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Monday, February 25, 2008

What is Nafta

Nafta was created because General Motors and the oil companies didnt want to pay tarriffs on goods coming into the United States from Mexico. Gm wanted to build cars and parts in Mexico and bring them back into the United States without paying the normal taxes. Bill Clinton and congress under tredmondous preassue form Gm and the oil companies approved Nafta. However the big push or emphaiss to move jobs and industries out of the United States started under the Dutch Regan admiminstration and reached full speed under George Bush the elder and George Bush the pisscher. The vast majority of the jobs and industries lost overseas occured during both Bushes administration. Yes Nafat was approved during Bill Clinton's administrion but he never pushed it and the economy was healthy and strong while he was president. If Obama becomes president busnesses and industries will continue this mass exdus. His soltutions to fix the problem are Republican solutions and will only increase business leaving the United States and Americans losing more jobs.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Obama's Weak Response To The Loss of American Jobs

The cause of the housing crisis and the weak economy is the fact Americans dont make enough money. What is the cause of that. The big corporations have shippled high paying jobs once held by Americans overseas, while the american government subsidized it. Obama's solution is to give tax breaks to those businesses that stay. That is a Republican soltion that has been tried and failed. Hillory Clinton must take the offensive and use that issue as her main theme. And just keep hitting Obama with it. Obama is a Republican running as a Democrate. If anyone wants to reach me just leave a message here and i will call you

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Its Not Over Until Its Over

Hillory Clinton's nomination will be assured if she wins Pennsylvania,Texas and Ohio. Currently most polls show her leading in all 3 states. Obama's Republican bias showed up in his solution for keeping businesses in America which is turning out to be the key issue in the campaign. The sub prime mess and the recession the country is heading into are all key symptons of America's loss of ith industrial base. How to rebuid the economy and restore that base is or should be the overriding issure of the primary elections. Obama's solution is as Republican as you can get. He says giving tax breaks to businesses who stay in the United States will solve the problem. The only thing that will do is subsidize bad management and do nothing to stop manufacturing from leaving the country. Michigan has been giving tax breaks and building factories for business that where supposed to stay there for years. The result is Michigan is a basketcase today. Many of the businesses receiving welfare went broke or left any way. A real solution is needed that will rebuild our economy and keep high paying jobs in the U.S. If that happened the sub prime mess and lot the other economic problems facing the U.S. would magically go away. Hillory Clinton really is the best qualified candidate to make the United States ecomically competitive again

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Why Blacks Get Forgotton After Election Day

Black voters seem to have a bad memory when picking a candidate. That is why they are ususally forgotten after the election is over. Most voters are very fickle and immature in picking candidates and that is why this country is in so much trouble. People dont pick candidates based on whether they did a good job and really helped the country improve the humane condition. They vote for someone many times for poor or immature reasons. Did the black community do better under Ronald Regan or Bill Clinton? The answer is obvious. And yet now blacks are overwellmingly backing a Presidential candidate simply because his father was a black african. His mother is a white mid westerner of Irish decent. There isnt any defining issure that is causing this mass of support for Obama by the black community. Blacks are supporting him because he is half black. Never mind that Obama is the darling of big business like Ronald Regan and will be forced to back policies that futher chip away at the American standard of living. The big corportations want to continue ship american jobs overseas just like they did when Dutch Regan was president. And Obama will let them continue to do it. They are the ones paying for his Presidential campaign. How will this affect the economic power and growth of the black community? It will effect it the same way as in the white middle class community. VERY NEGATIVELY!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet blacks overwelminly support Obama even though he has done nothing for them and thinks Dutch Regan was a great president. Bill Clinton did a great deal to help blacks while he was president and now the vast majority of the black community has forgotten about all that. What this means for blacks is that polticians will go after their vote and forget or ingore them after the election since blacks ignore or forget the polticians who help them after the election is over. Blacks really do need to improve there memory and when it comes to voting. Hillory Clinton has done a lot for the black community.<<<<<<<<<< Hillory Clinton is way ahead in 3 of the four state needs to win. Pennsylvianis, Ohio, Wisconsin are states she has locked up. She enjoys a big lead. Texas she is ahead but its a closer race.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Does Obama Understand the issures

Hillory Clinton is still the likely winner of the Democratic nomination. She just needs to win Texas,Pennulvania and ohio and she has won the nomination. Three states she is likely to win. Voters really have to look at the problemes facing the United States and decide who can best solve them. Obama wants nucular energy as means of solving the energy crisis. A short time ago he said if he where presisdent he would bomb Pakistan. He thinks Dutch Reagan was a great president. Although Dutch shipped many of our jobs overseas which caused the housing collaspase. People dont make enough money to live on. Thanks to Dutch Reagan. Obama thinks he was a great

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Obama is a Republican in Sheeps Clothing

Obama wining the potlicker states wasnt unexpected after all he is backed by big businesses and the big corportations. That is why the news media slants stories that make Obama look good and Hilliary not good. This country is facing not a recession but a 1930's depression. Credit is the oxygen that feeds the economy and it has virtually dried up. Obama is an inexperienced plottician in running a country like the United States and dosent have the skill or experience to prevent the castrophey that is going to hit the American economy. The American people just got thru with having a dead head like George Bush running the government and it looks like they havent learned anything from that experience Bill Clinton was a great president who gave the average middle class person the best deal he has in a long time and cleaned up Dutch Reagan's mess. It would be tragic if the potlicker states ended up selecting The Democratic presidential nominee.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

CLINTON WON:The nomination is over with

Hillory Clinton has won the nomination. The money that supports the democratic party primiarly comes from the states that she won last week. The small potlicker states that Obama won basicly voted Republican in the last presidential election. That raises another question why is Obama doing better in traditional Republican states than Clinton while Clinton trounces Obama in states that usually vote Democratic? The anwer is Obama is backed by big special interests groups like the utiltiy companies that usually back Republican canadates. Obama is a big supporter of utility company proposals to build new nucular power plants. Obama will have a much easier time than Clinton raising big money among special interest groups that usually pay for the elections. He really is a Republican running as a Democratic and will be a sweet heart for big money special interest groups like George Bush and Ronald Regean. Most people that tradionally vote Democratic understand this and see whats happening. That is why Clinton won big in states that tradionally are blue states and lost in the little potlicker states that vote Republican in elections. If the little potlicker Republican states decide who the Democratic nominee will be an awful lot of people are going to be angry and may not support any candidate. Matt Drudges slanting of the news proably helped Hillory Clinton win big in California. I think some people who wouldnt have voted had they thought Clinton had a big lead went to the polls after they saw Druge report that the Zogbey poll showing Obama with a commanding lead in California. So kudos to Druge for helping the Democrates.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Why Obama is a bad choice of president

The economic crisis now griping the United States is more likely to worsen inspite of interest rate cuts and injections of money by the Fed. In the coming weeks the market will go down big time. Who is the better pick at handling this mess an inexperienced Obama who is backed by big special intersts groups like the utility companies who are pushing for nucluar power plants or the Clintons who cleaned up Ronalds Regans budget mess in the 1990's and turned the American economy into a power house. Bill Clinton was a great president and now is the time to remember that or we could end up living thru a 1930's depresssion. Obama's campaign is issue less because he is afraid it will become apparent he dosent understand the countries problems. He invokes Ronald Regans name in speaking about good presidents. Some one should explain to Obama that it was Regans preisdency that is the cause of our current economic problems. Dutch shipped our best jobs overseas. And Obama thinks he was a good president? Obama needs some learning and not on the job training as president