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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Slugish microsoft took off from where we bought it yesterday. Msft is a stock proably going much higher but The Detroit Times thinks you should take profits today. Catapiller(cat) is going higher. Hold on to it.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The obvious thing to do in fixing Gm was to get rid of Rick Wagoner but it took leadership on the part of the President to do it. Wagoner was intelectually lazy and didnt have the skills needed to be chairmen of a big industrial company. A few months ago he made the admission that he was bad at looking out into the future and figuring out what kinds of cars would sell well. Thats like the head surgeon saying he really isnt good at making incisions. Well thats the job. And Wagoner was a paper shuffler and not a vissionary or a good automobile excutive. President Obama showed leadership in forcing Wagoner out. Look at what Gm has become under Wagoners leadership, a bankupt company struggling to survive. It was time he left 5 years ago.
The hard work has now begun for President Obama. Because he must use his influence in selecting a managment team that can turn things. That is the key and finding managers that have those skills is difficult but necessary.
Lee Iacoca was the consumate auto excutive. He was a great pitchmen,manager and vissonary.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS hold catapillar (cat) and buy microsoft (msft) today
The hard work has now begun for President Obama. Because he must use his influence in selecting a managment team that can turn things. That is the key and finding managers that have those skills is difficult but necessary.
Lee Iacoca was the consumate auto excutive. He was a great pitchmen,manager and vissonary.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS hold catapillar (cat) and buy microsoft (msft) today
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wagoner should have been forced out a long time ago. This could be a new start for Gm
DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATION: Buy Microsoft(msft) tommorrow at the best price you can. Its a sulgish stock
DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATION: Buy Microsoft(msft) tommorrow at the best price you can. Its a sulgish stock
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Depression and The Mistake The Bigshots Made In Fighting It
The biggest mistake the Fed and Bush administration made was in dumping so much money into the banking system and almost doing nothing about America's manufacturing base when the crisis first started. Unfortunatly the Obama administration is continuing this policy. Because once things start bottoming out we will be back to square one. And that is the American consumer dosent make enough to support himself. Why? The number one reason is because the United States has lost most of its manufacturing base.
The new presidential administration isnt doing much better than the old one in solving this problem. Their attmept at rescuing the automobile industry has been feeble at best. Is that how they are going to deal with other major industries that have been washed out? If this is the way its going to be then there really isnt much hope of a lasting recovery. There may be short short term recoveries but the American way as we know it will be on the way out.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS: Today was a good for buying CATAPILLER(cat)-stock symbol
The new presidential administration isnt doing much better than the old one in solving this problem. Their attmept at rescuing the automobile industry has been feeble at best. Is that how they are going to deal with other major industries that have been washed out? If this is the way its going to be then there really isnt much hope of a lasting recovery. There may be short short term recoveries but the American way as we know it will be on the way out.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS: Today was a good for buying CATAPILLER(cat)-stock symbol
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Our One Year Anniversary:The Depression
Yes its been almost one year since Lemmon Brothers first collapsed kicking off our romance with the new great depresssion. It was love at first glance between the American people and this new great depression. They knew they were meant for each other. The gullable naive, hapless,hopless american people and a new kind of preadator the world economy had never experienced before. A depression caused by a collapse in housing.
In the first dark days the only thing we had to fear was fear itself. Because the hopelessly incompetent Bush administration was right on this thing from the very begining. Bush(the putz) thanked that great comdedian Pat(Henry) Paulson for working the weekend after the crisis started instead of going home and cutting the grass and giving his wife the monthly screw.
Paulson and gentle Ben were right on this thing from the very begining. Now after over a trillion dollars in forced feedings the credit markets are still locked shot and the depression has deepened. And things dont look like Dr.Obama is improving them. Dr. Obama like George Bush is a sweetheart. As we first told you the money that backed Bush backed Baby Doc Obama. So it looks like more of the same. The question is when will the American people wake up.
In the first dark days the only thing we had to fear was fear itself. Because the hopelessly incompetent Bush administration was right on this thing from the very begining. Bush(the putz) thanked that great comdedian Pat(Henry) Paulson for working the weekend after the crisis started instead of going home and cutting the grass and giving his wife the monthly screw.
