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Saturday, January 31, 2009
President Obama has shown a lot of promise by the people he has appointed to office and his proposed stimulus package. Although he should have allocated more for rail transportation in the package. However the very issue that he must address if the economy is start moving again he hasnt really done much with. Our manufacturing base must be revived. All 3 american auto companies must again be prosperious if we are to come out of this recession. And Obama is moving way to slow on this issue. Rick Wagoner must be removed. He isnt going to lead Gm anywere excedpt back to the poor house. The S.E.C. just found Gm quilty of lying to investors about the true condition of the company as first reported by THE DETROIT TIMES. Wagoner is a fraud and far worse then Bernard "Bernie"Bernard Madoff and yet he is still running Gm. Hard to immgine . THE AMERICAN AUTO INDUSTRY MUST BE RESCUED AND REVIVED. NATIONLILZE CHRYSLER AND GM and bring in new managment quickley. That is what is needed to stimulate the economy for the long term
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Detroit Times Trading Recommedations:NATURAL GAS
THE BROKER---NATURAL GAS There will be some upside potential in natural gas futures. Its a minor trend take profits quickely. If you can afford it buy in the money natural gas call options tommorrow. I cant emphsize this enough take a profit when its there because tommorrow it may be gone. Again we are scalping the market
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Detroit Times Trading Recomendations:
THE BROKER; Buy S&P calls tommorrow in the money. And then take profits quickley
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Economy
Its obvious investors think there is going to be a massive government ballout,with big spending programs to revive the economy. Gold along with many other commodities are poised to go much highter. Based on the news at hand gold should be heading lower. Gold is tradionally a hedge against inflation. Right now housing prices and wages are heading lower which is usually very bearish for gold. Yet gold is ready to go much higher. Investors must believe Washington is going to spend its way out of this mess.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Bush Years And Rolling Stone's Super Candid Interview
The Bush years will be remembered and talked about for many years to come just like the Civil War, Great Depression and the Warren Harding years. Bush 's startling interview in Rolling Stone gives us some insight about how his administration formulated policy. In one instance Bush and his foreigh policy team where trying to haggle out a position on a hot spot in the middle east. As Dick Cheney was speaking Bush suddenly turned and in an abrupt unexpected way asked Connie Rice for her opinion on the subject at hand. Surpized and startled Connie let go with an earth shattering fart that just about knocked the dome off the White House. Bush couldn't control himself. Georgie experieceed something that happened to him since he quit drinking. He suddnely found himself leading an inportant cabinet session with a giant rock hard on that wouldn't go away. And that is how the alleged affair beetween Rice and Bush started. And now you know how Connie Rice farted her way into the President's heart. The complete Bush interview is in the current issue of Rolling Stone .
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Detroit Story And Its Not A Very Pretty or Happy One But It May Be Coming To A City Or Town Near You
Detroit has now replaced New Orleans as the most disfuctional city in America. Living and working in Detroit is a nightmare come true. The Detroit Story has been years in the making and the ending dosen't look like it will be a happy one for the city or its residents.
Detroits downturn actually started in the early fifties when real estate developers started using public money to tear down some of Detroit's older neighborhoods that where primally home to Detroits black poplution. Black bottom was one of the first neighborhoods to go. It was completely torn down and replaced with a trendy development called Lafayette Park which consisted of cookie cutter apartments of those being built in the suburbs. Today like everything else in Detroit Laffayette Park is blighted and deserted.
The automobile companiies and the real estate developers where the driving force behind the project. There would be many more urban renwal projects that would come after this one.
The people who were displaced by these urban renewal projects where forced to move into other neighborhoods that were ill equiped to handle the new influx of people. Consequently there might be 3 or four families living in a house that was designed for one. Neighborhoods that where mostly white soon became changinging neighborhoods or mostly black with the whites heading north or into the surburbs. This was the begining of the urban sprawl that would take over and conquer the entire southeastern Michigan.
The white polticians neglected the black neighborhoods and spent more on policing the white neighborhoods with the rest of the cities budget going into more urban renewal projects. Gm just like Detroit's Mafia bosses cleaned up and sucked up billions from these Urban Renewal projects. Detroit was worth more dead than alive because of the huge ammounts of government money pouring into the city for urban renewal. Its estimated almost a $trillion was spent on these urban renewal projects. The blacks out of fear or just not wanting to make waves never protested the decline of city services in their neighborhoods.
