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Friday, October 31, 2008

Why America Is In So Much Trouble

The United States is just unable to do what has to be done in creating a healthy country. A big part of the reason for this is Americans just dont see the truth. People are seeing things that really arent there. I dont know exactly what they are seeing but it isnt reality or the truth. The automobile industry for example should never have been allowed to end up in the condition its in now. An industry on the brink of extension. A Gm Chrysler merger makes no sense at all. Something that shouldn't be allowed to happen. It will further damage both companies. Gm just wants Chrylser for its $11 billion in cash that it got not from profits but from borrowing against its credit line. Gm will throw away the rest of the company and keep the 11 billion. Does that make sense? Is it trufuthful to think that will save both companies.
Rick Wagoner the person proposing this merger has failed at everything he has touched at Gm and now he proposes this merger and everyone concerned excepts it as gosspel. Does that make any sense at all. Look at his track record. Look at what he did to Gm. Does it make any sense for this merger to happen? In being truthful and realistic it dosent make any sense at all. And yet it proably will happen. And that is why America is in so much trouble. It just dosent see the truth.

Dont Read This It Will Make You Sick

Paulson's revised bailout package which was supposed to get more money into the system to unlock the credit markets is instead going to the bankers and the bank shareholders. The bankers,according to the Washington Post are paying out over half the bailout money in special dividends to the banks shareholders. Plus the golden parachutes and excesive pay will be allowed under this revised plan.
This pretty much defeats what was a feeble attempt to begin with of having any hope of restarting the economy. Over half the money is going to the shareholders and excutives. HOW IS THAT GOING TO HELP THE ECONOMY

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Real Reason Gm Failed

The cars Gm made were run of the mill stuff that everyone else was selling. There was no compelling reason to by a Gm product. They did what every other manufacture was doing only a notch or two below
Gm didnt have any pricing power because there quality was below average. They had a bargain basement approach to the car business. Copy the competation then sell it for less. This caused there profit margins to fall or become non-existent.
Pricing power comes from making a product that no one else has that people want. If Gm had come out with the Volt before the steep increase in gasoling prices it could have charged a premium price for the car. Instead the Volt which may not even work will be released when gasoline prices are falling.
The problems Gm is having now are there fault. It isnt labor costs or unions that did Gm in but poor management.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Myth About The American Automobile Industry

Many of those from academia who have made careers out of studying the American automobile industry have mistakenly said there wouldnt be any long lasting effects if the industry were to cease to exist. The slack would be taken up by the foreign companies so says these experts from acedimia. And labor costs are just to high for

American companies to make money according to them.
The truth is much different then what these experts go around telling the media. Labor costs are only amount to about 10% of the cost of building cars. And the reason the American Auto Industry is in so much trouble has nothing to do with unions or high wages. It has everything to do with bad management. Rick Wagoner has managed Gm into the ground. The guy running Chrysler has never run a car company before. Ford's Chairmen Allan Mullay has a lot of manufacturing experience and is a smart man who has made a lot good moves. Ford's qualilty is equal to any Japanese company. But he dosent have any background in creating new product.
If the American car companies arent nationlized the United States could become an economic colony of the countries we now compete with. The American standard of living would never recover.
Chrylers should be bought by the government and Ford given loan guarentees since they are the healthest. Gm should be forced into bankruptcy and then rescured by the government. We will see a depression if these steps arent taken

Monday, October 27, 2008

The One Quality That MaCain Has That Obama Has Shown Very Little OF

John MaCain was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War and was severly tortured and beaten during his inprisoment. Many voters are aware of this. However what isnt common knowledge is that he could have been released much earlier than he was because his father was an admiral. When the North Vietnese wanted to release MaCain he told them those prisoners that were captured before him should leave first. It took a lot of integraty and courage to do that.
Contrast that with Obama who voluntarily sat and listened to one of the most anti-white and anti-semtic preachers in Chicago for almost 20 years and said nothing to stop or change the Rev.Wrights racist message to his congreagation.
Character does count. And MaCain has shown much more of it then Obama

Saturday, October 25, 2008

John MaCain Can Still Win:But This Is What He Has To Do

MaCain is somewhat of a contrarian when it comes using issues that define his candidancy. He takes an issue that is currantly out of the main stream then takes stakes out a positon on that issue and waits for the winds to drift his way. It works. That is how he won the Republican nomination.
The country is now facing a depression and the rain is pouring down and the dam is about to burst. Their isnt time to wait for the sun to come out. MaCain should enlist Romney to campaign for him and go into econmoically distressed areas like Michigan and say what is happening here isnt right or good enough and John MaCain will fix this.
Romeny has the authenticty to do this because he has created and managed big busineses successfully. MaCain must swallow hard and put his ego away and enlist Romeny's help otherwise its going to be hard for him to win.
Obama hasnt said anything worth while yet about the ecnomoy but he has the Saudi controlled press behing him. MaCain must counter this with bold action. And getting Romoney to campaign for him in economically distressed areas is part of the answer.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Calmining The Markets