Paulson and gentle Ben were right on this thing from the very begining. Now after over a trillion dollars in forced feedings the credit markets are still locked shot and the depression has deepened. And things dont look like Dr.Obama is improving them. Dr. Obama like George Bush is a sweetheart. As we first told you the money that backed Bush backed Baby Doc Obama. So it looks like more of the same. The question is when will the American people wake up.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Detroit Times Trading Recomendations
The Detroit Times' traders recomend that you take profits if you havent already on the prior recomendations of dell,nsc,and cp. These are meant to be short term trades. Those of you that bought these stocks should be very happy. They all have done very well. The Times will have more trades later in the week. GOOD HUNTING
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Is Obama Getting Ready To Save Gm Or Bury It
There is currently a real opportunity to take Gm and all of its problems and give it a fresh start. But team Obama is using this window of opportuntiy for a new begining to instead give Gm's rusty old management and apathetic stock holders a sweetheart deal they dont deserve. Gm was not a victim of circumstances but of bad management and negligent stockholders and consequently they ended up with a bankrupt company. And Gm's problems effects all Americans. Obamas automoible adviser Steve Ratner now wants to give these people a second chance and ignore what put Gm in its present condition. Ratner who dosent have the experience or automobile industry knowledge for his current job thinks Wagoner is a good guy who deserves to be treated fairly. A lot people thought Madoof was a good guy. Many of his clients said he was a very charming man. The fact is Gm's managment lied and mislead investors about the true condition of the company. And gave glowing press releases about Gm's future prospects that had no basis in fact. Those are the conclusions not only of Gm's critics but also of the Security and Exchange Commission.
The single most important factor in turning Gm around is the management team that will be picked to run it. By not forcing Gm into bankruptcy the government is giving current mangement and stock holders influence in deciding who will lead Gm. The current managment group led by Butch"Dog Face"Wagner could end up keeping their jobs and that would be bad since they are the cause of most of Gm's problems.
Gm and Chrysler need to be nationalized. Like that the government would have more control and supervision of Gm's management and be better able to moniter the situation. Ratner dosent have the depth for this. It requires someone with intimate knowledge of the industry and who knows the talent and where to find it. Fiat just a few short years ago was a walking corpse and today its been turned around and a viable company. It was new management that made this possible and government supervision by the Italian government. Italy decleared that Fiat was to important to fail did everything it could to save it. The Obama administration is going to have to do the same thing for Gm otherwise we are going to have a long hard depression.
The single most important factor in turning Gm around is the management team that will be picked to run it. By not forcing Gm into bankruptcy the government is giving current mangement and stock holders influence in deciding who will lead Gm. The current managment group led by Butch"Dog Face"Wagner could end up keeping their jobs and that would be bad since they are the cause of most of Gm's problems.
Gm and Chrysler need to be nationalized. Like that the government would have more control and supervision of Gm's management and be better able to moniter the situation. Ratner dosent have the depth for this. It requires someone with intimate knowledge of the industry and who knows the talent and where to find it. Fiat just a few short years ago was a walking corpse and today its been turned around and a viable company. It was new management that made this possible and government supervision by the Italian government. Italy decleared that Fiat was to important to fail did everything it could to save it. The Obama administration is going to have to do the same thing for Gm otherwise we are going to have a long hard depression.
Friday, March 20, 2009
When Will Detroit Mafia Boss Mike Illich Wipe His Own Ass
Why should he wipe his ass when the city of Detroit is so willing to do it for him. Every time Illich farts the city of Detroit has to shit. Illich has interests in and controls Detroit's 3 main industries ,casino gambling, narcotics trafficing and last but not least the prostution industry. Plus Illich steals what ever he can from the cities treasury. He shits all over the city of Detroit and steals from the city yet the people worship the ground he walks on because he brought winning hockey to Detroit. Is it any wonder why Detroit is where it is today?
Illich an extemely wealthy man from what he has made as a parasite now he wants the city to tear down buildings some historical on property he owns. The city and state are broke so what is wrong with him spending his own funcken money on a project he is going to be the one benefititng financially from? The Detroit Times thinks its high time that Illich starts wiping his own ass. What do you think?
