The Latest Sub Pime Fix Wont Work
The Bush remedy for the sub prime melt down is doomed to have very little effect on stopping the housing crisis. That because it dosent address the cause of the housing crisis and instead its like appling paint to rotted wood. The wood rotted because Americans cant afford the lifestyle they live. And that was the cause of the housing meltdown and why it will get much worse. Many people supplamented there income or lived off the appreciation in their houses. The reality now is people are going to have live off of what they earn. And there proably going to come up short. The United States is no longer a rich country. Thanks to Ronald Regan the United States is technically bankrupt and much of our industry that paid high wages has been sent overseas. Then you have those potlickers the teamsters that voted for a president who is going to give there high paying jobs to the less fortuante Mexican truck drivers. The French Revelution wasnt started by the poor but the middle class. And the middle class are now being pushed very hard
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