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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Did Bush know Chalabi was an Iranian spy??????

A key and critical question remains unanswered. Did George Bush and George Tenet know Ahmed Chalabi's complete background? Ahmed Chalabi was an Iranian spy when he was providing key information about Iraq to the Bush administration. The information in most cases turned out to be false and untrue. It was a lie. The consequences of using information from an Iranian spy to wage a war are frightening and shows exteme neglegence. So did George Tenet and George Custer Bush have knowledge that Chalabi was a spy? This question must be answered. So far the major media outlets have backed off in pursing this question=====THE ECONOMY---- Marc Faber is right the world is in a bubble economy. However bubbles can last many years like this one has. Allan Greenspan deserves a lot credit for the economy not collapsing. Many economists years ago predicted record interest rates for the United States because of Dutch Regans tremondous budget deficits. The United States now has the lowest interest rates in decades inspite of the Republican budget deficits. This can be attributed to Greenspans stewardship of the economy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bush and Chalabi:An American president and Iranian spy

The information George Bush used to sell the Iraq war to the american people came from the gutter and Bush must have known that when he convinced the United States to go to war. The two main intellgence sources used for war information about Iraq came fron an Iraqi poltician Ahmed Chalabi and an informent used by German intelligence. Chalabi turned out to be an Iranian spy and the German government told Bush that its informant was totally unrelable and a liar. Based on this tainted intelligence the United States invaded Iraq. The question is did Bush actually believe what Chalabi was saying or did he use Chalabi's information to sell the war knowing it was untrue. In either case it makes George Bush look like a very impeachable president. This would be a good subject matter for an indepth magazine article. The very fact that an Iranian spy played such a key role in the United States invading Iraq is chilling. WE got rid one of Irans worst enemies without any cost to them. As a result Iran is now the super power in the middle east and will soon have nucular weapons without anyone to challenge them.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Parking Tickets in Los Angeles

If parking tickets are meant to severly punish motorists who make a mistake and park in the wrong space then a better way of doing it is tying them to a pick-up truck and dragging them across a field. That way for sure they wont forget to park in the wrong place again. The problem with that way of punishing motoritsts is that the Los Angeles city government wouldnt make any money doing that. Since there has to be a profit motive in it for the city which is controlled by the big real estate developers what they do is simply charge motorists enough to make them feel like they been tied to a pickup and draged across a field. Like that the city is able to make its profit and at the same time punish the motorist so they wont make that mistake again. Remember the city is balanciing its budget not on the backs of the real estate developers who caused the deficits but on the hides of poor smucks who just happened to park in the wrong in the spot. And if the city keeps practicing this way of punishing motorist who just happen to park in the wrong spot there is going to be law suits and refederums that place limits and restrictions on what citys can charge for parking tickets. The punishment has to fit the crime. In Los Angeles parking tickets are way to sever for the poor and middle class who receive most of them.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

As the World Turns

Torn between two lovers and forced to chose just one. Should the pick be the one with the most money or the one who is the true love. That is the predicament that the congressional Democrats are forced to be in. The Democrats now must choose between the voters who elected them with the understanding that they would end the Iraq war or the Saudi government and big oil companies who gave them money to run. Is it going to be money over principle? In todays world that isnt even close to being a hard decesion. The old adage bullshit walks and money talks aplty predicts how the democrates will vote. In this case the Democrates picked there true love Saudi and big oil money. The Saudis and big oil want the war to continue while the voters who elected them want the war ended. The Iraq war will continue for a long time to come. And the war will continue to be funded with Democrate support and life goes on. The public expecting a politicion to risk his poltical life over a little war like the one in Iraq I agree is an unfair expectation. The money dont vote but it certainly tells the people how to vote.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Los Angeles Didn't Deserver The Olympics

Los Angeles is run not for the benefit of its residents and citizens but for the good of the big real estate developers and there friends. The mayor and city council are nothing but shills for the construction and real estate developers who controll everything in Los Angeles. The city government literally beats the shit out the people who live there. The mayor currently is trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the middle class. The city gives out parking tickets like they where free advertizeing circulars. Many of the tickets are unfair and shouldnt have been issured. People dont fight them because its so difficult to win. The city is running a deficit that was caused by the city financing private real estate developer projects with public money. These projects dont gernerate enough money to pay off the bonds issued to finance them and the city is stuck with the bill. Parking tickets are an unfair burden on the poor and the middle class. They are extremely expansive for a middle class family to pay that kind of money. To a real estate deveolper who pocketed four or five million dollars of public money the parking tickets are chump change. There is now talk of the city being sued or a referundum started to limit the cost of parking tickets. Since the Los Angels mayor and city council are owned by the real estate developers it may be the only way to stop the maddness.

Los Angeles Didn't Deserver The Olympics

Los Angeles is run not for the benefit of its residents and citizens but for the good of the big real estate developers and there friends. The mayor and city council are nothing but shills for the construction and real estate developers who controll everything in Los Angeles. The city government literally beats the shit out the people who live there. The mayor currently is trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the middle class. The city gives out parking tickets like they where free advertizeing circulars. Many of the tickets are unfair and shouldnt have been issured. People dont fight them because its so difficult to win. The city is running a deficit that was caused by the city financing private real estate developer projects with public money. These projects dont gernerate enough money to pay off the bonds issued to finance them and the city is stuck with the bill. Parking tickets are an unfair burden on the poor and the middle class. They are extremely expansive for a middle class family to pay that kind of money. To a real estate deveolper who pocketed four or five million dollars of public money the parking tickets are chump change. There is now talk of the city being sued or a referundum started to limit the cost of parking tickets. Since the Los Angels mayor and city council are owned by the real estate developers it may be the only way to stop the maddness.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2468 What Are We Fighting For

We have to get even with the enemy terroists,who ever that may be. And that is why the Iraq war must continue. Those responsible for 9-11 must be punishied or the United States will be attacked again and again according George Custer Bush. The question then becomes why are we fighting in Iraq if we want avenge the 9-11 attacks. Its a proven well documented fact that Saddam Hussen and Iraq had nothing to with the 9-11 bombings of New York city. Our close friends and allies the Saudies where the country that blew up half of Nyc on 9-11. The Saudi Royal family where in up to there head wraps. It really is a proven fact. And yet there has been no retalation what so ever against them. Is it because they own the whole fucken country including the President of the United States? Threw the years they have given the Bush family billions. They are big stock holders in Ruppert Duppert Mudocks empire and they own big chunks of other media companies. They own the oil refinereees in California. They make the dumbies in California pay thru the nose for a gallon of gas. They arent any Friend of the United States They own the fucken country. And they treat the American people like a bunch of servants or captives which we are. They shit all over the United States and get away with it. Why? Because they can