The Depression and The Mistake The Bigshots Made In Fighting It
The biggest mistake the Fed and Bush administration made was in dumping so much money into the banking system and almost doing nothing about America's manufacturing base when the crisis first started. Unfortunatly the Obama administration is continuing this policy. Because once things start bottoming out we will be back to square one. And that is the American consumer dosent make enough to support himself. Why? The number one reason is because the United States has lost most of its manufacturing base.
The new presidential administration isnt doing much better than the old one in solving this problem. Their attmept at rescuing the automobile industry has been feeble at best. Is that how they are going to deal with other major industries that have been washed out? If this is the way its going to be then there really isnt much hope of a lasting recovery. There may be short short term recoveries but the American way as we know it will be on the way out.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS: Today was a good for buying CATAPILLER(cat)-stock symbol
The new presidential administration isnt doing much better than the old one in solving this problem. Their attmept at rescuing the automobile industry has been feeble at best. Is that how they are going to deal with other major industries that have been washed out? If this is the way its going to be then there really isnt much hope of a lasting recovery. There may be short short term recoveries but the American way as we know it will be on the way out.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS: Today was a good for buying CATAPILLER(cat)-stock symbol
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