Why Obama is a bad choice of president
The economic crisis now griping the United States is more likely to worsen inspite of interest rate cuts and injections of money by the Fed. In the coming weeks the market will go down big time. Who is the better pick at handling this mess an inexperienced Obama who is backed by big special intersts groups like the utility companies who are pushing for nucluar power plants or the Clintons who cleaned up Ronalds Regans budget mess in the 1990's and turned the American economy into a power house. Bill Clinton was a great president and now is the time to remember that or we could end up living thru a 1930's depresssion. Obama's campaign is issue less because he is afraid it will become apparent he dosent understand the countries problems. He invokes Ronald Regans name in speaking about good presidents. Some one should explain to Obama that it was Regans preisdency that is the cause of our current economic problems. Dutch shipped our best jobs overseas. And Obama thinks he was a good president? Obama needs some learning and not on the job training as president
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