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Thursday, May 31, 2007


The way Bratton has managed the police department has been very costly to the city of Los Angeles. The overreaction by the police department in the Mac Arthur Park incident wasnt an accident. That is the type of police department that Bratton manages a very confrontaional in your face type of police force. Law abiding citizens are harassed while criminals continue there activety. In other words Bratton's want the police to be bullies instead of police officers and its been very costly for the city of Los Angeles in terms monatery judgements against the city and the loss of freedom for its citizens. Bratton must go.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Chairmen of General Electric is A Funken Genius

Jeffery Immult who is the chairmen of Ge sold a plastics company owned by Ge to Saudi Arabia for $13billion, which is proably more than its worth. What a fucken genius. He really put one over on the Saudis or did he? They are a shrewd ruthless people so why did they over pay for Ge's plastic business. What did Ge really have that they wanted. Ge owns a broadcast network called NBC. Do u think NBC news is now going to do a special report about Saudi Arabias role in the 9-11 attacks or that our close friends the Saudias are literally taking control over our economy and country and that is why we have to pay $4 a gallon for gas. They own the funken oil refineries in California. What the Saudias really bought for $13billon was influence. And they did it on the cheap. $13billion for Ge helping them take control of the American economy isn't a whole lot of money. When the Indians sold Manhatten for a few trinkets they thought they got a good deal. What is Ge thinking now?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Parking Tickets Can and Should Go Up in Los Angeles

How many parking tickets will it take to pay off the tens of millions of dollars its going to cost to settle the Mac Arthur Park incident where the police overreacted? At $100 a pop which is what most parking tickets are going for its going to take a long time. Parking tickets should be raised to $300 or even $400 because its the only way to raise the money that is going to be need to settle the lawsuits stemming from the Mac Arthur Park incident. The real estate developers who picked Bill Bratton arent going to pay. Unfortunatley its going to be the average person who pays for the Police Departments mistakes thru higher parking tickets and that way it has to be.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Week in Review

The Democrates have got to shut down that war as they promised their constinucey when they campaigned in the last election or they will go the way of the dinosour. The United States standing in world affairs wont be the same because of the war. It was poorly planned and thought out and consequently the United States has taken a terriable beating. The only way out to bring closure to the Iraq war is to start impeachment procedings against George Bush. Bush is the impedament to ending the war. The american people must have the stomach for impeaching Bush or this thing cant end. Did George Bush know Mr. Chalabi was an Iranian spy when he was taking his advice about invading Iraq

Thursday, May 17, 2007

As The World Turns Part II

In the last episode the congressional Democrates where in the difficult positon of being forced to chose between two lovers. Whom would they chose? A very tramatic and hard position to be placed in. But nonetheless the Democrates toiled as they wiped the tears away in making their decision. They chose wiseley but predictably. There friends , neighbors and consistutents who put them in office where abondoned for a bunch of smelly camel herders that smelled like they hadnt changed there headwraps since the Iraq war started. Why did the Democrates vote to fund the Iraq war when they campaigned to end it? The camel herders had the money. MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS at least when it comes politics. The Democrates have unfairly turned their backs on the voters who put them in office with the understanding the Iraq war would be ended. Unless that war is ended soon the voters are going to turn there backs on the Democrates come next election. People are tired of being manulipated and lied to. Move should move on for good. They have never influenced any important legislation. should be put out of its misery for good before it completely wrecks the liberal political spectrum.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hitler Meeting with the French in the Railroad Car Is now Iran meeting with the U.S.

