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Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Financial Bailout Hit Everything But The Target

TRILLIONS NOT BILLIONS NOW HAS BEEN POURED INTO THE FINANCIAL BAILOUT AND VERY LITTLE HAS CHANGED. The automobile industry which should have been the target of the bailout has received nothing and not a thing has been done about restructing it. The United States needs a healthy auto industry if we are going to climb out of this mess. In Gm 's and Chrysler's case they should be immediatley nationalized. The management and stockholders especially in Gm's case should not benefit in anyway from a government takeover even if Gm is forced into bankruptcy. They are the cause of Gm's problems with bad management decisions and pour supervision. The Japanese say any government assistantence for the automakers is unfair. How hypocritical. When the Japanese auto industry was in its infancy it was under the financial supervision of their government. The American auto industry after being the leaders are now back to being helpless infants in need of the same kind ofgovernment help the Japanese automakes received from their government. What makes the Japanese so dangerous is that they are now in a position to influence American domestic policy. You see they are now the biggest and most powerful automakers in the United States which means they are able to buy poltical influence and force a domestic agenda that is tilted towards them. What they couldnt win in World WarII they have now achieved because of Rick Wagoner. We could become an economic colony of Japan. That is why its so important to revive and rescue the American automobile industry or suffer a disasters fate. Bernacke and Paulson are dangerous. They throw money at there banker friends like it was candy with little results and our key industry our life line is left to rot. That is bad policy.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Giving Any Money To Gm's Current Management Is Wasting It

Gm's management has very successfully taken one of the pillars of the American economy and trashed it. Congress may now be mistakenly giving them billions of tax payer dollars to prop them up. Gm's fate with its present management team headed by Ric Wagoner(the dumbest thing to ever run an auto company)is sealed. They are going bankrupt. Sen. Carlo Levine(a dago fruit peddler)at least that the hair dew he wears is pushing for this aid package for Gm. Gm's management is a big contributor to his campaigns. Remember Michigan is a democracy. A democracy run by the mafia and the automobile companies. Gm's eletric car the Volt if it works and that isnt a sure thing will be coming onto the market during a time of falling oil prices. Wagoner that dumb putz should have it had ready when gas prices were going up not down. He didnt do this because he is a putz and a bad Chairmen. It really is a horrable waste of taxpayer money to give Gm any money at this point. Its only because of weak politicans like Sen.Carlo Levine that it could happen. It weakens our country and economy. There is no hope for Gm with Wagoner as chairmen
Ford should be treated differently than Gm. Ford's management has made a lot of good decesions and a lot of progress in turning the company around. Giving them money is proably a good investment that has a good chance of paying off. Giving money to the automobile companies should be done on a case by case basis. One size dosent fit all.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Preporation R May Not Have Passed In Los Angeles

They are still counting the votes. The election was over a month ago but the outcome for Preporation R is still unkown. Preporation R would raise the sale tax a a half of cent which would be used to fund various mass transit projects in Los Angeles.
These projects arent really well thought out. The red line in Los Angeles just opened a few years ago and its already to small. The projects should be built based on projections on what Los Angeles population will be in 50 or 60 years. Those projections were not factored into Preporation R and that is a major reason why everyone needs to go back to the drawing board and start over.
Also a recent editorial in the Los Angeles Times revealed that Zev Yaroslavsky and Henry Waxman's Beverly Hills consiturents did preassure them to in fact block a Wilshire subway to the sea to keep minorites out of Beverly Hills. But the editorial said Beverly Hills now sees the light and wants and needs the subway. Beverly Hills inconvienced the whole city for 30 years by blocking the project but now that heavy traffic jams are inconviencing them they now want the subway. Fine but there must be a project that is well planned or it wont solve the problems its supposed to. Proposition R isnt the awnswer. Roger Snoble who would be overseeing the project spends money like water especially went its public money. He just pissed away 80 million dollars on an unworkable project at the Mta. NO wonder the busses are always broke or late. Los Angeles has waited 30 years for a good mass transit project and a few more years to do the job right wont make that much of a difference

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Broker

Anyone who entered the swiss frank and corn trades when i first suggested could have existed those trades today with a profit.
SAVING THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY Its the only way to rescue the enomomy. It must be nationalized. The Obama camp is giving signals that is unlikely to happen. So it dosent look good for the auto industry right now or the long term future for the economy. Present management of the auto companies must be forced out. Private ownership just hasnt worked. There will be dire consequneces for the United States if the automobile industry isnt rescured quickley.
A COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR If more and more banks go under and are bailed out by the government the american dollar will collapse. Bailing out people that dont deserve it is bad policy. Bailing out banks like Citicorp is wasting money