The government has to role up it sleeves and get in the mud and do the dirty work necessary to get things going again. Just shifting money around isnt the solution. Creating and building a solid manufacturing base thats going to create solid income for blue collar workers is what investors want to see happen.
The government must get the American automoile industry started and running. The government has to take over Chrylser and make a man on the moon comittment to turn it into a healthy company and also help Ford with its problems. Gm should be bought out by the government after it fails and then bring it back from the dead.
In order to calm the markets this is what its going to take or a bad depression will happen that could cost the country its democracy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This Democratic Party Is Not The Party Of Franklin Roosevelt,John Kennedy and John L Lewis

The Democratic Party of today is the party of Potlicker Hoffa,Andy Stern,Big Oil Money,Wall Street money and corrupt mafia unions. Obama himself is best friends with Tyler Perry a union strike breaker.
Todays Democratic Party is not the progressive party of years past and dosent have the same goals of making reforms to improve the human condition.
Potlicker Hoffa is supporting Obama so government over sight of his union is ended. Then the teamsters can back to the good old days when the Mafia ran it.
Andy Sterns service union is being investigated for massive corruption and he wants Obama to help him make his union bigger
Big Oil wants Obama to help them keep gasoling prices higher
Wall Street gave tons to Obama so he will bale them out and cover their losing bets. All of theses groups have paved the way for Obama to become President by giving him their money.
And of course last but not least our Saudi Masters have tilted the American Media which they own to help Obama by slanting the news in his favor. So this is the Democratic Party of today. Do u want anypart of this cesspool? If not then vote for John MaCain

Monday, October 20, 2008

Los Angeles Needs Mass Transit But Vote NO On Raising The Sales Tax

While Los Angeles needs new subways badly in order to relieve traffic congestion and have sustained growth, the mass transit plan being offered by the Mta now is a bad plan that would waste tax payer money. Zev Yaroslavsky the Los Angeles county superviser who has overseen the Mta for years used his positon to block a Wilshire subway because his Beverly Hills constituents didnt want Alavero street moving to Rodeo Dr.
The plan he and his assitant Roger Snoble are now proposing has big gaps in it. It completely leaves out the Burbank-Glendale,Antolope Valley area.
Roger Snoble would be adminstering the project and he spends public money recklessly. Roger spent 80million dollars on a gizmo that was supposed to be able to track passengers on the red line using a special transit card that would worked like a credit card. The Mta would have to spend another 60million to make work. So 80million dollars of gizmo is laying around the Mta some place while there arent enough buses to service the current ridership.
VOTE NO ON THE HALF CENT SALES TAX INCREASE in November. A better transit plan is needed and it shouldnt be put together by the amazing wastful duo of Roger Snoble and Zev Yaroslavsky

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A New Begining and A Fresh Start

The American economy is still falling with no bottom in sight yet. Most people have yet to feel the full impact of what has happened on Wall Street. The American people could very well be seeing a 1930's depression. What can the government do to prevent or cushion the harshness of this bad economy? Bailing out wealthy bankers who lived like tycoons on their companies money isnt going to help and may actually end up making things worse.
Giving Chrylser and other manufacturing companies a new start would go a long way in solving this counties financial crisis. If the government made a committment to buy Chrysler and turn into a compeative first rate automoblie company that would in turn give everyone a new begining and provide much needed jobs where people could afford a decent standard of living so they could pay for a new house.
If the govenment dosent do this soon the stock market and economy will just keep falling with nothing in sight to stop it.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Gm's Proposed Merger With Chrysler Will Doom The 2 Companies

The American Automobile industry isnt competative with the foreign companies and the merging of Chrysler and Gm will make it fall even further behind. Bad management is the sole reason the American companies have lagged so badlly for so long.
Gm's Rick Wagoner perhaps the worst auto excutive ever to run an automobile company would be heading this new company. Rick is now building an electic car(the Volt)whose batteries may or may not even work. It wont be know until just a few months before the car is supposed to go into production if the batteries will perform as expected. How is that for great planning? Rick is the worst yet he wants to do this merger. He has run his company Gm into the ground and now he wants to do this merger. What Wagoner should really get is a pink slip.
The government should buy Chrylser bring it back to life with better management. This worked in the 1980's. If this isnt done we may never crawl out of this fiancial crisis

