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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Doing Nothing About Iran's Mullahs Is An Even Bigger Mistake Then The Invasion Of Iraq

IRAN A DEADLY TRAINING GROUND FOR TERRORISM: Those that oppose taking strong action in Iran are ignoring history. Hitler who was much saner than Ahmadinejad could have been stopped had the world listened to what he was saying and took decisive action against him. A great tragedy could have been avoided. Ahmadinejad who is a confirmed crazy man must be taken at his word. He has already threatened Israel with a nucular srike. In the long run other countries like Russia and moderate Arab states would also be threatned .
When the United States unjustly invaded Iraq and toppled their government it changed the echo system in the middle east. The balance of power became unbalanced. The counterweight to Iran was destroyed making it the most powerful country in the middle east. Many people in Iran want freedom over terrorism and now is the time to help them. The war in Iraq was a major mistake and not acting to topple the mullahs when there is an opening is an even bigger blunder. There telling the world now what kind of country they would be with nucular weapons.
CALILFORNIA BUDGET CRISIS. Arnie caused a lot of this mess by building to many prisons that the state didnt really need. And when prisons are built they have to staffed with expensive prison guards who just happened to be major contributors to Arnie's campaign. Arnie must cut their wages and benefits. Programs that benefit children should remain untouched. State employees must acceppt lower wages and benefits because the money to pay them just isnt there anymore.
BARACK HOOVER OBAMA: Although I predicted Obama would be a worthless President Iam now greatly disappointed that its actually happening. Time magazine was wrong as usual about suggesting Obama was the next Franklin Roosevelt. In reality Obama is the next Herbert Hoover. I truly wanted Obama to succeed but its not to be. There is an excellent article in the current editon of HARPERS magazine that perfectly and flawlessly describes the Obama administration.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dr Obama A Weak Whishey Washy President Destined For Pluka Ville

OBAMA A MAJOR DISAPOINTNENT: Obama has failed to capitalize on the uprising in Iran. Obama's over cautioness in this situation is a bad sign and a strong indicator of the way he solves problems . He does nothing and hopes things work themselves out. If Obama had been more decisive and organized a colliton to stike againt Iran their threat of having nucular weapons may been ended. Dr.Obama missed a great oppourtinity to make the world a safer place. Now one of the most dangerous counties in the world will soon have nucular weapons. And the world can only sit helplessly by and watch.
THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY; Dr.Obama completely fucked that up. A Revolution and Evolution is coming to the automobile industry said Newseek magazine. Really! Where is it? Giving Gm 50 billion dollars and then leaving the old management in place is that called change? That is what Obama did. Freddy Henderson isnt going to be the chief executive to resurrect a new Gm. And Gm has to comeback for the economy to be healthy and it wont. Strictly becauses the of the governments poor judgement Gm wont recover. They should have kicked out Fritz.
FORD has a good chance at a comeback. The Mustang has received good reviews not only from the auto writers but from the people who own the car. And its resale value is very strong. That kind of advertisement is better than buying out the Super Bowl.
Chrylers has a chance. How big of a chance depends on Fiat and how well they gage the American market.
DDETROIT:THE FEDS ARE FRYING THE LITTLE FIST TO GET TO THE BIG FISH: The polticians who took the bribes in the Synagro scandel arent the FBI's real targets. The Feds are going after those who stole the big money. All roads lead back to C.S.Illich.
DETROIT REGAINS THE TITLE OF MUDER CAPITAL: Detroit the comeback kid is again the murder capital. Its number one. How did Detroit regain its murder title? Drive down its main streets like Woodward,Van Dyke,and Grand River and this once great city looks like the other side of the moon. What happened? Right now the city is broke almost bankrupt and there are no city services. So what do the pee heads that run the city do to try and change this. They are going to invest hundreds of million of dollars in something that should be moothballed. Cobo Hall has no convention business. The tourists that do come to the city are young kids who want to explore the abondoned buildings that dot Detroit. Now you see why Detroit is where it is today. At the bottom the garbage dump

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama and Iran:Major Foreign Policy Defeat Or Victory

