Israel's Response To Hamas Attacks is Justified
The press Israel has received over its response to Hamas rocket attacks over its cities is unfair and biased. The journalists who write these articles mostly live in safe,secure neighorhoods in the good old USA and dont have to worry about their children being hurt in a rocket barrage. I think those journalists should move into northern Israel so they can experience first hand what its like to live in an area that is under constant threat of rocket attacks.
Ehud Barack is in charge of Israel's incursion into Gaza. The question is is he the best leader for this operation? For years Yassar Arafit outsmarted and out witted Israelie leaders like Barack and Shimone Peres. While he couldnt beat Israel Arafit often made it look foolish in the court
of world public opinion. Barack was prime minister when Arafit kicked the Israelies out of Joseph's tomb.
Then along came Ariel Sharon and Shaul Mofaz who defeated and destroyed Arafit thru superior leadership and military stragedy. Shaul Mofaz is proably the best military strategist
in the world at fighting middle eastern wars. So what is he doing now?
Because of politics he is in now the lowly job of Transportation Minister which is far removed from military planing. He had no role in Israel's major loss to Hezbollah. There isnt anyone better at fighing the type of war Israel is now engaged in with Hamas. And yet because of politics Shaul Mofaz is completely out of Israel's military decesion making process. The man who destroyed Yasser Arafit is out and the man Arafit beat is in. This dosent make a whole of sense. I thought that type of thing only happened in the United States.
Its Hamas who will determine when this ends. When missile attacks stop over Isrealie cities then it will be over with
Ehud Barack is in charge of Israel's incursion into Gaza. The question is is he the best leader for this operation? For years Yassar Arafit outsmarted and out witted Israelie leaders like Barack and Shimone Peres. While he couldnt beat Israel Arafit often made it look foolish in the court
of world public opinion. Barack was prime minister when Arafit kicked the Israelies out of Joseph's tomb.
Then along came Ariel Sharon and Shaul Mofaz who defeated and destroyed Arafit thru superior leadership and military stragedy. Shaul Mofaz is proably the best military strategist
in the world at fighting middle eastern wars. So what is he doing now?
Because of politics he is in now the lowly job of Transportation Minister which is far removed from military planing. He had no role in Israel's major loss to Hezbollah. There isnt anyone better at fighing the type of war Israel is now engaged in with Hamas. And yet because of politics Shaul Mofaz is completely out of Israel's military decesion making process. The man who destroyed Yasser Arafit is out and the man Arafit beat is in. This dosent make a whole of sense. I thought that type of thing only happened in the United States.
Its Hamas who will determine when this ends. When missile attacks stop over Isrealie cities then it will be over with
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