Where was the Press? They became part and parcel of the game. They glossed over the truth and falsly reported that it was really the riots that caused Detroits failure. Before the riots ever even started Detroit was showing signs of deteroration,blight and decline. And the riots where confined to very small part of the city. The press made it sound like the whole city was rioting. It was the cities response to the riots that worsend things. It was mostly a public relations campaign that never really did anything to stop the decline of city services in black neighborhoods. These neighborhoods were demolished by neglect.
Detroits current conditions of blight, high unemployment and the highest poverty rate for children in the U.S. are something that will last a long time. The Maifa bosses that now contol Michigan and Detroit have replaced the declining auto industry excutives as the cities leading citizens. Michigan's governor Jennifer Granholm is a Mafia princess and Detroits former Mayor the poontang kid has been jailed and is now being investigated for coruption. Mike Illich's gambling,prostitution and drug business are now Detriot's leading industries. Illich a mafia front man influences if not controls Detroit's media. While a variety of differnt opinion polls are taken by the media on numerous issues a poll about how people feel about about having casinos in Michigan has never been taken.
The Detroit Story is a sad one but it is starting to play in other cities such as Los Angeles. Los Angeles is controlled by the big construction companies and real estate developers. They raided the cities treasury and pension funds just like what happened in Detroit and poured it into projects they control. Phil Anschutz development near downtown sucked up millions of public dollars. Many healthy neighorhoods in Los Angeles are now starved of cities services as blight creeps in. The Los Angeles Times the cities leading newspaper dosent write about corpution in city hall. Like most in the media they write about fires ,floods and downplay the cities growing crime problem. Gang violence terrorizes students in the neighborhoods around U.S.C but little is written about it. Many people in neighborhoods like the Pico and Wilshire area are afraid to walk the streets at night in fear of being attacked.
Los Angele's Mayor Antiono Vee (the love machine) as tagged by the alternative press for his penchent for 2 sex partners uses the police to control the poplution instead of protecting it. The police spend most of their time giving tickets to unspecting motorists instead of arresting criminals and thus many crimes go unsolved. The notorious and brazen restaurant robberies in the valley has never been solved. The Fairfax area robberies perportrated by gunman walking up to victims and demanding money also are crimes that should have been prevented and solved.
Like Detroit the city of Los Angeles now dosent have public access tv. At&t's cable division bribed Calilfornia politician's like Antiono Vee and Gov.Arnie the Panzie to close it down. Democracy in its most basic form is communication. And if people cant criticize their government on a level playing field then they have lost their democracy. That is what happened in Detroit and it may now be occuring across the country.
Detroits downturn actually started in the early fifties when real estate developers started using public money to tear down some of Detroit's older neighborhoods that where primally home to Detroits black poplution. Black bottom was one of the first neighborhoods to go. It was completely torn down and replaced with a trendy development called Lafayette Park which consisted of cookie cutter apartments of those being built in the suburbs. Today like everything else in Detroit Laffayette Park is blighted and deserted.
The automobile companiies and the real estate developers where the driving force behind the project. There would be many more urban renwal projects that would come after this one.
The people who were displaced by these urban renewal projects where forced to move into other neighborhoods that were ill equiped to handle the new influx of people. Consequently there might be 3 or four families living in a house that was designed for one. Neighborhoods that where mostly white soon became changinging neighborhoods or mostly black with the whites heading north or into the surburbs. This was the begining of the urban sprawl that would take over and conquer the entire southeastern Michigan.
The white polticians neglected the black neighborhoods and spent more on policing the white neighborhoods with the rest of the cities budget going into more urban renewal projects. Gm just like Detroit's Mafia bosses cleaned up and sucked up billions from these Urban Renewal projects. Detroit was worth more dead than alive because of the huge ammounts of government money pouring into the city for urban renewal. Its estimated almost a $trillion was spent on these urban renewal projects. The blacks out of fear or just not wanting to make waves never protested the decline of city services in their neighborhoods.
