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Friday, November 06, 2009


It looks like the Reagan legacy could come to the financial rescue of the United States. Thanks to old Dutch Reagan and his successors the Bushs (the elder and the putz two of the dumbest things to ever be president) the United States is now firmly in debt head over heels to countries like China and Japan. So how do we get out of this financial albatross?
When Dutch was spending the country into this fiancial time bomb and people would ask Dutch how is the United States ever going to be able to pay back this tremondous debt Dutch with one of his half-ass smiles would simply say dont worry will screw them.
What did Dutch mean by that? When the time comes to pay back the loans the U.S. would pay them back with worthless money. Ifen the dollar collapses as many financial experts are now predicting the debt owed to Japan and China would become meaningless and worthless. Consequently the Unites States would just default on its debt obligations thus screwing the countries who lent the money to the U.S
So was Ronald"Dutch"Reagan a great financial genius and prophet or a half-ass bumbler who snowed a bunch of naive gulliable people for years. Ifen that is the case that wouldnt be the first time that happened.