Obama is a Republican in Sheeps Clothing
Obama wining the potlicker states wasnt unexpected after all he is backed by big businesses and the big corportations. That is why the news media slants stories that make Obama look good and Hilliary not good. This country is facing not a recession but a 1930's depression. Credit is the oxygen that feeds the economy and it has virtually dried up. Obama is an inexperienced plottician in running a country like the United States and dosent have the skill or experience to prevent the castrophey that is going to hit the American economy. The American people just got thru with having a dead head like George Bush running the government and it looks like they havent learned anything from that experience Bill Clinton was a great president who gave the average middle class person the best deal he has in a long time and cleaned up Dutch Reagan's mess. It would be tragic if the potlicker states ended up selecting The Democratic presidential nominee.
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