Where was the Press? They became part and parcel of the game. They glossed over the truth and falsly reported that it was really the riots that caused Detroits failure. Before the riots ever even started Detroit was showing signs of deteroration,blight and decline. And the riots where confined to very small part of the city. The press made it sound like the whole city was rioting. It was the cities response to the riots that worsend things. It was mostly a public relations campaign that never really did anything to stop the decline of city services in black neighborhoods. These neighborhoods were demolished by neglect.
Detroits current conditions of blight, high unemployment and the highest poverty rate for children in the U.S. are something that will last a long time. The Maifa bosses that now contol Michigan and Detroit have replaced the declining auto industry excutives as the cities leading citizens. Michigan's governor Jennifer Granholm is a Mafia princess and Detroits former Mayor the poontang kid has been jailed and is now being investigated for coruption. Mike Illich's gambling,prostitution and drug business are now Detriot's leading industries. Illich a mafia front man influences if not controls Detroit's media. While a variety of differnt opinion polls are taken by the media on numerous issues a poll about how people feel about about having casinos in Michigan has never been taken.
The Detroit Story is a sad one but it is starting to play in other cities such as Los Angeles. Los Angeles is controlled by the big construction companies and real estate developers. They raided the cities treasury and pension funds just like what happened in Detroit and poured it into projects they control. Phil Anschutz development near downtown sucked up millions of public dollars. Many healthy neighorhoods in Los Angeles are now starved of cities services as blight creeps in. The Los Angeles Times the cities leading newspaper dosent write about corpution in city hall. Like most in the media they write about fires ,floods and downplay the cities growing crime problem. Gang violence terrorizes students in the neighborhoods around U.S.C but little is written about it. Many people in neighborhoods like the Pico and Wilshire area are afraid to walk the streets at night in fear of being attacked.
Los Angele's Mayor Antiono Vee (the love machine) as tagged by the alternative press for his penchent for 2 sex partners uses the police to control the poplution instead of protecting it. The police spend most of their time giving tickets to unspecting motorists instead of arresting criminals and thus many crimes go unsolved. The notorious and brazen restaurant robberies in the valley has never been solved. The Fairfax area robberies perportrated by gunman walking up to victims and demanding money also are crimes that should have been prevented and solved.
Like Detroit the city of Los Angeles now dosent have public access tv. At&t's cable division bribed Calilfornia politician's like Antiono Vee and Gov.Arnie the Panzie to close it down. Democracy in its most basic form is communication. And if people cant criticize their government on a level playing field then they have lost their democracy. That is what happened in Detroit and it may now be occuring across the country.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Is a Depression Likely
The way things are going now a depression will be difficult to avoid. Virtually all of the major banks are now bankrupt. This thing is way to big to fight by simply giving poor bank managers more money in the hope that it will creep into the rest of the economy. So far this approach hasnt worked. Its kind of like fighting a major forest fire with a garden hose.
Since we are going to have a major depression regardless of what the Fed does it would better to wait until the economy bottoms and then take the garden hose out and grow a new garden. Giving the banks more money is just wasting precious water that could be used to finance a real recovery. Because once the water(money) is gone there wont be any left for a real recovery when things do bottom.
What should be done now wont be done. The government should have nationalized Chrysler and let Gm go bankrupt and then rescue and rebuild it. That sceniero isnt now even close to happening now. Instead of getting rid of one the worst managers in automotive history Ricky Duke Wagoner was rewarded with bailout money.
The financial crisis is to big for a bailout. They first should just let things botton out and then try and start over.
The American people made bad mistakes in voting for George Bush (the elder),George Bush(the putz) and the giper Dutch Reagan and now we must take responsibilty for it and face the problems they caused.
Since we are going to have a major depression regardless of what the Fed does it would better to wait until the economy bottoms and then take the garden hose out and grow a new garden. Giving the banks more money is just wasting precious water that could be used to finance a real recovery. Because once the water(money) is gone there wont be any left for a real recovery when things do bottom.
What should be done now wont be done. The government should have nationalized Chrysler and let Gm go bankrupt and then rescue and rebuild it. That sceniero isnt now even close to happening now. Instead of getting rid of one the worst managers in automotive history Ricky Duke Wagoner was rewarded with bailout money.
The financial crisis is to big for a bailout. They first should just let things botton out and then try and start over.