The rebellion in Iran without question has its roots in Dr.Obama's overtures in making peace with the Islamic world. Many of those rebelling now in Iran want better relations with the U.S and the west and don't see America as the enemy anymore.
The mullahs know that would be a threat to their control of the country. That is why they have taken such a strong postion against the oppostion.
What should the United States do now that there is a sizeable group of fighters taking up arms against Iran's rogue government? The stupid ass Republicans who wasted our military resoures in Iraq now want us to aid the insurgents. The all knowing mullahs understand the U.S. can't really do jack-shit. They look at the United States not as a world power any longer but as a defeated nation. The U.S. because of the Republicans lost badly in Iraq and Japan just defeated the U.S. in the all important automobile wars. Unfortunatly the mullahs know the deck is staked in their favor. The mullahs know the U.S. couldnt afford another major war in the middle east after the the beating the United States took in Iraq. The U.S. military is tired and spread to thin and the country is broke.
On the other hand ifen the mullahs successfuly squash the rebellion like mnay think they will the United States cant just go back and pick up where things left off before the rebellion. It cant be business as usual. Because they have shown the world just who they are and what they would do with nucular weapons. It would be like the principal excusing the behavior of the school bully if Obama renewed relations with them.
At that point we will find out just what Dr. Obama is made out of. If its business as usual Obama is just a piece of cake. But if he organizes a strike against Iran with a colliton of countries that would also be threatened by a nucular Iran like Russia,Israel and Eygpt then it would show he is a strong leader.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whats Next For Iran

What happened in China when people rebelled and wanted free elections will proably happen in Iran. The government has the guns and they will use them to end the protests. The Iranian people are incredably brave in risking their lives to protest the rigged election.
There a lot of countries like the United States that dont have free and fair elections. Just recently in Los Angeles the mayorial race was rigged. It wasnt a free and fair election. The rulling junta installed Antionio Vee as mayor with a rigged election. The leading candidate Rick Caruso suddenly withdrew from the race. He was either bribed or threatned. Since he is a billiionair its unlikely he was bribed. Mayor Vee a pussy addicted spends all his time looking for pussy while the special interests groups robb the city blind.
The American people have accepted this arrangement and I think the Iranians will eventually go along with their government when faced with brute force.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: Shorting the S&P turned out to be a profitable trade. Puts where reccommended because it was a dificult trade to read.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obamas Blood Feud With Bill Clinton

FOOLISH OBAMA CALLED BILL CLINTON A LIAR. The National Enquire reported that Obama told a Newseek Reporter that Clinon misrepresented his record on Iraq during the presidential campaign. Obama then brought up Monica Lewinsky and said Clinton shouldnt call anyone liar. First of all if Obama really did give that interview to Newseek he is going to look like a fool. Obama did in fact fudge the truth about his actual statements about the Iraq war. Obama did make statements supporting the war during John Kerry's campaign. And its on tape. Obama like Clinton is sincere about improving the human condition. You would think they would be better friends. Obama should be half the president that Clinton was.
OVERVIEW OF THE ECONOMY:It will that take years to recover from this mess. In order to prevent a releapse there must be tighter regulations on the financial system including the commodity markets. Insider trading is allowed in futures trading and it must be stopped because it distorts prices.
WALL STREET MONEY HAS TO MUCH INFLUENCE OVER THE ECONOMY: Wall Street and there CDS notes caused the mortgage mess. Banks were making a ton of money from packaging mortgages. In order to maintain the supply they gave mortgages to people who shouldnt have qualifed. There money helped elect Obama and now they control his administration. Steve Rattner's hedge fund has performed poorly and he has no background in the auto industry yet he is in charge of restructing the automobile industry. Does that make sense?
THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: Its imperative to the economy that the automobile industry become healthy again. Chrylser doses have a shot at a recovery with Fiat. The Times wanted the socalled sale blocked bedause Fiat may not be able to understand and design products for the American market. But we have a lot of respect for the Itailian government and what the accomplished in rescuing Fiat. We wrote about Fiat long before they became involved with the Chrysler take-over.
GM DOSENT HAVE A CHANCE. The government put a retread in charge who will be lost in the job just like he was with the Old Gm. What did Henderson do at the old Gm that he deserves the job of running the new GM? Nothing!!!
GEORGE BUSH MUST STAND TRIAL FOR TREASON AND LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: The Times will soon form a posse to bring him in to stand trial.
THE IRANIAN PEOPLE SHOULD FOLLOW AMERICAS LEAD:When George Bush stole the 2000 election from Al Gore most Americans went and got a beer,turned on a baseball game,sat back and farted and said what the fuck life goes on and forgot the whole thing.
TRADING RECOMENDATIONS: If you bought puts like we suggested just hold on to them. It could be a losing trade. But it isnt yet