Sunday, November 23, 2008

When The Shit Really Hits The Fan

WHEN THE FED DOSENT HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY DEPOSITERS THE $100,000 insurance on their savings. If enough banks go under that could happen. Saudi Arabia our close ally and friend is holding tens of trillions of american dollars. Woundnt it be nice if they gave us 2 or 3 of those trillions for the sake of friendship. After all if the U.S. is forced to default on its debt obligations all those American dollars the Saudis are holding would become worthless.
Can he get the industry going again? If his plan is heavily slanted towards management it will fail. Gm's management must be removed.
THE BROKER We recommended two positions last week The Swiss Frank and Corn both on the Long side. The Swiss government in a surprize move lowered interest rates which is bad news for bulls. But I still believe its a good trade and traders who followed my advice will be able to scalp it. Corn those that bought it on Friday as I suggested had a chance to pay 25cents less then on Thursday. Its a good trade hang onto it

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gm's Fate Is Sealed

GM WILL GO BANKRUPT Which is a good thing. Once Gm is bankrupt then a real rescue package can be formulated with plenty of government help. Mitt Romeny and a lot of other people with an automative bankground have said that is the best corse for Gm. The American automobile industry is basically back to being entry level companies just like Hundi,Yugo and the Japense Companies whey they first entered the U.S. market. The Japanese Auto Companies in the begining were an extension of the government. They were funded and run by the Japanese government. Something like that can and should be done with the American Auto companies especiallly Gm which desperatly needs new management. All of the American companies are where they are today simply because of BAD MANAGEMENT. The American government unfortunately is simply to lazy to do what has to be done and that is a take over of these companies. Romeny would be a good Automotive Czar because of his family background and the fact that he made his fortune building and rebuilding businesses. The downside with Romeny is he places way to much blame on the cost of American labor for the industries problems which I dont think has anything to do with their current problemls. GIVING GM MONEY WITHOUT A CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT IS THROWING MONEY AWAY.
GENTLE BEN Citicorp caused there own problems and now Gentle Ben wants to give them more welfare money . A complete waste that wont help them or the economy. Bernacke isnt tough enough for this job. Being Fed Chairmen is like being the principle of a reform school. Bernacke isnt a tough enough disiplinarian. Greenspan in his prime would have beaten the shit out of these Wall Street hoodlums. What we need is a tough law and order Fed Chairmen like Greenspan.
OBAMA IS MAKING GOOD APPOINTMENTS He is off to a good start. Hillory Clinton was a wise choice for Sec.of State She is a very bright woman

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Right Trade:Corn

CORN looks like a profitable trade on the long side. Entering the trade tommorrow with in the money options that expire in 3 months will give u plenty of time to take a profit. Again this scalping so when there is a profit take it. The Swiss Frank which I suggested on the long side two days ago still looks promising. Again take the profit when the opportunity arises.

Romenys Editorial In The New York Times Dosent Go Far Enough

REBUILDING THE AMERICAN ECONOMY STARTS WITH REBUILDING THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY The only way to do this is to Nationalize it. If this isnt done Americans will lose the highest standard of living in world. Good paying manufacturing jobs made the United States the most powerful economey in the world. Romeny says high labor costs besides bad management ruined the industry. Well Germany's auto industry labor costs are even higher than the U.S. and they make plenty of money. Why? Because companies like Bmw and Mercedes make cars that have pricing power. They make a product where they tell the market what the price is. The Little Three are usually forced to cut prices down to where the consumer will buy it. Detroit with high labor costs can't be profitable like that. Yugo or other entry level automakers sell cheap just to get entrance into the american market.Their cheap labor costs are the only they thing they have to offer so they made a cheap car. It was stupid for Gm to compete like that. Romeny also said new automotive leadership should come from outside the industry. Thats ridiculous. That has been tried in Gm and it didnt work. Being chairmen of an auto company is picking and developing hit cars. A stranger to the industry wont have the experience to feel what the market is looking for.
Gerald Greenwald it the father of the SUV. When Chrysler bought American Motors no one understood why. American Motors was an obsolete company with dinosour cars. Why pay a billion dollars for a company like that? But that is what Greenwald forced Chrysler to do. And at the time there was a lot disention in the company over that decision. Many in the company like Harold Sperling a top executive thought Chrylser should spend its money on improving its car line-up. Which made a lot of sense to most analyists. Lee Iaccoia sided with Greenwald only because they were friends and Greenwald left a good job at Fords to help Iaccoia rebuild Chrylsers. The rest is automotive history. Greenwald took Amc's Jeep Technology and created the modern Suv. And Chryler being ahead of everyone else was able to set the price. And consumers paid it. It took a lot of knowledge and experience to develop a product like that. The kind of knowledge and experience you can only get by growing up in the industry.
The industry must be nationalized quickley and its leaders should come from the automotive industry.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rupport Murdock and His Hidden Secret:As Promised

