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Friday, August 28, 2009


So far nothing has happened on the plus side for Dr.Obama. His foreign policy isnt working. The U.S. is getting beat in its poorly excuted middle east wars and it will take years for the American economy to bounce back.
THE IRAQ WAR: Starting the war was a major blunder but why was it fought so poorly? The foot soldiger did his job but the military bosses have done a poor job of executing the war. Half of every tax dollar goes to the military. After Iraq you have to wonder what did they do with all the money. Because the Iraq war is lost.
GENERAL MOTORS DOSENT HAVE A CHANCE: Nobody buys Gm trucks anymore because they are Gm junk. Ford has gained Gm's customers by default. Its time for the Obama's to think about reloading and putting more money into Gm. Gm will fail but this time its Dr.Obama's fault. He reorganized the company and didnt remove the cancer. The same bad management that caused Gm to fail is still running the company. Phil Murtaugh who created Gm's success in China should have been put in charge of the new company.
THE DETROIT TIMES (GOLDEN) TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS:The Kraft Food trade we recomended was a success. If you didnt that the 25 cent profit we recomended than get out of the trade.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


THE WORLDS ENERGY SOURCE OF TOMMORROW-- Will it be fossel fuels or the sun? The technology exists today to use the power of the sun to supply the worlds energy needs. This isnt tommorrows technology but todays. It is do able right now. Electric cars powered by the suns energy isnt something out of science fiction but a very practical solution for the socalled energy shortage. Throw away $5 dollar a gallon gasoline.
There is just one little problem gas taxes pay much of the cost of running the government. The polticians arent likely to throw away their meal ticket any time soon even if it would make the world a better place and improve the quality of live for most people on this planet. So dont throw the old gas clunkers away quite yet.
COMMING ATTRACTIONS AT THE MOVIES: The motion picture industry has been shaken off its foundation like never before. The people running the industry have been suckered punched hard by what the internet is doing to the industry. Certain webb sites are offering recently released movies for free. Someone either steals a copy of the movie or records it in a theater and then downloads on the webbsite. Viewers just go to the webb site and watch it for free.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: Stay with the Kraft foods trade. We got in a little early. Its still a good trade.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


WAITING FOR GODOT: Americans are waiting for something that isnt likely to happen. There isnt goint to be a quick recovery from the collapse of the economy. The bottom falling out of the economy is acutally a symptom of much deeper problems. The American people are lost like beached whales and dont know which direction to take. They dont know who or what to follow. That is the main reason for the election of George Bush, the worst president ever and the person most responsible for our current problems. The American potlickers followed his lead in most cases blindly. Bush's war on terroism has cost the U.S. 3 trillion dollars with no end in sight.
DR.OBAMAS FOREIGN POLICY: Obama obviously a much smarter man than Bush which isnt saying much is merely extending Bush's foreign policy. The Iraq war is still in full swing and he has extended it into Pakistan. The war has actually gotten bigger not smaller under Dr Obama. Dr. Obama was put in office by the military contractors and the oil companies and they are the Mullahs running the government.
GM HAS A SLIM TO NONE CHANCE OF MAKING IT: There coming out with fifty new models in the coming years according to the chairman of Gm but not one of them will be the competitve with the widow maker the(TOYOTA CAMRAY). Plus Gm has lost the commercial truck market to Fords. So basicaly its the same old shit a differnt day at Gm. There is nothing new there.
THE DETROIT TIMES (GOLDEN)TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS:Sell or short Kraft foods(KFT) at the high on Aug.20 or the closing price of the day if u dont know how to sell at the high. The closing price is really a price range. There should be 25 or 50 cents in this trade. Our trades are Golden. They are never wrong. They are a license to print money.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