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Newt G.Calls Em The Way He Sees Em

Newt Gringrich dosent pull any punches when giving his opinion. He tells it the way he sees it no matter how abrupt that may be. When his first wife was on her death bed dying of cancer Newt straight forwardly walked into her hospital room and said this dosent look like the wife of a future president. She eventually recovered and divorced Newt. They had been high school sweethearts. She was 16 years older than Newt and his high school math teacher when they first met. She tutored young Newt and he responded strongly to her experience and teachings. Mother Gringich preveiled and they waited until after the Senior Prom to consumate.
Now Newt in his staight forward manner is saying the Obama administraion has failed and that government ownership of Gm wont work. Private ownership of GM certainly didnt work but that is a topic for another day. But Newt does have a point. Ifen Freddy K.C.Henderson Gm's chief excutive stays on in that job the new Gm is proably doomed to fail.
Here is guy who couldnt even manage a gas station and yet the Obama administration picked him to run the new Gm. Never mind that he helped bankrupt the old Gm by stumbling as its marketing director.
The current issue of Motor Trend on the cover said Cadillac beats Bmw. Had Freddy done a better job of marketing maybe Gm wouldnt be bankrupt today.
Obama's presidency hinges on what happens to Gm. Obama has to decide what is more important keeping a retread like Freddy Kc Henderson on as Gm's chief excutive or the success of his presidency. Because if Henderson dosent leave the New Gm its going to end up in the same place as the Old Gm. BANKRUPTUCY !!!!!
THE DETROIT TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: If you shorted the stock market today as we suggested yesterday it looks like you have a good trade.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fiat Should Not Run Chyrsler

THE SUPREME COURT MUST BLOCK THE CHRYSLER MERGER WITH FIAT: A foreign company shouldnt be running an American automobile company. Mercedes a well run company tried this before and failed. The government could have found a competent american executive to run Chrysler. The hedge funds are trying to stop this planed take over or merger for differnt reasons and lets hope they succeed.
OBAMA INSULTED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: Feddy Henderson a third rate retread is now Gm's chief excutive thanks to Obama. Last month Freddy said Gm was open to moving out of Detroit and shifting more of its production overseas. This month he said Gm is going to spend more on R&D and build cars with beter gas mileage. The problem is Freddy dosent know what r&d to spend the money on. When it comes to making cars Freddy dosent know his ass from a whole in the ground. Is that why Obama picked him to lead Gm? What previous achievement caused the government to pick Freddy as chief executive? In being kind to Freddy he was a lackluster employee at Gm. And now the government makes him the boss. This thing is doomed to fail. And that is something this country cant afford right now. BRING BACK BUTCH WAGNER: Butch is still collecting a pay check and is a far beter excutive than Freddy. That isnt saying much but its true.
GOV ARNIE DOING THE FUHRERS WORK: The fuhrer would be proud the way Arnie has cut cut cut cut cut from the little people instead of picking on someone his own size. Gov.Arnie cuts from the little people he knows cant fight back like children and the disabled. Arnie you panzie go after the big shots with the money. The prison guards and other state employees like your appointees make plenty. Cut their salaries and benefits. You cant can you? You have a glass jaw you stupid panzie.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADINIG RECOMENDATIONS: Its becoming apparent Obama is a nice guy but a weak president. The market is losing confidence in him. Short or sell the S&P 500 tommorrow at the best price you can. Its a trickey trade so use options instead of live contracts. Our suggestion to buy in the money puts. If your a knowledge able trader with limited funds you can use a bear call spread.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Is Freddy Henderson Really The Right Guy To Run Gm

