Preporation R May Not Have Passed In Los Angeles
They are still counting the votes. The election was over a month ago but the outcome for Preporation R is still unkown. Preporation R would raise the sale tax a a half of cent which would be used to fund various mass transit projects in Los Angeles.
These projects arent really well thought out. The red line in Los Angeles just opened a few years ago and its already to small. The projects should be built based on projections on what Los Angeles population will be in 50 or 60 years. Those projections were not factored into Preporation R and that is a major reason why everyone needs to go back to the drawing board and start over.
Also a recent editorial in the Los Angeles Times revealed that Zev Yaroslavsky and Henry Waxman's Beverly Hills consiturents did preassure them to in fact block a Wilshire subway to the sea to keep minorites out of Beverly Hills. But the editorial said Beverly Hills now sees the light and wants and needs the subway. Beverly Hills inconvienced the whole city for 30 years by blocking the project but now that heavy traffic jams are inconviencing them they now want the subway. Fine but there must be a project that is well planned or it wont solve the problems its supposed to. Proposition R isnt the awnswer. Roger Snoble who would be overseeing the project spends money like water especially went its public money. He just pissed away 80 million dollars on an unworkable project at the Mta. NO wonder the busses are always broke or late. Los Angeles has waited 30 years for a good mass transit project and a few more years to do the job right wont make that much of a difference
These projects arent really well thought out. The red line in Los Angeles just opened a few years ago and its already to small. The projects should be built based on projections on what Los Angeles population will be in 50 or 60 years. Those projections were not factored into Preporation R and that is a major reason why everyone needs to go back to the drawing board and start over.
Also a recent editorial in the Los Angeles Times revealed that Zev Yaroslavsky and Henry Waxman's Beverly Hills consiturents did preassure them to in fact block a Wilshire subway to the sea to keep minorites out of Beverly Hills. But the editorial said Beverly Hills now sees the light and wants and needs the subway. Beverly Hills inconvienced the whole city for 30 years by blocking the project but now that heavy traffic jams are inconviencing them they now want the subway. Fine but there must be a project that is well planned or it wont solve the problems its supposed to. Proposition R isnt the awnswer. Roger Snoble who would be overseeing the project spends money like water especially went its public money. He just pissed away 80 million dollars on an unworkable project at the Mta. NO wonder the busses are always broke or late. Los Angeles has waited 30 years for a good mass transit project and a few more years to do the job right wont make that much of a difference
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