Illich an extemely wealthy man from what he has made as a parasite now he wants the city to tear down buildings some historical on property he owns. The city and state are broke so what is wrong with him spending his own funcken money on a project he is going to be the one benefititng financially from? The Detroit Times thinks its high time that Illich starts wiping his own ass. What do you think?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Only Remedy For California's Budget Mess
Unless Califonia settles its budget problems soon it will hurt the states economic future. The only sound way of doing this with out raising taxes is to cut state eomployee saleries and benefit packages. It will take strong leadership by Califonia's governor and the state legislature to do this . The state legislature should set the example by cutting their own salaries first. This would show leadership something that many voters feel has been missing in the state capital. Because asking people to vote for highter taxes is completely out of the quesation. People in Calfornia are already way over taxed. Anyone who votes himself a tax increase in this economic climate is a masochist.
While state workers are dedicated to their jobs and deserve to be well paid the money to pay them at their current wage levels just isnt there anymore. Everyone else has had a cut in income and now its time for state workers to also share the burden of a bad ecnomoy. Because asking voters to vote for a tax increase as their incomes are falling just isnt fair or resonable at this time.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS; Buy Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad stocks are sluggish stocks but very profitable
While state workers are dedicated to their jobs and deserve to be well paid the money to pay them at their current wage levels just isnt there anymore. Everyone else has had a cut in income and now its time for state workers to also share the burden of a bad ecnomoy. Because asking voters to vote for a tax increase as their incomes are falling just isnt fair or resonable at this time.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS; Buy Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad stocks are sluggish stocks but very profitable
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Have You Been Laid-off Or Lost Your Business
Then Trade like a Pro and become RICH trading the stock market
The Detroit Times trading recommedations will help you beat the stock market
Our Traders making the recommedations have 75 years of trading experience between them
and make their living trading
While there are no gurantees they are very rarely wrong
It will last until it lasts so take advantage of while its here
Its almost free money
TODAYS STOCK RECOMMENDATION: DELL COMPUTER(Dell)buy it tommorrow at the best price you can. On our prior recommedations Nsc take profits at 33 and jnj you could have already taken a good profit
The Detroit Times trading recommedations will help you beat the stock market
Our Traders making the recommedations have 75 years of trading experience between them
and make their living trading
While there are no gurantees they are very rarely wrong
It will last until it lasts so take advantage of while its here
Its almost free money
TODAYS STOCK RECOMMENDATION: DELL COMPUTER(Dell)buy it tommorrow at the best price you can. On our prior recommedations Nsc take profits at 33 and jnj you could have already taken a good profit
Monday, March 16, 2009
It hasn't happened in years but the Detroit City Counsel took a stand on an important issue that is in the interests of Detroit's residents,instead of the mafia bosses or GM. Detroit is a city almost with out any libraries,bus service or even fire protection. The police department is basicaly a skeltton crew used to control the population instead of protecting it. Its an understatement to say that Detroit has the poorest city services in the country. Its one of the poorest big cities in North America.
In a recent vote the Detroit City Counsel voted against handing Cobo Hall over to a regional board that wants to waste hundreds of millions of dollars of much needed money rebuilding the convention facilty. Its a waste because Detroit with all of its problems dosent attract any conventions. The tourists that do visit come to see all the abondoned buildings(The Ruins of Detroit). And Cobo Hall just sits there unused. And investing a ton of money to rebuild it isnt going to change that.
The mafia owned casinos were behind this ploy to spend millions the state dosent have to fix this unused facility when Detroit has so many other pressing problems like having the highest number of childern living in poverty of any big city. Inspite of tremondous preassure from Detroit's mafia bosses like Mike Illich Detroit's City Counsel made the right decision and voted against them and for the city.
In a recent vote the Detroit City Counsel voted against handing Cobo Hall over to a regional board that wants to waste hundreds of millions of dollars of much needed money rebuilding the convention facilty. Its a waste because Detroit with all of its problems dosent attract any conventions. The tourists that do visit come to see all the abondoned buildings(The Ruins of Detroit). And Cobo Hall just sits there unused. And investing a ton of money to rebuild it isnt going to change that.
