The Only Remedy For California's Budget Mess
Unless Califonia settles its budget problems soon it will hurt the states economic future. The only sound way of doing this with out raising taxes is to cut state eomployee saleries and benefit packages. It will take strong leadership by Califonia's governor and the state legislature to do this . The state legislature should set the example by cutting their own salaries first. This would show leadership something that many voters feel has been missing in the state capital. Because asking people to vote for highter taxes is completely out of the quesation. People in Calfornia are already way over taxed. Anyone who votes himself a tax increase in this economic climate is a masochist.
While state workers are dedicated to their jobs and deserve to be well paid the money to pay them at their current wage levels just isnt there anymore. Everyone else has had a cut in income and now its time for state workers to also share the burden of a bad ecnomoy. Because asking voters to vote for a tax increase as their incomes are falling just isnt fair or resonable at this time.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS; Buy Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad stocks are sluggish stocks but very profitable
While state workers are dedicated to their jobs and deserve to be well paid the money to pay them at their current wage levels just isnt there anymore. Everyone else has had a cut in income and now its time for state workers to also share the burden of a bad ecnomoy. Because asking voters to vote for a tax increase as their incomes are falling just isnt fair or resonable at this time.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS; Buy Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad stocks are sluggish stocks but very profitable
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