There Is Only One Way Out of The Little Bighorn And Its Thru The Saudia Arabian Pass
There is a solution that will prevent a financial meltdown and give us some time to rebuild our economy without risking everything we own. However it will take bold action and the American people must stop acting like potlickers and stand up and be willing to fight for their rights and freedoms. That is asking for a lot these days and I realize it. But if we dont stand up and take a stand for our freedom and standard of living now we will become dominated by other countries. Countries that compete with us financcilly and militarily. You see how the Chinese and the Arabs treat people they control. For many years we looked at this in mild disgust and went about our business. But now we could end up being like those we once felt sorry for.
Saudia Arabia owes us big time and now its time to collect. They were the country that bombed New York city. We must present them with now a bill. A $2trillion dollar bill for the damages from when they bombed the U.S. on 9-11. Yes it will take a certain boldness to do it. But we are entitled to it. And this may be our are last oppunity to collect this money. If we continue to do nothing then we will have a very deary future. The 2 tillion will go along way in helping us to get started again. Its time we started standing up for our rights instead of just sitting and waiting for somebody else to take care of us.
That is why Iam voting for John MaCain. He would be daring and bold enough to get us out of this financial mess. And that is what its going to take.
Barack Obama is influenced and possably controlled like George Bush by the Saudia Arabia. He wont be the President who will take the bold action needed to end this downfall we are in. The reason he is ahead in the polls is because the Saudi controled media is strongly biased in his favor.
If you look back at my previous bloggs I'am hardly ever wrong in what I have predicted and Iam right as rain in what I have just written.
Either we vote for John MaCain for president or we must be willing to eat the plate of shit thats getting ready to be served to the American people
Saudia Arabia owes us big time and now its time to collect. They were the country that bombed New York city. We must present them with now a bill. A $2trillion dollar bill for the damages from when they bombed the U.S. on 9-11. Yes it will take a certain boldness to do it. But we are entitled to it. And this may be our are last oppunity to collect this money. If we continue to do nothing then we will have a very deary future. The 2 tillion will go along way in helping us to get started again. Its time we started standing up for our rights instead of just sitting and waiting for somebody else to take care of us.
That is why Iam voting for John MaCain. He would be daring and bold enough to get us out of this financial mess. And that is what its going to take.
Barack Obama is influenced and possably controlled like George Bush by the Saudia Arabia. He wont be the President who will take the bold action needed to end this downfall we are in. The reason he is ahead in the polls is because the Saudi controled media is strongly biased in his favor.
If you look back at my previous bloggs I'am hardly ever wrong in what I have predicted and Iam right as rain in what I have just written.
Either we vote for John MaCain for president or we must be willing to eat the plate of shit thats getting ready to be served to the American people
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