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Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Automobile Bailout Is It Really Designed To Save Gm

Carl Levin's auto bailout legislation was created in mind with saving the Gm bureaucracy from extinction rather than giving a life line to Gm. Wagoner will still be chairman and the jobs of all the bureaucrates at Gm will still exist if this bailout package goes thru. Levin's legistalion if it was created to save Gm would have forced Wagoner out instead of saving him. Leaving Wagoner in there is like having cancer surgery and leaving the malgnent tumour left to grow. Wagoner's bad leadership is the cause of many of Gm's problems and therefore should be removed. Its the only way the company can be fixed. What Levin is doing basically is the same thing that just happened in Illinois. Levin is selling the power of his office to help Gm's management. Saving Wagoner is not merited. And saving Wagoner wont save Gm but will waste a whole lot lof tax payer money. Its only being done because Michigan is a democracy and Levin needs Wagoners support to to keep his of job. In a democracy one hand washes the other. If things arent fixed soon people will look else where. Unfortunatly that may mean other types of government . Possibly even at a military dictorship. For a bailout to happen and be successful Wagoner must leave!!!
THE BROKER. Sugar turned around and became a profitable trade. It took about a week for the trade to work. We waited to long for gold. We didnt pull the triger fast enough. But as we said 4 0 5 days ago it was begining to look like a good trade