The American people made bad mistakes in voting for George Bush (the elder),George Bush(the putz) and the giper Dutch Reagan and now we must take responsibilty for it and face the problems they caused.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Plight Of The Palestinian People And Who Is Responsible For It
Israel has steadfastly reconginized the Palestinian people and their right to exist. Hamas has doggedly and stubbornly refused to acknowledge Israel and its right to exist,while vowing to destroy it and its citizens.
When Israel was created in the 1940's the Jews were offered a third to half of what is now Israel with the Arab population getting the remaining half. Israel accepted this partition and the Arabs turned it down believing they could throw the Jews out thus controling the whole area. A war soon ensued with Israel winning and thus creating the current Israeli state
Hamas unrealisticly wants to go back to the 1940's and deny the existance of any Israeli state.
So while the Jews recoginize the Palestinian people and there right to exist in their own country Hamas has decleared war against Israel and refuses any kind of meaningful peace talks that might settled things poltically without war. Instead Hamas attacks the Israeli state by sending sucide bombers thru opened border crossings to kill and maim Isreali citizens.
So while Israel desires a poltical settlement Hamas continues to wage war against it.
So who is really the racist in the middle east Israel who acknowleges the Palestinian peoples right to exist or Hamas who continues their reign of terror and refuses any recognation of the Jewish state
When Israel was created in the 1940's the Jews were offered a third to half of what is now Israel with the Arab population getting the remaining half. Israel accepted this partition and the Arabs turned it down believing they could throw the Jews out thus controling the whole area. A war soon ensued with Israel winning and thus creating the current Israeli state
Hamas unrealisticly wants to go back to the 1940's and deny the existance of any Israeli state.
So while the Jews recoginize the Palestinian people and there right to exist in their own country Hamas has decleared war against Israel and refuses any kind of meaningful peace talks that might settled things poltically without war. Instead Hamas attacks the Israeli state by sending sucide bombers thru opened border crossings to kill and maim Isreali citizens.
So while Israel desires a poltical settlement Hamas continues to wage war against it.
So who is really the racist in the middle east Israel who acknowleges the Palestinian peoples right to exist or Hamas who continues their reign of terror and refuses any recognation of the Jewish state
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Obama Will Pick Up Where Bush Left Off
Since Dr.Obama is backed by the same special interest groups as George Bush it isnt any surprize that he favors the bailout for the dead heads that ruined the economy. Dr.Obama has made some good appointments like Leon Panitta who is a very competant person but Dr.Obama will be following the course laid out by big busniness.
While the bailout may give a tempaory boost to the economy in the long term it will make it much harder to climb out of the depression the country is in now
They should wait until the economy botttoms before throwing money around. When the Rickey Duke Wagoners are gone that will be a sign the economy is starting to bottom
THE BROKER--CATTLE The cattle trade recommended a few days ago is off to a fast start on the positive side. Remember when u have a profit take it. Cattle is a visious market
While the bailout may give a tempaory boost to the economy in the long term it will make it much harder to climb out of the depression the country is in now
They should wait until the economy botttoms before throwing money around. When the Rickey Duke Wagoners are gone that will be a sign the economy is starting to bottom
THE BROKER--CATTLE The cattle trade recommended a few days ago is off to a fast start on the positive side. Remember when u have a profit take it. Cattle is a visious market
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Lasting,Lingering Damage of George Bush's Presidency
The American economy will hurt for many years to come because of George(Ted Bundy Eyes) Bush. His polices of globalization and neglect of our industrial and manufacturing base will be felt for a long time. Whole industries have been desimated and like the old gold mining towns of the west may never recover. The Iraq War will only make a recovery harder. The Amercian people will have a much lower standared of living because of Bush and many voted for him. Someone like George Bush getting to be President dosent speak well for the American people. He was so emotionally and intellectually illequiped to be President that we may have lost our leadership in the World.
THE BROKER Today was a good day to buy Live Cattle in the money call options. Cattle is a visious market. Take profits when they are there
THE BROKER Today was a good day to buy Live Cattle in the money call options. Cattle is a visious market. Take profits when they are there
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Broker:Cattle Go Long
A very strong trade is developing in Live Cattle. Buy in the money calls in Live Cattle 3 months out. When there is a profit take it. Our last trade recommendations turned out very well in Crude Oil and the British Pound. Try and buy them tommorrow at the lows if u can.
