Crude Oil Prices May Go Higher
The Crude Oil trade we recommended last week on the long side looks like it could be profitable after a rough start. Crude was at $45 a barrel when the trade was recomended. Its now around $40 but could go much higher maybe even to $50 which means the in the money options we recomended would return a pretty good profit. I think the market wanted to go up because crude stocks were very low before the current mideast problems.
THE BOOK When is a book going to be written about the role Ahmed Chalabi played in the United States attacking Iraq. If there is a free press why hasnt the book been written.. Bob Woodward's book about Iraq is a waste because its premise is false. The United States never won anything on the battlefield. Any improvement in the war if there was any came because Iran pulled back not because it was afraid of the U.S.but because Bush promised not to attack their nucular bomb making facilities.
THE BOOK When is a book going to be written about the role Ahmed Chalabi played in the United States attacking Iraq. If there is a free press why hasnt the book been written.. Bob Woodward's book about Iraq is a waste because its premise is false. The United States never won anything on the battlefield. Any improvement in the war if there was any came because Iran pulled back not because it was afraid of the U.S.but because Bush promised not to attack their nucular bomb making facilities.
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