Its a well known fact that Rupports father was Sir Keith Murdock an Austrilain journlist and publisher. And that his grandfather was a minister. However there hasnt been a lot published about his mother's background. That is because she was an orthodox Jew possably of Irish extraction. There certainly is nothing wrong with that but Rupport thinks there is and that is why he has gone thru great efforts to conceal it. Yes while his father brought his kelt to the honeymoon it was his mother who brought the gafeltafish to the wedding.
Rupport is a despicable person. It was his media empire that sold the Iraq War to the American people. Rupport is also a Saudi collabotor. And uses his media empire to help them in there efforts to dominate our economy and country. Rupport should be stripped of his media empire.
THE BAILOUT PACKAGE IS A LOSER. Paulson even knows that now. The conservative Republican were right in resisting it.
BERNACKE A weak Fed Chairmen who gave handouts to people that didnt deserve it. Greenspan in his prime never would have bailed those people out.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Scalping the Swiss Frank

TRADING THE CURRANCY MARKETS The Swiss Frank I believe could be a very profitable trade on the long side. I recommend scalping it for a point or half a point. At $10 a tick that is a nice profit. Tommorrow I believe would be a good time to enter the trade. Within 2 or 3 weeks or less the trade should work. I cant give advise on wether to use options or futures. That is left to your own trading experince
THE SECRET RURPERT MURDOCK HAS CONCEALED We will reveal it this weak after we attempt to blackmail him
BAILING OUT THE GM Of course its necessary. Gm must be aided but not its management or stockholders who are responable for the Gm mess. Gm must be allowed to go bankrupt so it can be reborn bigger and beter than ever.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Crumbling American Economy:Whats Next?

WHAT THE GOVERNMENT CAN DO RIGHT NOW! The Fed must stop feeding money to the banks. Its wasted money. If the bankers where smart enough and greedy enough to get into this mess then Iam sure there smart enough to get out of this by themselves. After all their the orginal preachers of self reliance. Now let them practice what they preach. I grew up watching old World War ll movies especially the ones where a submarine was torepedo and started taking in water. Instantously you would hear the clanging of large metal doors being shut to close off the area where the sub was hit to keep the water out of the rest of the sub. Sometimes there were straglers who didnt get out fast enough. And you would see someone banging on the doors screaming my buddy is in there open it up. And the captain would walk up to the guy and say hey tough shitsky if we open up the doors the whold ship will get flooded and we will all go down. The banks must be cordoned off from the rest of the ecnomoy until they find a solution to their problems. The Fed can assume their role and loan money to busineses until this thing is over with. So far the bankers have swallowed a big part of the bailout money and the credit markets are still froze.
Reed's plan for saving the industry is for the birds. Its very favorable to Gm's management which really caused Gm's downfall. The industry must be nationalized. If Gm was allowed to go bankrupt and the government steped in afterwards and assumed all of Gm's liabilities there wouldnt be any disruptions or hardship. Everyone would be protected and then the proper management could take-over and rebuild the company.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What Could Have Prevented Kirk Kerkorian,Sumner Redstone and Other Big Investors From Losing There Shirt

THEY SHOULD HAVE READ THE DETROIT TIMES AND PAID ATTENTION TO THE ADVICE In March of 2008 The Detroit Times predicted there would be a rally. In early April the market was still trading side ways and a rally hadnt started yet. Towards the end of April the rally started and The Times said its a bear market ralley. Many anaylists where predicting a continuation of the bull market when the rally started. The Times also said in March or April that the way to make money in gold was by selling it. Check the archives and see for your self. Had the big investors heeded our advice they would have gotten out of the market and saved their fortunes.
THE GOVERNMENT AID PACKAGE FOR THE LITTLE 3(AUTOMAKERS) Giving money especially to Gm without a change in management is burning it. Its subsidizing bad management and wont help the company in the long run. The industry should be nationlized. The government needs to find 3 Lee Iccoca's to run it. The products the automakers are making today dont have pricing power. Make cars that people want and nobody else has and the world is your oyster.
THE BAILOUT PACKAGE IS A WASTE AND A DUD The credit markets are still frozen and a third of the money is gone. The government should forget about the banks and use the money to rebuild our manufacturing base. Just as we said from the very begining.
GEORGE BUSH WAS A BAD PRESIDENT MAYBE THE WORST EVER But it was the American people who voted for him. Yes he lost in 2000 but it was a close race. We will be feeling the fallout from Bush's presidency for a long time
THE STOCK MARKETS EXTREME VIOLITITY ISNT A GOOD SIGN It proably means the worst has yet to come
The WEATHER The sun is shing its a nice day and there is always tommorrow