George Bush has lead the United States into defeat. We have lost in both Iraq and Afgananstan and Iran isnt now going to give us anything that we have lost on the battlefield. They know Iraq is theirs for the taking. So why would they give us concessions? They wont. Its the Bush administrison that is going to be making the concessions . Its a mistake for the United States to meet with Iran for talks about Iraq. The United States on its own must solve the Iraq equation, since it was our blundering and poor leadership that got us into this mess. We have to clean it up ourselves. George Bush the dumbest thing to ever enter the White House is making a big mistake in meeting with Iran. He is going to give credablity to a rougue government by meeting with them on such a high level. The war must be ended but in a way that dosent damage our standing as a world leader. Unfortanelty for us George Bush isnt capable of doing that. The United States is in for a rough time. Listen to Bill (Tokyo Rose) O'reilly, Doug(white fang)Mc Intyer and Phat Ass Dennis Praguer on what should be done about Iraq. They work for our close friends and allies Saudia Arabia the country that for our own good blew up Nyc on 9-11.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Its Time for BIl Bratton to Ride Off Into The Sunset

Police Commissioner Bratton has done his best work for the city of Los Angeles and should move on to other challenges. The Mac Arthur Park incident is just one of numerous other mishandled costly incidents by the police department. Last month one of Brattons former aides was accused of handing out pormotions based on whether they had sex with him. A few months ago one of his top assitants carried a gun onto an airplane. Then there are the numerous incidents of the police using to much force in apprehending suspects or stopping and harasing motorists for very minor traffic infractions just to bring in revenue. Serous crimes that should have been solved like the resterunts hold-ups in the valley are still open and unsolved with the perpetrators still at large. Mr Bratton thinks that by stopping motorists for minor traffic violations he may stumble across wanted criminals and at the same time bring in revenue. That is a poor way of raising taxes and hasnt brought closure to important criminal cases like the resturant hold-ups in the valley. It really is time for Mr. Bratton to seek employment some place else.

Friday, May 04, 2007


A major riot in Los Angeles has a high proablity of occuring in the near future. The city is controlled by the big real estate developers and construction companies who squeeze the cities treasury for every penny they can steal. The mayor and city counsel are picked owned and controlled by these power groups who literaly use the city government to beat the shit out of the cities residents and the general population. There is a deep tide of resentment and hate towards authority by La residents. The police force instead of protecting citizens is used to control the population. The police are overbearing on the average citizen unfairly stopping motorist to give them petty tickets just to bring in revenue for the real estate developers. Motorists are harrased not only by the police but also by the arrogant parking metor maids who hand out tickest like advertizing ciruculars. Many of the tickets are unfairly given out. At the same time gang violence is at an epedemic. These elements are like a stick of tnt waiting to be ignited. So if u bring your convention to Los Angeles it just might be during the middle of a major riot.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Rupport Murdock:Fry the Kingfish

Murdock must pay a penalty for using his media-empire to sell the biggest miscalulation and mistake made by a President in the last 50yrs to the American public. The Fox News channel and the rest of Murdock's media empire shoved the Iraq war right down the gullable mouths of the American people . Murdock must be penalized by breaking up this propaganda machine that he controls and used not for the better ment of the American people but for the gain of self serving financial interests like Saudi Arabia who has poured tons of capital into his company. Many consumer advocates warned that the concentration of news sources in the hands of a few large corportations would be a dangerous thing. That consequence has now come to foriation. Its called the Iraq war. SOLD to the American public by the Rupport Murdock controlled media. LYNCH RUPPORT!!!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Saudi Arabia:America's Landlord

Saudi Arabia is not a friend or ally of the United States. Saudi Arabia is our landlord and overseerer. The Saudis own the largest bank in the world I believe its called Citigroup. They own the oil referineries in California. There big stock holders in most of the big media companies in the United States. They are also invested in many other businesses acroos americas economy. What all this means is the United States is run for the benefit of Saudi Arabia and not the American people. When Saudi Arabia blew up half of Nyc did anyone in the media protest this? Of course not. They are big stockholders in Rupport(The King Fish)Murdock's empire. Fox News isn't going to say anything to embrass the Saudis. Doug(white fang)Mc Intyre a radio talk host on kabc shews callers away that say anything bad about Saudi Arabia. Why? Saudi money has kept Walt Disney the owners of KABC alive and from going bankrupt. So Walt Disney cant afford to say anything that would anger the Saudis. The big network media like Walt Disney and Rupport(The Kingfish)Murdock have played a major role in selling the Iraq War to the American public. The Kingfish's media empire must be broken apart. Its dangersous have such a concontration of news sources under the control of such a few companies like Murdocks.