GOLD it looks very bearish and could test the $700 area. At this point we arent recomending it
GOLD it looks very bearish and could test the $700 area. At this point we arent recomending it
Saturday, January 10, 2009
No Jail For Bernard "Bernie" Madoff
While Bernard "Bernie" Madoff isnt exactly citizen of the year he still dosent deserve jail time. While he may be a snake for preying on the kindness of an elderly man like Carl Shapero he still has done less harm to the economy than the likes of a Rickey "Duke" Wagoner or the bankers who stole Paulson's bailout money. Are they going to jail? Absoulty not! Then why should Bernard "Bernie" Bernard Madoff go to jail? He shouldnt go to jail either. The people who are crying now about how Bernie ripped them off were for the most part greedy investors or rich people trying to avoid paying there taxes with their foundations. I have no sympathy for the those people. Bernard "Bernie" Bernard didnt put a gun to anyones head or force them into doing anything that they didnt want to. And in some cases those yelling the loudest are theives themselves.
Ricky Duke the Chairman of Gm conned investors for years about Gm's true financial condition. He was trying to save his job and not the company he worked for when he told Wall Street that Gm's profits and prospects were improving when he knew differently. Ricky Dukes lying and incompetence cost workers thousands of jobs and helped cause the financial mess we are in today. Ricky Duke clearly broke the law and belongs in jail. Where is he today? Ricky Duke is not only not headed to jail but is a recipent of one Paulson's Care packages for crooked incompetent excutives. U GO RICKY DUKE
The phase more MONEY WAS STOLEN WITH A BRIEF CASE THEN A GUN was coined to describe what the bankers did with $650 billion that the U.S. government gave them to unfrezze the credit markets. They stole it is what they did. Are they going to jail? NO!!!! AND NEITHER SHOULD BERNARD BERNIE BERNARD MADOFF
Ricky Duke the Chairman of Gm conned investors for years about Gm's true financial condition. He was trying to save his job and not the company he worked for when he told Wall Street that Gm's profits and prospects were improving when he knew differently. Ricky Dukes lying and incompetence cost workers thousands of jobs and helped cause the financial mess we are in today. Ricky Duke clearly broke the law and belongs in jail. Where is he today? Ricky Duke is not only not headed to jail but is a recipent of one Paulson's Care packages for crooked incompetent excutives. U GO RICKY DUKE
The phase more MONEY WAS STOLEN WITH A BRIEF CASE THEN A GUN was coined to describe what the bankers did with $650 billion that the U.S. government gave them to unfrezze the credit markets. They stole it is what they did. Are they going to jail? NO!!!! AND NEITHER SHOULD BERNARD BERNIE BERNARD MADOFF
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Israel's Response To Hamas Attacks is Justified
The press Israel has received over its response to Hamas rocket attacks over its cities is unfair and biased. The journalists who write these articles mostly live in safe,secure neighorhoods in the good old USA and dont have to worry about their children being hurt in a rocket barrage. I think those journalists should move into northern Israel so they can experience first hand what its like to live in an area that is under constant threat of rocket attacks.
Ehud Barack is in charge of Israel's incursion into Gaza. The question is is he the best leader for this operation? For years Yassar Arafit outsmarted and out witted Israelie leaders like Barack and Shimone Peres. While he couldnt beat Israel Arafit often made it look foolish in the court
of world public opinion. Barack was prime minister when Arafit kicked the Israelies out of Joseph's tomb.
Then along came Ariel Sharon and Shaul Mofaz who defeated and destroyed Arafit thru superior leadership and military stragedy. Shaul Mofaz is proably the best military strategist
in the world at fighting middle eastern wars. So what is he doing now?
Because of politics he is in now the lowly job of Transportation Minister which is far removed from military planing. He had no role in Israel's major loss to Hezbollah. There isnt anyone better at fighing the type of war Israel is now engaged in with Hamas. And yet because of politics Shaul Mofaz is completely out of Israel's military decesion making process. The man who destroyed Yasser Arafit is out and the man Arafit beat is in. This dosent make a whole of sense. I thought that type of thing only happened in the United States.