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Most Investors Lose

INVESTING TO A LARGE EXTENT IS RISK MANAGEMENT Recently a man 51, who had conned investors out of tens of millions of dollars was sent to prison for proably the rest of his life. One of the investors he conned was an ederly man who lost his entire life savings of $150,000. The elderly man told the con man that all hell would break lose if he was being cheated. Do you really think the con man was concerned about the threats?
Instead of threatening the con man the older man should have done a little research. The con man had prior convictions that could have been found on the internet. The con man was recmonded to him by one of his church members who told him he was a good Christen. The return on the investment was a guarteed 9%. So even with out doing any research he should have suspected something was wrong. There is no such thing as a gurannteed investment. When the word guranteed is used to describe an investment its almost always synomous with fraud. The biggest mistake the old man made wasnt investing in the con man's scheme but putting all his money,his lifesavings into the scheme. The old man got greedy and that is what tripped him up. IF he had invested 5 or ten thousand dollars and the investment went bad it wouldnt have been a big deal. Most investments are going to fail. So investor must spread the risk among other types of investments. One of them could be the next Microsoft or the next Homestake Goldmine. That is how u make money without losing your shirt.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

George Bush Was Right Once

THROWING GOOD MONEY AFTER BAD IS A LOSING PROPOSITION Giving Gm money with its present management in place is like burning it. Harry Reid said Gm was deserving of bailout money because its management said they were sorry and wont do it again. They have run America's biggest car company into the ground with bad decesion after bad descion. If Rick Wagoner gets any government money something is terrably wrong. Bush was right in not giving them anything.
SPRING TRAINING FOR OBAMA When I was growing up in Detroit every spring the Tigers were hyped as pennant contenders if not World Series Champions by Detroits sportscastors. Then once the season started the Tigers soon slid into the usual 5th place. Right now Obama is being hyped as the next Franklin Roosevelt or Abraham Lincloln. Let see what happens once the season starts.
THE BAILOUT ISNT EVEN A MONTH OLD AND ITS IN TROUBLE What happens when the money is gone and the fiancial system is still froze. START PADDLING UP THE CREEK What the GOVERNMENT should do is wait for the shit to settle on the bottom. And then aid the ecnomoy. Remeber Depressions and Recessions get rid of the shit. A lot of excutives made a lot of bad mistakes and a Depression as painful as it is will get rid of them
TOMMORROW How to make money in bad markets and later in the week the unmasking of the man who sold the Iraq War to America Lestor Murdock

Monday, November 10, 2008

Oh Argentina

THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY THOSE THAT ARE BROKE AND THOSE THAT SOON WILL BE BROKE Could the American dollar collapse and the country go broke as happened in Argentina a few years back? The answer to that question is absolutly. The U.S. has been the biggest debtor nation in the world for years. Argentina also had been a large debtor country before going under financially.
When Dutch Regan first took office in 1980 the U.S. was the biggest creditor nation in the world. When Dutch left office 8 years latter the U.S. was on its way to permantly becoming a nation whose debt was much bigger than the amount it was owed. Dutch in 8 years quadipled the national debt.
The main solution for getting out of this fiancial mess is for the U.S. to become a producer again instead of simply consuming what other counties produce. Nationalizing the automobile industry is a good place to start. The government should buy Chrylser. Chrylser has no place else to go since they are very close to going under like G.m and the government could buy it right. Then assume its debt and obligations. And pick the right management team to run it.
Gm must go bankrupt. The stockholders and board of directors must be held accountable for the negliagence they showed in letting the company fail the way it has. Ford has shown that they could stay in business with loan gurantees. Things must start happening quickley or Argentina isnt to far off.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Necessary Step for Saving The Automobile Industry