The mafia owned casinos were behind this ploy to spend millions the state dosent have to fix this unused facility when Detroit has so many other pressing problems like having the highest number of childern living in poverty of any big city. Inspite of tremondous preassure from Detroit's mafia bosses like Mike Illich Detroit's City Counsel made the right decision and voted against them and for the city.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Chinesse are Showing Signs of The Madoff Syndrome
China has been a big buyer of the United States' foreign debt. They have bought almost 1 trillion of it. And after hitting the 1 trillion mark they have suddenly become worried about their investments and want assurances from the United States that all is well and their money is safe. Sounds like the Madoff investors after the first rummors started appearing about the fund. China is afraid the United States wont make good on its debt obligations at a time the Unites States wants to borrow even more money from China.
Its a little late in the game for China to start complaining. Everyone is worried China will scale back or even stop buying American bonds. That actually would be a good thing for the United States because it would mean the diminishing of globalization. Globalization has ruined the American economy and now may start destablizing Asia if the United State defaults which is a possibilty. The unspoken agreement the U.S has with China is they buy U.S debt and thus receive almost full axcess to U.S. markets. If they now stopped buying U.S. debt obligations its almost certain the doors would swing closed on Chineses goods coming into the U.S. and thus putting a crimp on globalization,which in the long run would be good for everyone. America would start making its own furniture and cars instead of farming that out to Asia . And that would be healthy for the world economy.
Its a little late in the game for China to start complaining. Everyone is worried China will scale back or even stop buying American bonds. That actually would be a good thing for the United States because it would mean the diminishing of globalization. Globalization has ruined the American economy and now may start destablizing Asia if the United State defaults which is a possibilty. The unspoken agreement the U.S has with China is they buy U.S debt and thus receive almost full axcess to U.S. markets. If they now stopped buying U.S. debt obligations its almost certain the doors would swing closed on Chineses goods coming into the U.S. and thus putting a crimp on globalization,which in the long run would be good for everyone. America would start making its own furniture and cars instead of farming that out to Asia . And that would be healthy for the world economy.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Madoff Had Accomplices:His Victims
The New York Times got it right in todays paper. The article in the NYT basically reiterated what The Detroit Times has writen about the Madoff affair over the last few months. The people who invested with Madoff were tripped up by there own greed and forgot or where to lazy to learn the cardinal rules of investing. Investing in Bernies fund wasnt necessarly a mistake. Smart people like Dr.Doom (Henry Kaufman) invested in Madoff's fund but did it in a way that prevented them from losing there lifes savings. Kaufmen is worth $100 milion but only put $5million a small portion of total wealth in the Madoff's fund. His other investments made up for what he lost with Madoff. That is smart investing. Kaufmen spread the risk in his investing. Its always sad to see people lose there money but the Madoff investors are clearly to blame for their own loss. The government dosent owe them a thing. Yes its tragic they lost their security blanket but at some point people have to be responsable for their own actions. Madoff didnt point a gun at anyone to invest. These people did it willingly on there own. A few years ago Barrons wrote an article that if Bernie was getting the returns he claimed it was simply magic. In other words they were saying Bernie's results were an illusion.
The sentence Madoff received is totally unfair. Life in prison for tricking a bunch of greedy people is a sentence that dosent fit the crime. But Madoff's plea shows he is a stand up guy. By pleading guilty he is not obligated to testify against others who may have helped him. In contrast the Big mockers in the Mafia couldnt make plea bargains fast enough with the government to snitch on their brother mobsters. Omerta suddenly became a blank word when there own freedom was at stake. Madoff willingly took the full punishment by pleading guilty and refusing to cooperate with the government and received an unfair sentence. Madoff's lawyers will appeal the sentence and Iam sure justice will be served with a much lighter sentence.
THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY Dr.Obama says a lot of good things. But when it comes to taking taking action everything gets so watered down that doing nothing proably would have been better. So far Dr.Obama is a weak wishy washy President that is getting killed in foreign affairs with a weak domestic agenda
The sentence Madoff received is totally unfair. Life in prison for tricking a bunch of greedy people is a sentence that dosent fit the crime. But Madoff's plea shows he is a stand up guy. By pleading guilty he is not obligated to testify against others who may have helped him. In contrast the Big mockers in the Mafia couldnt make plea bargains fast enough with the government to snitch on their brother mobsters. Omerta suddenly became a blank word when there own freedom was at stake. Madoff willingly took the full punishment by pleading guilty and refusing to cooperate with the government and received an unfair sentence. Madoff's lawyers will appeal the sentence and Iam sure justice will be served with a much lighter sentence.
THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY Dr.Obama says a lot of good things. But when it comes to taking taking action everything gets so watered down that doing nothing proably would have been better. So far Dr.Obama is a weak wishy washy President that is getting killed in foreign affairs with a weak domestic agenda
Friday, March 13, 2009
Dr.Obama's First Months In Office
Team Obama is not off to fast start and in some areas Dr.Obama gets failing marks. In fairness to President Obama it is a hard job and there is a learning curve to it. Even the real good presidents like Clinton took a year to a year and half to get a feel for the job. So far Dr.Obama has taken a beating in foreign policy. His feely touchey get to know one another diplomancy took a bad beating when Iran slamed the door on his head and Putin gave him a back hand slap telling him to comeback when he was a little more seasoned.
Domestically he has done virtually nothing ,leting Bernacke and the other reteads set policy. A policy that isnt working at stoping the economic slide. He hasnt done anything to help the automobile companies. Butch "DogFace"Wagoner is still Gm's chairmen. And Gm is just treading water trying to keep its head up. That is all Gm will do while Dog Face is chairmen
Obama's stimulus program is a good one but wont lead to a lasting recovery. Obama must start building a foundation soon or his presidency will remain unfocused and drifting.
Domestically he has done virtually nothing ,leting Bernacke and the other reteads set policy. A policy that isnt working at stoping the economic slide. He hasnt done anything to help the automobile companies. Butch "DogFace"Wagoner is still Gm's chairmen. And Gm is just treading water trying to keep its head up. That is all Gm will do while Dog Face is chairmen
Obama's stimulus program is a good one but wont lead to a lasting recovery. Obama must start building a foundation soon or his presidency will remain unfocused and drifting.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Detroit Times Trading Recomendations
Norfolk Southern NSC and Johnson and Johnson JNJ are both going to be very profitable trades hang on to them as we said earlier. Yahoo we recomended shorting and it did come down but not to the level we predicted. It has since turned higher and we reccomend getting out of the trade if your still in it and taking a small loss.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ben Bernacke:The Mixed Up Weatherman
Ben's sunny days turn into thunderstorms and his 100 degree forecasts end up as deep frigied blasts. Ben's sideline economic forcasting isnt much better. Ben looked at his little weather meter and concluded the depression will be over with in a few months give or take. Ben also said that all was well when the economy was slipping into a coma. The fact is Ben is playing the game with Milton Freidman's obsolete play book. Freidman's theories have almost always proven to be impractical when applied in the real world.
In order for the banks to recover housing price have to start going up. And in order for that to happen consumers have to start earning more money. And that process hasnt even begun.
The United States dosent produce anything anymore. It has all been shipped overseas. Its called globalization. Gm wants people to buy American. Most of the parts in Gm cars are foreign made and in many cases so is the entire car. While Obama has proposed a lot of good things he has been very slow in bringing back our manufacturing base.
I hope he isnt relying on Bernacke's weather forecast because if he is its going to be a long hard depression. Get rid of Dog Face Wagoner and start rebuilding Gm.
In order for the banks to recover housing price have to start going up. And in order for that to happen consumers have to start earning more money. And that process hasnt even begun.
The United States dosent produce anything anymore. It has all been shipped overseas. Its called globalization. Gm wants people to buy American. Most of the parts in Gm cars are foreign made and in many cases so is the entire car. While Obama has proposed a lot of good things he has been very slow in bringing back our manufacturing base.
I hope he isnt relying on Bernacke's weather forecast because if he is its going to be a long hard depression. Get rid of Dog Face Wagoner and start rebuilding Gm.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Obama's Fix for the Autos Will Define His Presidency
The remains of the American automoile companies must be salvaged and restored back to health or there wont be a lasting recovery. How Obama handles this problem will determine the course of his presidency.