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Ghost of Roland Arnel Looms Over The Housing Collapse

Roland Arnel was a pioneer in creating the sub-prime mortage market. His company Ameriquest funded over 70 billion in loans in 2004 and was worth over 3 billion dollars. Arnel started his business career selling flowers on the street corners of Los Angeles before getting into the mortgage business. His company specialized in mortgages for people with bad credit. Initally he helped a lot people get houses that normaly would have been locked out of the market,which helped not hurt the economy.
Problems started when mortgages where being mass produced so they could be bundled into packages. THe mortgage companies main concern then became feeding the hardy appitite of investors who clammored for mortgage packages. After all it was a gurenteed investment and what could go wrong with housing.
Arnel became enormously wealthy and was a big contributor to polticians like Govenor Arnie(the businessman) and George Bush. The polticians in turn looked the other way as the mortgage and banking industry made billions feeding this tremondous demand for mortgage packages. Arnel one of the richest men in the state was the link between the mortgage industry and the politians who closed their eyes to what Arnel and his comrads where doing. Arnel at a cost well over 20million bought and refurbished the home of Joseph Shank one of the early founders of the motion picture industry. George Bush appointed him as an ammbasodor to Luxenburg.
Then suddenly everything went into reverse for Arnel. His son became sick so resigned his position as ambassador and came back home. His company was of the first to be hit by the mortgage crisis and he was forced to sell it in pieces to his competitors. Arnell then discovered he had cancer and died soon afterwards. In the span of 3 years he went from being one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in California to a broken sick man
While Arnel has made his transition to a more peacful place we still here on earth must now deal with the aftermath of his mortgage bundling party.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Calming the Stock Market

The government must get at the root of the cause as to why the housing market collapsed. It collapesed primarily because people just dont earn enough to live a life they once could afford. What changed? The loss of our manufacturing base has hurt personal income and the economy.
The government must buy Chrysler and possably the other auto makers and make them competative again. If the government annouced that it was creating and starting a new industrial policy for aiding manufacturing businesses it would go along way towards soothing the markets

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

There Is Only One Way Out of The Little Bighorn And Its Thru The Saudia Arabian Pass

There is a solution that will prevent a financial meltdown and give us some time to rebuild our economy without risking everything we own. However it will take bold action and the American people must stop acting like potlickers and stand up and be willing to fight for their rights and freedoms. That is asking for a lot these days and I realize it. But if we dont stand up and take a stand for our freedom and standard of living now we will become dominated by other countries. Countries that compete with us financcilly and militarily. You see how the Chinese and the Arabs treat people they control. For many years we looked at this in mild disgust and went about our business. But now we could end up being like those we once felt sorry for.
Saudia Arabia owes us big time and now its time to collect. They were the country that bombed New York city. We must present them with now a bill. A $2trillion dollar bill for the damages from when they bombed the U.S. on 9-11. Yes it will take a certain boldness to do it. But we are entitled to it. And this may be our are last oppunity to collect this money. If we continue to do nothing then we will have a very deary future. The 2 tillion will go along way in helping us to get started again. Its time we started standing up for our rights instead of just sitting and waiting for somebody else to take care of us.
That is why Iam voting for John MaCain. He would be daring and bold enough to get us out of this financial mess. And that is what its going to take.
Barack Obama is influenced and possably controlled like George Bush by the Saudia Arabia. He wont be the President who will take the bold action needed to end this downfall we are in. The reason he is ahead in the polls is because the Saudi controled media is strongly biased in his favor.
If you look back at my previous bloggs I'am hardly ever wrong in what I have predicted and Iam right as rain in what I have just written.
Either we vote for John MaCain for president or we must be willing to eat the plate of shit thats getting ready to be served to the American people

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Would a Barack Obama Presidency Be Like

We now have a pretty good idea how Obama would deal with the problems this country faces.
Foreign Policy----Early in the primaries Obama said he would expand the Iraq war into Pakistian and go after the fighters who use it as a refuge. Bush administrian is now doing this with no success. Bush has opened a third front in this war just as Obama proposed and its like putting another foot an a bucket of cement.
Domestic Policy---Obama has said he would put tariffs on Chinese goods coming into the U.S. Many economist feel it was the leving of new tariffs by Congress that caused the Great Depression.
The Energy Crisis----There isnt any question Obama is going to build Nucular Power Plants. The Nucular Power industry was a major backer of Dr.Obamas.
Talks with Iran------Obama has proposed talking with a crazy man. George Bush followed Obama's plan and opened up talks to stop Iran from building a bomb. And they laughed in Bush's face. Bush and Obama deserved to get shit on. We opened talks with Iran and got noting in return for doing it except a rejection.
MaCain is a much better choice and was picked by the voters. Obama owes his nomination to special interest groups like the Saudi's and Big Oil who bought the nomination for him.
Havent we learned anything from 2000?