The Democrates appear to be sincere in wanting to save the industry. But they arent going far enough. Their plan is like giving cough drops to a man on his death bed.
The industry must be nationalized and new management brought in. Giving Rick Wagoner a dime is a dime to much. He would only squander it. He was the one who managed Gm into the ground. If he stays how is that going to help Gm?
Ford has made progress. Their quality is equal now to any Japenese car. Maybe giving them money might ge a good investment.
Chrysler the government must be prepared to buy and run.Private ownership just hasnt worked in the automobile industry and the government should own and at least be able to monitor its progress

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Who Is Lester Rupport Murdock/FInd Out Next Week/You Will Be Shocked As The Real Lester Rupport Murdock Is UnMasked

Next week we talk about trading and investing. What to do with your money in tough economic times. The Detroit Times will also analize what the Democrates are proposing to do to get the economy going again. Have a good week!!!!!

Is a Mayoral Election Really Necessary In Los Angeles

THE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS HAVE ALREADY MADE THE VOTERS DECESION FOR THEM. And they have picked THE LOVE MACHINE ANTOINIO VEE to continue in his role as their puppet on a string.
Rick Caruso who was the only hope of dumping proably the worst mayor in 50years just issued a statement saying he wouldnt be running for mayor because of his family,which means someone with a lot power in Los Angeles polititcs got to him and told him not to run.
The big real estate developers have set Antoinio Vee up for another 4 years so why even hold elections. The cities pension fun is proably in shambles because the real estate developers raided it with ANTOINIO VEE'S help and put the money in empty downtown buildings. The Los Angeles Times owned by Sam(Curly)Zell an honorary member of the hair club for men wont write about the condition of the cities pension fund because he is a real estate developer.
So why waste what little money the state and city have on elections that have already been determined.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Selling 101:The Lesson John MaCain Forgot

WHAT IS THE FIRST THING EVERY SALESMAN IS TAUGHT? People want to know one thing. What is in it for NO.1. A good salesmen knows that you always talk about what the customer wants to talk about . Unfortunatly John Macain talked about what he was interested in instead of what the voters were interested in.
In order to pay taxes what do you have to do first. Make money!!!! And not to many people are making money in this economy. MaCain underestimated the trouble the eonomy was in and how concerned the voters where over this subject.
If MaCain had picked Romeny for his Vice President as The Detroit Times first suggested and sold his team as job and business creators he would have won.
What was the central issue or theme of MaCain's campaign? I dont know if there was one. And that may have been his biggest problem. I still believe he would have made a good president.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Markets Are Going To Fall UNTILL

There must be a practicle,workable plan to nationlize and rescue the American automoboile industry or the stock market is going to continue to trend down. Paulson's plan isnt going to save the economy in itself.
If a good practical plan isnt forthcoming soon for the automobile industry there will be an economic castophe. The time to act is now

Banker Logic

BANKERS DONT THINK LIKE BANKERS WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR OWN FIANCING. The banks in the government bailout program are soon going to receive 230billion or so dollars to unfrezze the credit markets. But they are going to give $120 billion in bonuses to their top excutives.
In their defense they said they werent going to use the bailout money to pay the bonuses. That will come from their profits.
That is like saying they arent going to drink from the full well that the government gave them. Instead they will do there drinking from the old dry well. How do u drink from a dry well? You cant. How could the banks get the money to pay excutive bonuses without the governments bailout money? They couldnt. They would be bankrupt without the bailout money.
The next time you try geting a loan use banker logic on them. They will proably throw you out the door.
Lets see what Henry Waxman does to the bankers when they appear before him in Congress and use the same logic.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama's First Test May Be His Most Important One

AMERICA NEEDS JOBS! GOOD PAYING JOBS!! Obama's handling of the collapse of the American automobile industry will define his Presidency for a long time. The automobile industry must be revived to get the economy going again. The question is how? Obama can just throw money at the industry and hope it sticks. But that would just be just rewarding bad managers who are really the blame for the industries demise.
The other option and the best one so far is to nationalize the industry and make the type of committment to it that no matter what this industry is coming back bigger than ever. Private ownership of the industry just hasnt worked because of reasons THE DETROIT TIMES has already discussed in previous issues. The 3 American automobile companies really belong to the United States because of there importance to the economy , the money the government has already given them in previous years and the good paying jobs they provide. This country cant afford to lose this industry to our foreign competitors. And what Obama does or dosent do to get it going again will forever mark his Presidency.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama Will He Lead or Be Led