Obama has to do a lot more than simply throw money at the problem. He has to get down into the belly of the beast and fix the damage.
Gm is in such bad shape that to rebuild it properly it must be nationalized with Gm's chairmen Dog Head Wagoner booted out. A different management team will make a big impact as it did with Fiat. A short time ago Fiat was basically a corpse that no one wanted to buy. Gm paid $2billion to walk away from a previous agreement to buy the company. If Obama opts for letting Wagner stay and giving Gm's management monthly welfare checks then it shows he is in the pocket of big busniness. But if he does the right thing and nationalizes the company it will mean he is a visionary and a leader.
What we have right now is a golden opportunity to rebuild American's manufacting base. Then other priorites such as health care,alternaive fuels and a better quality of life can be dealt with once the little 3 again become the Big 3.
Obama has to do a lot more than simply throw money at the problem. He has to get down into the belly of the beast and fix the damage.
Gm is in such bad shape that to rebuild it properly it must be nationalized with Gm's chairmen Dog Head Wagoner booted out. A different management team will make a big impact as it did with Fiat. A short time ago Fiat was basically a corpse that no one wanted to buy. Gm paid $2billion to walk away from a previous agreement to buy the company. If Obama opts for letting Wagner stay and giving Gm's management monthly welfare checks then it shows he is in the pocket of big busniness. But if he does the right thing and nationalizes the company it will mean he is a visionary and a leader.
What we have right now is a golden opportunity to rebuild American's manufacting base. Then other priorites such as health care,alternaive fuels and a better quality of life can be dealt with once the little 3 again become the Big 3.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
What The Election Results Mean In Los Angeles
Democracy is dead in America. Money picks the candidates and then determines the winners of the election. And the winner gives pays back his supporters with money or special favors couretesy of the city government. This system isnt deomcracy its government for sale.
Consequently this system whatever its called means higher taxes and a reduction in city services for the average resident. The city of Detroit was destroyed years ago by this kknd of government. The same thing is now happening in Los angeles. The city is runnning big deficts now because of loans it make to real estate developers that they cant now pay back. The city will make up the difference by raising taxes and cutting back on services. Then the middle class will move out as happened in Detroit. Who wants to pay higher taxes and get poorer services in return. In Los Angeles they dont even need elections the city should just let the real estate developers and contruction companies pick the mayor and city counsel. It would save a lot of money. In Los Angeles' mayorial race just 15% of elagable voters went to the polls. Why was the turn out so low? Because the election was a schame. By not voting the people of Los Angeles refused to validated this rigged election.
Consequently this system whatever its called means higher taxes and a reduction in city services for the average resident. The city of Detroit was destroyed years ago by this kknd of government. The same thing is now happening in Los angeles. The city is runnning big deficts now because of loans it make to real estate developers that they cant now pay back. The city will make up the difference by raising taxes and cutting back on services. Then the middle class will move out as happened in Detroit. Who wants to pay higher taxes and get poorer services in return. In Los Angeles they dont even need elections the city should just let the real estate developers and contruction companies pick the mayor and city counsel. It would save a lot of money. In Los Angeles' mayorial race just 15% of elagable voters went to the polls. Why was the turn out so low? Because the election was a schame. By not voting the people of Los Angeles refused to validated this rigged election.
Friday, March 06, 2009
The Detroit Times Trading Recomendations:The Broker
Yahoo is an excellent stock to short in the 12.75 to $13.00 range. Take profits at 11.75 . Norfolk and johnson and johnson both are going to rally soon Hold them.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
The Detroit Times Trading Recomendations:The Broker
Keep the Nsc we recommended earlier and also buy jnj. Both stocks are going to rally at least of couple of dollars. Norfolk Southern will be a break even and may be a profitable trade. Johnson & Johnson is a good buy and will really a couple of dollars from here
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Train Is Pulling Away and Dr.Obama Is Not On It
The Obama administration so far has been jerky and losing momentum fast. Obama is going from one issue to another without a long term solution to any of the problems facing the country. His stimulus package and proposed mortgate help for distressed home owners are good programs and will help in the short run.
