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Thursday, July 30, 2009


C.S.ILLICH MADE DETROIT NUMBER ONE: Detroit has done the impossible and regained and retained its title as the murder capital of America. It has one of the highest if not the highest crime rates in the U.S.
Detroit a city covered in blight has the highest childhood poverty rate of any city in the U.S. Detroit is also number one in population loss.
An example of what Detroit did to become such a high achieving city can be seen in the way it invests what little money it has left. Right now Michigan and Detroit are going to take the few pennies they have left and rebuild a convention center that has not booked a convention in years. Its easy to see why so many tourist are attracted to Detroit. Going to Detroit for vacation is like going to war torn Iraq for some R&R. Thanks to the Mafia and its leader C.S.Illich Detroit is on the move. YOU GO DETROIT!
DR.OBAMA IS SINKING QUICKLEY: Obama basicaly a good person was put in office by BIG Oil and Wall Street money. They were the ones who thieved the nomination away from Hillory Clinton. They wanted a good President. One they could control. And Dr.Obama has not disappointed. His foreign policy is basically a continuation of George Bush's failed policies. He even reappointed Gates as Secretary of Defense. Gates is a failure. The Iraq war was a bad mistake and the way the American military fought it was even bigger failure. Obama has added to this failure by opening up a war in Pakistan.
Dr.Obama screwed up a chance to rebuild the U.S. auto industry. He left the shit(Freddy Henderson)to run the new company. The excutives who caused Gm to go bankrupt are still running it.
One of the few things Obama showed leadership in is his handling of the Professor Gates affair. The police unfairly hassled him

Sunday, July 26, 2009


RUSSIA IS ON HIGH ALERT: The theft of the nuclear material came despite increased Iranian and Russian security at the reactor site. The stolen material is linked to a worker with a high security clearance level who as it turns out has ties to various terroists groups. Iran has termed this as an accident or misshap that wasn't the fault of its security and has appologized to Russian Prime Minister Putin.
Putin who could have terminated construction of the reactor as part of a deal with the United States to cancle building a nuclear shield in that area has said Russia will remain viligant in fighting terroism. In this case the horse is alread out of the barn and apparently Mr putins is the one who forgot to lock it.
LOS ANGELES' PUSSY ADDICTED MAYOR ANTONIO VEE-BATISTA HAS TURNED OVER A NEW LEAF: Mayor Vee-Batista has started going to church and has entered a 12 step program for his addiction to you know what (PUSSY). Its was reported that he eats the stuff. He is a sick,sick,sick man. Everyone wishes Mayor Vee well but the most important thing Angelinos want to know is will Mayor Vee's job performance improve.
So far Mayor Vee-Batista has performed poorly. Real estate developer Related Cos. owes the city a ton of money in late fees. Lets see Mayor Vee-Batista do his job and collect the money. If Mayor Vee cant perform his job because of his addiction then maybe he should just stay in a rehab center until he is well enough to work. Mayor Vee leave the pussy alone and get back to work. That echos the sentiments of most citizens in Los Angeles. They have had enough of Mayor Vee's pussy addicted ways.
GM BACK OF THE PACK HAS A LONG HARD ROAD TO GO: Even with the right management team in place which it dosen't have its going to be very difficult for Gm to make a successful recovery. First of all Gm has lost out on the all important commercial truck market. Gm used to be very competative with Fords in that market. Fords quality has now improved while the quality of Gm's trucks has gone downhill badly. Commerical truck users are staying away from Gm and that is a lucrative market. Its going to be a cold ass Chritmas at Gm if they last that long.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Recovery:Where Is It?

THE NUMBER CRUNCHERS SAY THE ECONOMY IS IMPROVING: Michigan has almost a 20 per unemployment rate and it will go higher. When a recovery does come it will be more like a remission from a terrible diease. When the american auto companies are going full speed and hiring people again that will be a definte sign the recovery is here. Ford's profit was the only good real economic news to come out of the latest batch of reports. The rest was bullshit. Housing is still dead. The banks arent loaning money.
DR.OBAMA'S FOREIGH POLICY; There is nothing in Afganistan or Pakistan worth the risk. Both wars are a waste of American recources. Afganistan never threatend or attacked the United States. Saudi Arabia is the Al-Quada. They were the country that attacked the United States on 9-11. We should have beat the living shit out of them for doing that. But they are friends with the Oil Mullahs who run the United States. The Oil Mullahs determine Ameican foreign policy. And what is good for them isnt necessarily good for the American people or the country as a whole.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What Has Dr.Obama Accomplished So Far:Nothing

Dr.Obama is like the kid who finishes his home work and gets it all wrong. Yes the automobile industry has been restructured but it was all wrong and didnt accomplish anything
Dr.Obama's foreign policy is basiclly a continuation of George Bush's failed programs. While Dr.Obama sits on his hands he is missing important oppottunites at fixing America's failed foreign policy.
The economy is supposed to be getting better. So far its a stealth recovery that is invisible to the naked eye.
COMMODOTIY BASED DEFLATION IS ON THE HORIZON; Because the economy is so weak crude oil will proably go to $20 or lower according to an article in Bloomberg. If crude oil falls what do u think will happen to the price of gold and other commodities. They will fall right along with crude.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Why Steve Ratner Was Fired From The Obama Team