Its Hamas who will determine when this ends. When missile attacks stop over Isrealie cities then it will be over with
Ehud Barack is in charge of Israel's incursion into Gaza. The question is is he the best leader for this operation? For years Yassar Arafit outsmarted and out witted Israelie leaders like Barack and Shimone Peres. While he couldnt beat Israel Arafit often made it look foolish in the court
of world public opinion. Barack was prime minister when Arafit kicked the Israelies out of Joseph's tomb.
Then along came Ariel Sharon and Shaul Mofaz who defeated and destroyed Arafit thru superior leadership and military stragedy. Shaul Mofaz is proably the best military strategist
in the world at fighting middle eastern wars. So what is he doing now?
Because of politics he is in now the lowly job of Transportation Minister which is far removed from military planing. He had no role in Israel's major loss to Hezbollah. There isnt anyone better at fighing the type of war Israel is now engaged in with Hamas. And yet because of politics Shaul Mofaz is completely out of Israel's military decesion making process. The man who destroyed Yasser Arafit is out and the man Arafit beat is in. This dosent make a whole of sense. I thought that type of thing only happened in the United States.
Its Hamas who will determine when this ends. When missile attacks stop over Isrealie cities then it will be over with
Monday, January 05, 2009
Uncle Milty May Have Been Funny But He Wasn't Practical
Many economists for years have championed the theories of economic scholar Milton Freidman even though his theories have seldom worked in the real world as we pointed out a few months ago. Gentle Ben Bernacke the man who dosent have the stomach to just say no to the big bankers is a practicing faithful follower of Milton and his solutions for fixing a depressed economy. Milton after years of exhastive study found that the great depression was caused by a liquidity crisis rather than the crashing of the stock market as most economist believe. Milton Freidman went on to theorize that if only more more money were made available for the bankers back then the great depression could have been avoided. The Detroit Times said that in a way the depression was a good thing because it got rid of all the dead wood. The excutives that had made a lot bad mistakes that helped cause the the depreesion were forced out and this made it easier for President Roosevelt to bring the economy out of the depression. Paul Krugman in todays New York Times reaffirms what what The Detroit Times had stated about Freidman's theories that they dont work in the real world and should be abondoned for more practical solutions. Just throwing money at the bankers like Gentle Ben and Paulson have done is wasteful and dosent work. $700 billion down the drain is a lot of money anyway you look at it. How is that going to get rid of a bad executive like Gm's Rick Wagoner? It isnt and thats the problem. What it is going to do is just prolong the misery we are in and make it harder to get out. Gm under Wagoner's direction will receive $14 billion for openers from the Paulson bailout express. This is the guy who caused Gm's problems with his weak leadership. The next ten years look rough for the U.S.
A GOOD CITIZEN has pointed out there is a book about Chalabi and Bush that may help us find out the truth about what Bush really did know before the Iraq invasion. Just look in comments under our last column The Book:Chalabi and Bush for the title.
THE BROKER; Crude Oil and the British Pound trades both became profitable today. Again take profits when they are there. Again we are scalping and not trend trading
A GOOD CITIZEN has pointed out there is a book about Chalabi and Bush that may help us find out the truth about what Bush really did know before the Iraq invasion. Just look in comments under our last column The Book:Chalabi and Bush for the title.
THE BROKER; Crude Oil and the British Pound trades both became profitable today. Again take profits when they are there. Again we are scalping and not trend trading
Saturday, January 03, 2009
The Book: Bush and Chalabi
Where is it? How come a book by a competent investigative reporter has never been written about Ahmed Chalabi and whether or not the CIA knew he was an Iranian spy? Do we have free speech or not.
THE GOVERNMENT HURT GM BY BAILING OUT ITS MANAGEMENT Gm wasnt helped at all by the government bailout money. The bailout was tilted towards saving Gm's incompetent management which should have been thrown out a long time ago instead of being given a reprive. That is why in the long run Paulson's bailout will be a total failure and wont help the economy.
THE BROKER Again our reccomendation is to buy in the money British Pound calls. If u didnt buy in the money option calls on Friday u still can Monday. If the pound is up Monday then stay on sidelines. If you got in on Friday then think about taking your profit
THE GOVERNMENT HURT GM BY BAILING OUT ITS MANAGEMENT Gm wasnt helped at all by the government bailout money. The bailout was tilted towards saving Gm's incompetent management which should have been thrown out a long time ago instead of being given a reprive. That is why in the long run Paulson's bailout will be a total failure and wont help the economy.