In terms of a long term fix for the economy he must concentrate on rescuing the automoible companies. That is the game. Its the most important thing he can do to bring back the economy and he hasnt even started. What is he waiting for? Its like crossing the street and waiting for the cars to get closer before crossing. That increases the chances of getting hit and the longer Dr.Obama waits to nationalize Gm the more likely the economy will take a hit it dosent recover from.
His very first busines upon taking office should have been implamenting a plan to rescue the automobile companies.
Gm must be allowed to go bankupt and then nationalized. Gm is to important to allow to just languish like it is. Butch "Dog Face"Wagner must be forced out. Lets go Dr.Obama!! Time is short
In terms of a long term fix for the economy he must concentrate on rescuing the automoible companies. That is the game. Its the most important thing he can do to bring back the economy and he hasnt even started. What is he waiting for? Its like crossing the street and waiting for the cars to get closer before crossing. That increases the chances of getting hit and the longer Dr.Obama waits to nationalize Gm the more likely the economy will take a hit it dosent recover from.
His very first busines upon taking office should have been implamenting a plan to rescue the automobile companies.
Gm must be allowed to go bankupt and then nationalized. Gm is to important to allow to just languish like it is. Butch "Dog Face"Wagner must be forced out. Lets go Dr.Obama!! Time is short
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Love For Sale
Antonio Vee (El Luv Machine) the mayor of Los Angeles is expected to win relection easily. And he should. After all besides not only selling his ass to the real estate developers he also gave them the keys to the cities treasury as a little extra present for picking him to be mayor. Antonio Vee's only real challenger Rick Carosu was made an offer he couldnt refuse by the real estate developers to drop out of the race. A race he could have easily won.
The situation is not very encouraging for the financial health of the city of Los Angles. The city is running big defictis now than can only be closed by cutting services and raising aaxes. Like Detroit the real estate developers raided the cities treasury and used the money to go into businesses with the city taking the risk and the developers getting the profits. This money was never meant to be used in this matter. Its supposed to be invested conservately in fiancial instruments that provide a safe steady return. But like the mafia who used their influence to get at Teamster pension money the real estate developers did the same in getting into Los Angeles treasury. However there is one big difference. The mob paid back the money they borrowed from the teamster pension plan. The real estate developers are highly unlikely to pay back any of the money they stole form the city with the help of Mayor Antinio vee (the love machine) And at time when the city is raising parking ticket fines and handing out traffic tikets like massage coupons the developer of the Grand Ave Project downtown Related Cos. after getting the land for free isnt paying the 250,000 a day in fines its is supposed to be paying for not starting the project on time. And they owes quite a bundle to the city. This is at a time when the city could really use the money. If Antonio Vee the love machine gets reelected Related Cos. proabily will never pay. Is that really the kind of mayor Los Angeles needs? Detroit always thought so and look what happened to that city. Do you really want Los Angeles to become another Detroit? If you dont care then go ahead and vote for Antonio Vee. But if u do care find someone else to vote for.
The situation is not very encouraging for the financial health of the city of Los Angles. The city is running big defictis now than can only be closed by cutting services and raising aaxes. Like Detroit the real estate developers raided the cities treasury and used the money to go into businesses with the city taking the risk and the developers getting the profits. This money was never meant to be used in this matter. Its supposed to be invested conservately in fiancial instruments that provide a safe steady return. But like the mafia who used their influence to get at Teamster pension money the real estate developers did the same in getting into Los Angeles treasury. However there is one big difference. The mob paid back the money they borrowed from the teamster pension plan. The real estate developers are highly unlikely to pay back any of the money they stole form the city with the help of Mayor Antinio vee (the love machine) And at time when the city is raising parking ticket fines and handing out traffic tikets like massage coupons the developer of the Grand Ave Project downtown Related Cos. after getting the land for free isnt paying the 250,000 a day in fines its is supposed to be paying for not starting the project on time. And they owes quite a bundle to the city. This is at a time when the city could really use the money. If Antonio Vee the love machine gets reelected Related Cos. proabily will never pay. Is that really the kind of mayor Los Angeles needs? Detroit always thought so and look what happened to that city. Do you really want Los Angeles to become another Detroit? If you dont care then go ahead and vote for Antonio Vee. But if u do care find someone else to vote for.