THE MAIN REASON FOR IS FIRING IS THAT HE FUCKED UP: Ratner made a mess of the automobile restructing he was in charge of. The government spent a bundle on something that is unlikely to work. While Fords didnt accept didnt accept government help Gm and Chryslers should did and they are likely to fail especially Gm. Ed Whitacre Gm's new chairman said he knows nothing about cars but that wont stop him helping Gm make a comeback. What can he do? He can make sure that Gm's phones are connected and he can get Gm out of the car business into the telephone industry which is the industry he came from and knows best.
Chrysler may make it but if it does succeed it will be owned by a foreign company. And if it fails the government will have a dificult time getting rid of Fiat and recovering its investment. It would have been better having an American executive running Chrysler.
RUPPORT(THE SUCKER)MURDOCK: Rupport should lose his empire because of his role in getting the U.S.involved in Iraq. While the government wont take it away from which it should do he is now losing his ass. He overpayed for the Wall Street Journal and his television stations are doing poorly. While Rupport is certainly against welfare for the poor he see nothing wrong with Saudi Arabia giving him money to support his failing business. After all his newspapers write stories covering up their missdeeds.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


BIG OIL IS KILLING THE UNITED STATES.The U.S. is as close to a full scale depression as it has ever been and the cost of fighting losing wars in the middle is starting to be felt by the American people. And yet through all of this turmoil Big Oil is just doing fine thank you ma'am.
Big Oil forced the war in Iraq threw their puppet George Bush. Their profiteering in the energy markets helped push the American economy off the cliff. They rigged the 2000 election and cheated Al Gore out of the presidency. Rush used to say it was for the better. That was well before the depression and the loss in Iraq. I dont hear anyone saying that any longer. Not even Rush and Rosy O'reilly repeat that foolish expression.
Either America rises up against the Oil Mullahs and show some backbone or this country is going to continue to take a beating from them. The oil mullahs just like their counterparts in Iran say if you want the power come and take it. They know the American people are weak and wont fight. The citizens of Iran are brave. They fight.
GEORGE BUSH MUST BE PROSCECUTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE U.S. Bush a liar who committed treason while in office must be brought to trial if America is ever going to find its moral compass. That may be our sickness. America is like a beached whale trying to find open sea.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

GM:The More Things Change The More They Dont

THERE IS NOTHING JACK SHIT NEW ABOUT THE NEW GM: The Obama's shuffled around the furniture at the old Gm and are now calling it a brand new company. The same dead heads that ran the company into bankuptcy are now in charge of the so called new company. I would like to know what has changed about Freddy Henderson that is now going to make him a successful automobile excutive when he failed so miserably before at the old Gm. What new dope or pills has he started taking that he he wasnt using when he couldn't sell cars at the Old Gm . Forget Gm. What is new about Freddy Henderson? Because he is the one running the New Gm
Bob Lutz the other Old-New excutive at Gm certainly is an automotive icon. But when was the last time Bob made it with a 23 year old. Ifen the answer is just recently then Bob is taking the right vitimins and may just be the right man for the job at 77. But if it has been years since he dated a 23 yo then Bob is way to old for the job. The automobile business more than any other industry is a young mans game and a man approaching 80 should proably start learning how to play checkers rather than attempting to build an automobile company.
DR.OBAMA'S FOREIGN POLICY IS A DISASTER: Iran will soon be the gate keeper in the middle east because of Dr.Obama's indisciveness. Iran will be the calling the shots in that part of the world as the strongest country militarily thanks to Dr.Obama

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Double Your Problems,Double Your Trouble With The Doublement Twins:Iran and North Korea

IRAN AND NORTH KOREA STANDING TOGETHER HAND AND HAND WITH NUCULAR WEAPONS: That is a dangersous scenario that would needless to say endanger world peace. Something can be done now to stop it. If a coalition of the worlds powers were organized they could stop the mullahs from having nucular weapons. The window of opportunity for an attack on Iran's nucular weapons progarm is open now but proably not for much longer.
The reason history repeats itself so often is because people dont pay any attention to past lessons. Hitler came to power because the world didnt want to be bothered. Putin understands that the mullahs could use Russia's growing Moslem population to threaten Russia's security but he dosent view it as something that is an immediate problem.
The President naively thinks that Iran's threat to world peace can be solved with negotiations just like Chamberland did with Hitler's agressopm. Fighting for peace now means stopping the mullahs in Iran. The right war is not in Afghanistan or Pakistan but in stopping the mullahs. They must be made to realize if they resist the worlds desire for peace they will pay a heavy price.
DETROIT:A SAD SAD STORY The city continues to detoirate losing both population and jobs. Detroit a city covered in blight and poverty and crime will soon spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a convention center that has no convention bookings and hasnt had any in years. Detroit has no tourists. Its like vacationing in Iraq. The city government instread of investing in the city and its people throws away its money on mafia backed projects that benefit C.S. Illich
GENERAL MOTORS CAN MAKE IT: But Freddy Henderson will have to be replaced. Remember Gm is at the end of the line and needs strong leadership. Phil Murtagh created Gm's success in China and now would be the best choice to run Gm.
THE STOCK MARKET: Its to late to buy S&P 500 puts. They are way over priced. The best time to buy them was when The Detroit Times first recommended them a few weeks ago. The market likely will trade around 7700 or 7800

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

FINANCIAL OVER VIEW: The stock mocket is starting to weaken