BIG MONEY OWNS OBAMA BIG TIME! And he is got a lot of Iou's he is going to have pay off to the power brokers who backed him. THE MONEY DONT VOTE BUT IT SURE AS HELL TELLS THE PEOPLE HOW TO VOTE. NO Oprah (Miss Phat Ass) isnt the big money behind Obama. The Crown Family(General Dynamics, Wall Street and Big oil put Obama into office. And now its pay back time. Obama will be led by his backers. He wont be leading them.
Look foward to a buiding spree of Nucular power plants,a continuation of the Iraq war and the economy worsensing under a Dr.Obama Presidency. What Obama has proposed to fix the econmy is meaningless. Michigan and Indiana have been giving and offering tax breaks to rich coporations for years with little results. Dr.Obama's presidency will be a weak one.
An autobiography that I strongly recommend is Paul Hornung's book GOLDENBOY. What makes it interesting and fun is that he weaves the strory of his life in with what pro football was like in the late 50's and early 1960's which was a facinating period.
Tony Curtis had a great career and an interesting facinating life yet his new autobiography is as interesting as apple sauce. Tony what happened to you? You can do better than that . Rewrite it because it is boring and dull and it shouldnt be.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Good or Bad: George Bush's Presidency

WHAT KIND OF PRESIDENT WAS GEORGE BUSH? Big Oil,Wall Street Bankers,the denfense industry,and Saudi Arabia gave George Bush the money to run for president as they are now doing for Dr.Obama. And Bush did a superb job for them. Bush made a ton of money for all them. His presidency kept oil prices high and helped defense contractors make a ton during the Iraq War. Wall Street bankers made a killing thru his lax oversight of their industry and is now helping them keep it inspite of the housing collapse. Saudi Arabia got rid of their worst enemy thanks to the Iraq war. Yes they bombed Nyc during Bushes prsidency. So what the fuck. Shit happens. And Bush kept his cool and never tried to get even. What fucken character.
However those that voted for Bush were totally screwed. Take Potlicker Hoffa and The Brother Hood of Teamsters who gave Bush money and votes and then were totally fucked over but good. The Teamster vote in some states helped Bush win those states in both 2000 and 2004. Bush rewareded their support by allowing Mexican truck divers to come into the U.S. and take jobs away from American truck drivers.
The country as a whole will be hurt for many years to come by Bush(Ted Bundy Eyes)Presidency. For most Americans Bush's legacy is a bad one that is going to hurt for a long time to come

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Obama's Yellow Brick Road and MaCains Climb To Mt.Everst

The challenge for the Presidency is a much easier journey for Obama than it is for MaCain. Obama can make mistake after mistake and he has made some very big ones while MaCain has had to run a perfect campaign with no mistakes in his quest for the presidency.
The American press while not enterely owned by Saudi Arabia but certainly influenced by them overwelmingly favors Obama. The media has covered up Obama's mistakes in foreign policy and his dumb solutions for geting out of the financial mess this country is currently in. Time Magazine owned by Saudi investors in one article made MaCain the spoiled tempermental 2 year old while Obama was the mature kind 6 year old. Ridiculous journlism? Yes but that is the type of shit that Time Magazine writes about.
Saudi Arabia will again influence our elections. They helped get George Bush elected after giving billions to his family in tips and graduities and now they are doing they are helping Obama get elected. And the American people the class A suckers that they are falling for it again. That is to bad. America is a great country and dosent deserve what is happening to it. But as the old proverb goes,"If somebody wants to go to hell there isnt really much u can do to stop them."

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Can Engine Charlie Wilson Save The Economy

It was almost 60 years ago when Engine Charlie Wilson a Gm excutive said,"Whats good for Gm is good for America. Gm today is a company on the brink of going over a cliff. And the United States is very close behind.
The Federal Reserve so far has done a lot of money shifting that has had little effect on stopping the slide. Some experts think the steps the Fed has taken has actually greased the slide and made this downfall worse.
Economist on Cbs market watch predicted in two years we will have an economic catosphery because of what the Fed is doing.
In order to prevent this from happening the government must nationalize the American automobile industry immediatly and bring it back to life. There must be someone out of 200 million people in this country with Lee Iccoa's talent who could run the big 3 or an automobile company. With that said Gm should be allowed to go bankrupt.
How would that be good for Gm and America? It would get rid of the shit. The excutives and stock holders who put Gm where it is today. Going out of business. The government could honor all of Gm's debt and obligation thus preventing the economic damage that many have predicted by a Gm bankruptcy.
So far old Engine Charlie Wilson's statement has held the test of time and is looking pretty crediable. Gm and the American automobile must be saved or we all will go off the cliff together.