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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rupport Murdock and His Hidden Secret:As Promised

Its a well known fact that Rupports father was Sir Keith Murdock an Austrilain journlist and publisher. And that his grandfather was a minister. However there hasnt been a lot published about his mother's background. That is because she was an orthodox Jew possably of Irish extraction. There certainly is nothing wrong with that but Rupport thinks there is and that is why he has gone thru great efforts to conceal it. Yes while his father brought his kelt to the honeymoon it was his mother who brought the gafeltafish to the wedding.
Rupport is a despicable person. It was his media empire that sold the Iraq War to the American people. Rupport is also a Saudi collabotor. And uses his media empire to help them in there efforts to dominate our economy and country. Rupport should be stripped of his media empire.
THE BAILOUT PACKAGE IS A LOSER. Paulson even knows that now. The conservative Republican were right in resisting it.
BERNACKE A weak Fed Chairmen who gave handouts to people that didnt deserve it. Greenspan in his prime never would have bailed those people out.