs. People dont make enough to pay their bills.
Gm in recent years gave China missile techology it shoudnt have because it endangers U.S. national security. Very Patrotic!!!! In the first Gulf War Gm was one of Iraq"s main arms suppliers. Gm destroyed the city of Detroit because it was built around mass tranist. And they took billions from the cities treasury to serve their own spedcial interests. Detroit built Gm a factory in the city called the Pole Town plant. Herbert Macfadden was a city counselman who opposed giving Gm any tax breaks since the plant was costing the city hundred's of millions of dollars. Needless to say Mr. Macfadden was not reelected and Gm destroyed his poltical carreer. He died a broken man. Yup the bureaucrates who run Gm are just a bunch of nice guys who deserve a break.
Gm is one of the pillers of the American economy and it must be fixed. The company must be immediatly nationalized and the old management thrown out the door. Wagoner was intellecatually lazy and made bad decisions. Putting all of the companies efforts into the Suv market was stupid. He fucked up and now he should leave. It wasnt the Uaw who made that descion it was Wagoner