The Canadian Dollar

There is going to be a nice rally in the Canadian dollar. Trade the market and hold it until u have a profit. The Canadian dollar is just over sold. There is money to be make on the long side for a short term trade

What Is The Stock Market Saying

The market obviously dosent like Paulson's orginal bailout proposal. It was after Congress passed the bailout that the stock market caved in. Its foolish to think that giving betters back their money after making losing bets that the economy will improve. Paulson's new idea of stock ownership in the banking industry is a better idea but may not help in the long run. Its proably better if the economy just went into cold turkey and then started over fresh ,locked and loaded ready for bear. Because if a Rick Wagoner still has his job after this is over then the whole process was a complete failure. Recessions and Depressions wash out the shit like Wagoner and like that there really a new begining. Gm will never make a comeback just as long as Wagoner is chairmen or involved with the company.
What does the sudden collapse of the market mean for the average person. In six months it will hit and the effects will be job loss and maybe a lot worse.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Milton Freidman:Practical Realist or Foggy Dreamy Eyed Theorist

We will soon find out how well economist Milton Friedman's ideas work in the real world. It seems that Bernacke and Paulson are followers of Friedman's economic ideas. Theories that when tested so far in the real world which havent worked.
One of Friedman's conclusions is that the great depression was caused not by the stock market crash of 1929(the most commonly held belief)but the Fed's refusal to flood the system with credit and money after the crash,which caused the economy to lock up,according to Friedman. He believed that if the Fed had injected liquitiy into the system the depression would have been prevented. It seems like a logical idea but we don't know if doing that would have been throwing good money after bad.
After all the stock market crash was caused by people who had made a lot of bad business decesions and the depression removed a lot of those people out of those decesion making positions.
Some of Friedman's ideas where used by South American countries trying to build their economy. Many of those counties quickley abondoned Friendman's ideas as impractical. I guess we will soon find whether Friedman's ideas about the depression were valid or not.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Winning Team:Bloomberg/Hagel

Iam afraid neither of the Presidential candidates has the background to deal with the financial tsunami sweeping the worlds financial markets. Bloomberg should have run and had he done so he would have easily won. His experience in dealing with Wall Street and the financial markets would have calmed investors and given him a tremondous edge in the race.
MaCain"s big mistake in the campaign was not picking Romney as his Vice-President. MaCain mis-judged the severity of the financial crisis and picked Sarah Palen who has done a good job of campaigning but dosent have the background to reassure voters about the financial crisis. MaCain needs to paint himself as a job creator and Romney would have helped give him that image.
Obama has been given an easy ride by the Saudi controlled media. And yes the Saudi's also have poured a ton of money into Obama's campaign coffers. That is how he can outspend MaCain 3 to 1. The remedies Obama has proposed would only deepen the crisis. Telling unemployed factory workers that he would put tariffs on Chinesse imports may sound good to someone who has lost his job but that would only deepen the crisis. The Saudi controlled media dosent mention that.
The bailout is a joke designed to bailout rich Wall Street excutives and that is what the stock market is telling us now. When the bailout was intially rejected the market rallied.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Why Are The American People So Fucken Dumb

The United States just went thru 8 tramatic years under George Bush's prsidency and now the average potlicker is likely to elect a candidate who is backed by the same special interests groups who put George Bush in the White House.
Barack Obama is backed to the hilt by Big Oil and Wall Street money. And that is the same big money that put George Bush in the White House.
Obama lost the Democratic primaries as Hillory Clinton was swindled out of the nomination she rightfully won. Big Oil and Wall Street bribed politicans like Tom Dodd to steal the nomination for Obama.
John MaCain won his parties nomination fair and square in real elections. He owes his nomination to Republican voters. Obama owes his nomination not to the voters but to the big money who theived the election from Hillory Clinton. The same big money that put George Bush in office. WAKE-UP POT LICKERS Ifen were not careful the whole fucken country will be in a depression like Michigan. THE POTLICKER STATE