THE BROKER Again our reccomendation is to buy in the money British Pound calls. If u didnt buy in the money option calls on Friday u still can Monday. If the pound is up Monday then stay on sidelines. If you got in on Friday then think about taking your profit
Friday, January 02, 2009
The End of 2008 and What It May Bring
CITIZEN OF THE YEAR: Al Sharpton who stood up for everyones civil rights when he prostested the killing of a young man by police on his wedding day is CITIZEN OF THE YEAR. The young man hadnt done anything wrong when he was gunned down by police. Sharpton for his troubles received a $500,000 bill from the I.R.S. for back taxes. That should encourage more citizens to step and take a stand when they see a wrong. Sharpton because of his unselfish actions should be a candidate for a Mac Arthur Foundation grant. If the American people dont exercise their freedons and rights they will lose them. Sharpton stuck his neck out. The I.R.S. now wants to chop it off. That isnt fair.
FAREWELL TO GEORGE BUSH: I dont think a bigger dummy has ever been President than George W. Bush. He thinks he is going back to the ranch to play with his dogs. There may be something else in store for Bush besides his dogs. How about Jail? There is a lot of books and articles being written about how its possible Georgie could be tried for the crimes he committed while he was President. Like Murder... Vincent Bugliosi the man who successfully prosecuted Charles Manson thinks Bush should be tried for murder and has written a book about this. If the United States is truly a democracy Bush will be tried. However I dont think that is currently the case and feel Bush will walk. The bad situation he caused for the American people is our problem
THE ECONOMY: How is giving money to greedy bankers and incomptent jerks like Rick Wagoner going to revive the economy? It isnt. The long term outlook for the United States isnt good.
BERMARD(BERNIE)MADOFF The year of the con man. How could so many well educated people be so gullable and naive? The Bernard Bernie incident and others I havent written about says a lot about why people elect such losy polticians. People believe the best bull shiter. And at bullshit Bernard Bernie was a genius
The Detroit Times was even a victim of being conned. The documents about Lester(Rupport)Murdocks ancestoral hertiage may have in fact been forged. They are being further examined as we speak. Lester mother may in fact may be Irish catholic instead of Irish jewish as the documents show and The Times reported. However we have iron clad proof that Lester did in fact pee in his diapers on the plane trip to Saudi Arabia where he met the prince. They didnt stock enough diapers for Lester on the plane ride. Lester try and do better next time. The Bankcroft family certainly peed on Lester. They forced him to greatly over pay for the Wall Street Journal.
FAREWELL TO GEORGE BUSH: I dont think a bigger dummy has ever been President than George W. Bush. He thinks he is going back to the ranch to play with his dogs. There may be something else in store for Bush besides his dogs. How about Jail? There is a lot of books and articles being written about how its possible Georgie could be tried for the crimes he committed while he was President. Like Murder... Vincent Bugliosi the man who successfully prosecuted Charles Manson thinks Bush should be tried for murder and has written a book about this. If the United States is truly a democracy Bush will be tried. However I dont think that is currently the case and feel Bush will walk. The bad situation he caused for the American people is our problem
THE ECONOMY: How is giving money to greedy bankers and incomptent jerks like Rick Wagoner going to revive the economy? It isnt. The long term outlook for the United States isnt good.
BERMARD(BERNIE)MADOFF The year of the con man. How could so many well educated people be so gullable and naive? The Bernard Bernie incident and others I havent written about says a lot about why people elect such losy polticians. People believe the best bull shiter. And at bullshit Bernard Bernie was a genius
The Detroit Times was even a victim of being conned. The documents about Lester(Rupport)Murdocks ancestoral hertiage may have in fact been forged. They are being further examined as we speak. Lester mother may in fact may be Irish catholic instead of Irish jewish as the documents show and The Times reported. However we have iron clad proof that Lester did in fact pee in his diapers on the plane trip to Saudi Arabia where he met the prince. They didnt stock enough diapers for Lester on the plane ride. Lester try and do better next time. The Bankcroft family certainly peed on Lester. They forced him to greatly over pay for the Wall Street Journal.