WHO DID A BETTER JOB OF RUNNING LOS ANGELES:Jim Hahn and Antonio Villagrosa each had an issue that defined their campaigns when they last ran against each for mayor of Los Angeles. Hahn's main proposal to rebuild Lax cost him the election and the test of time has proven that he was wrong and the people who opposed the airport expansion were right.
Villagrosa made a ton of promises to voters like better traffic control an improved transportation system and the planting of more trees. He kept few if any of those promises.
Los Angeles obviously was cleaner and better managed when Hahn was mayor. However expanding the airport and spending billions to fight terroism would have been a waste of money. The collapse of the American ecnomomy has changed the priorites of the city. Most people are way now concerned abut surving financially rather then fighting terrorism. Hahn's plan for the airport would have been useless in todays world.
What voters didnt know at the time was that both men where finaced and controlled by the big construction companies and real estate developers. It was impossibe for voters to know that Villagrosa would allow the real estate developers to raid the cities pension fund and use the money for very sepeculative development projects. That money is now lost and gone forever and was never meant to be invested that way. Taxes must now go up to make up for those loses.
This means the average citizen will take an even bigger beating from the Villagrosa administration. Parking and traffic tickets will go up and be issured even more frequently. Villagrosa has a new tactic of declearing street cleaning on short notice like over night and then towing all the cars parked on the street. It works. It raises revenue.
Even though Hahn was wrong about the airport Los Angeles would have been better off had he won the election.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMENDATIONS ARE GOLDEN:They are never wrong. We should have a trade in a couple of days watch closely.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


JAPAN LOST WARLD WAR 11 BUT WON THE 30 YEAR AUTO WARS: Japan was patient and realized in the very begining when they first entered the U.S. market that if they made reliable family sedans with good gas milage they would eventually control the American car market. And thru thick and thin they stuck with this wining stragedy while Gm concentrated on trucks and big cars. Toyota slowly but surely advanced and gained market share. Toyota stuck by this stragedy even when gas prices dipped. The moral of the story is who ever controls the family sedan market controls the U.S. car market. The Toyota Camray pinned Butch Wagnor's ears back and won the auto wars for Japan
FORDS: They have survived and under Alan Mullay could become the dominate car company in the United States. In the so called New Economy the country is in (DEPRESSION) people arent looking for high fashion. They want a safe reliable car that gets good gas milage. This lends itself well with Mullay's strengths. His expertese is in running large industrial or manufacturing companies and he knows how to produce a high quality product effiently. Plus Fords now controls the commerical truck market and can sell its product at a premium price since Gm its main competitor currently makes shit.
SHOULD BERNACKE BE REAPPOINTED: The guy is a horrible economic forcastor. Ben stick to the weather. The reason he shouldnt be reappointed is because what he has done really hasnt worked. What he has accomplished so far is to merely protect the people in power that caused the economic melt down. Practically all of them are still in running the companies they bankrupted. From the head of Goldman Sacks to the president of the small midwestern bank who bet foolishly they all should be fired. Bernacke protected those stupid ass holes. While Bernacke is basiclly a nice guy he threw pearls at swine.
CALIFORNIA'S MONEY TROUBLES: California's governor is a panzy and the mayor of the states largest city is pussy addict. Would u expect anything less then a financial meltdown?
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMONDATIONS:Boeing (BA) is up over a dollar from where we first recommded the stock. We advise taking profits even if it looks like it will go higher

Monday, August 03, 2009

Saving Detroit

DETROIT IS FACING A CATOGORY ONE BANKRUPTCY: Detroit stopped providing city services to its residents along time ago and now its just days away from completely runing out of money altogether. What can Detroit do to turn things around? Detroits biggest problem is that it is a mafia city. Organized crime owns and controls the whole area. So any reforms made that would lessen their power and control over the city they obviously wouldnt be in favor of. Their attiude in relinquishing power is the same as Irans mullahs:If you want it try and take it. In other words they arent leaving gently or without a fight. But this is what must be done to save Detroit.
1)Casino gambling in downtown Detroit must be ended. Its been a disaster that has destroyed the city. The mafia controlled casino owners are the only ones who have benefited from legalized gambiling.
2)Detroit needs underground subways. They work. They help strengthen a city and improve the quality of life. The red line in Los Angeles that no one wanted to build saved the city when gas soared to $5 dollars a gallon. The redline is actually to small and is now an over used facility. It should have been built bigger but most people at the time were against building it at all. Subways in Detroit built down Grand River,Griotiot,and Woodward would do wonders for all of metro Detroit.
3)Detroits neighborhoods must be maintained. The city provides hardly any city services and spends what little money it has on the downtown area which has been a complete waste and a major reason the city is now bankrupt.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS.Our trading suggestions are golden. They are never wrong. Buy Boeing (BA)tommorrow at the best price or the close. Traders dont know whether to buy or sell the stock which means its trading a couple of dollars below what its worth.