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Friday, January 23, 2009

The Detroit Story And Its Not A Very Pretty or Happy One But It May Be Coming To A City Or Town Near You

Detroit has now replaced New Orleans as the most disfuctional city in America. Living and working in Detroit is a nightmare come true. The Detroit Story has been years in the making and the ending dosen't look like it will be a happy one for the city or its residents.
Detroits downturn actually started in the early fifties when real estate developers started using public money to tear down some of Detroit's older neighborhoods that where primally home to Detroits black poplution. Black bottom was one of the first neighborhoods to go. It was completely torn down and replaced with a trendy development called Lafayette Park which consisted of cookie cutter apartments of those being built in the suburbs. Today like everything else in Detroit Laffayette Park is blighted and deserted.
The automobile companiies and the real estate developers where the driving force behind the project. There would be many more urban renwal projects that would come after this one.
The people who were displaced by these urban renewal projects where forced to move into other neighborhoods that were ill equiped to handle the new influx of people. Consequently there might be 3 or four families living in a house that was designed for one. Neighborhoods that where mostly white soon became changinging neighborhoods or mostly black with the whites heading north or into the surburbs. This was the begining of the urban sprawl that would take over and conquer the entire southeastern Michigan.
The white polticians neglected the black neighborhoods and spent more on policing the white neighborhoods with the rest of the cities budget going into more urban renewal projects. Gm just like Detroit's Mafia bosses cleaned up and sucked up billions from these Urban Renewal projects. Detroit was worth more dead than alive because of the huge ammounts of government money pouring into the city for urban renewal. Its estimated almost a $trillion was spent on these urban renewal projects. The blacks out of fear or just not wanting to make waves never protested the decline of city services in their neighborhoods.
Where was the Press? They became part and parcel of the game. They glossed over the truth and falsly reported that it was really the riots that caused Detroits failure. Before the riots ever even started Detroit was showing signs of deteroration,blight and decline. And the riots where confined to very small part of the city. The press made it sound like the whole city was rioting. It was the cities response to the riots that worsend things. It was mostly a public relations campaign that never really did anything to stop the decline of city services in black neighborhoods. These neighborhoods were demolished by neglect.
Detroits current conditions of blight, high unemployment and the highest poverty rate for children in the U.S. are something that will last a long time. The Maifa bosses that now contol Michigan and Detroit have replaced the declining auto industry excutives as the cities leading citizens. Michigan's governor Jennifer Granholm is a Mafia princess and Detroits former Mayor the poontang kid has been jailed and is now being investigated for coruption. Mike Illich's gambling,prostitution and drug business are now Detriot's leading industries. Illich a mafia front man influences if not controls Detroit's media. While a variety of differnt opinion polls are taken by the media on numerous issues a poll about how people feel about about having casinos in Michigan has never been taken.
The Detroit Story is a sad one but it is starting to play in other cities such as Los Angeles. Los Angeles is controlled by the big construction companies and real estate developers. They raided the cities treasury and pension funds just like what happened in Detroit and poured it into projects they control. Phil Anschutz development near downtown sucked up millions of public dollars. Many healthy neighorhoods in Los Angeles are now starved of cities services as blight creeps in. The Los Angeles Times the cities leading newspaper dosent write about corpution in city hall. Like most in the media they write about fires ,floods and downplay the cities growing crime problem. Gang violence terrorizes students in the neighborhoods around U.S.C but little is written about it. Many people in neighborhoods like the Pico and Wilshire area are afraid to walk the streets at night in fear of being attacked.
Los Angele's Mayor Antiono Vee (the love machine) as tagged by the alternative press for his penchent for 2 sex partners uses the police to control the poplution instead of protecting it. The police spend most of their time giving tickets to unspecting motorists instead of arresting criminals and thus many crimes go unsolved. The notorious and brazen restaurant robberies in the valley has never been solved. The Fairfax area robberies perportrated by gunman walking up to victims and demanding money also are crimes that should have been prevented and solved.
Like Detroit the city of Los Angeles now dosent have public access tv. At&t's cable division bribed Calilfornia politician's like Antiono Vee and Gov.Arnie the Panzie to close it down. Democracy in its most basic form is communication. And if people cant criticize their government on a level playing field then they have lost their democracy. That is what happened in Detroit and it may now be occuring across the country.