The government injected 50 billion dollars into Gm and went thru the tedious task of restructuring the company. And then picked third rate retread Freddy Henderson to run the comapny. Henderson before the giant collapse was in charge of marketing for Gm.
Many auto analyists have said the Chevy Malibu was the equal of Toyota's Camray. And yet the Camray left the Malibu behind in its dust when it came to sales. Freddy was its chief salesmen. It was his job to get people to buy the Malibu. He didnt do to good of a job. Is that why the government selected him to be Chairment of the new Gm? It dosent make any sense that they would pick someone like Freddy to run the company with his track record.
The Obama adiministration has done a lot of things right in saving the automobile industry but the most important thing is picking the right management team to run the compaines. And this is where they have completly fucked up. GET RID OF FREDDY HENDERSON NOW. This is a very weak move on the part of the Obama admisnistration.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMINDATIONS: You should have been able to take a profit on shorting Ge on Friday. If you didnt get out on Friday as we reccommended definitly get out on Monday.

Friday, June 05, 2009

The Detroit Times Trading Reccomendations

Dont go for glory with the Ge trade we reccommended a few days ago trade. If you have an 8 or 10 cents porfit take it. Again these are designed as short term trades. Take a profit while u can

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

What Really Destroyed Detroit

IT WASNT THE DECLINE OF THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY: Detroit inspite of the automobile industries demise could have been a healthy city that provided jobs and a healthy enivorment to live in. The automobile industry and the real esteate developers robbed the city and intenionally destroyed its neighborhoods by cutting city services which fed blight and decay. Detroit was torn down by neglect. Mafia boss C.S.Illich built a new baseball stadium for the Tigers with public money right out of the cities tresaury while Detroit was facing bankruptcy. The city just raised taxes to cover the loss.
Then C.S.Illich brought casino gambling to downtown Detroit which only increased crime and drove out was left of the cities tax base. He made a bundle but it ruined what was left of the city. Its power brokers like C.S.Illich that took advantage of gulliable and naive voters that destroyed Detroit.
DOES THIS MAKE SENSE:The government spent 50 billion dollars on restructing GM and yet

the same dead head management team is still running the company. Fredrick Freddy Skip Henderson is Butch Wagoners clone. Gm needs new management as soon as possible. The Times suggest Phil Murtaugh but if that isnt possible hire a head hunter to find Skips replacement. That is how IBM found Lou Gerstner
CALIFORNIA'S BUDGET CRISIS: Gov.Arnie and the state legislature are controlled by the lobbyists for the big real estate developers and construction companies. They tell the state were to spend the money. And that usually is on projects that they will benefit from. Its not only how much money that the state spends that counts but also what the money is spent on. California has prisons and highways that it dosent need thanks to the construction companies. And now Gov.Arnie is going to cut spending on things that benefit the little people.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECCOMENDATIONS: Sell or short General Electric(ge)tommorrow at the best price you can. Again take profits when you can. GOOD TRADING

Monday, June 01, 2009

What Is The Governments Role Now That Gm Has Gone Bankrupt

President Obama has said the government shouldnt manage the company or tell the excutives what to do. And I agree with that. But it would be wrong for the government to simply walk away and turn a deaf ear as to what is going on with the company. The government is going to have to be involved with Gm for a long time. At least until a competent management team is found.
Lincoln didnt tell the generals how to fight the Civil War but he paid close attention to what they were doing. When they didnt fight the war the way he wanted them to he fired them. And that is the way the government should proceed in rebuilding our manufactiong base.
Gm isnt a Toyota but it does have a big advantage over many of the new start up automoibile companies that are springing up. Gm has the hardware(the factories)in place which the start ups dont have but now it needs a software package(a management team)that can lead. And its up to the government to insure that it happens. Obama should take a page out of history and follow the way Lincoln guided the military during the Civil War in rebuilding Gm.

The Gm Bankruptcy

Although Gm's bankruptcy was a work in progress for the last thirty years its still hard to believe that its actually happened. What caused Gm to go bankrupt? Simply bad management.
Gm now is a new company and has a second chance at surviving. And this is extemely important to the American economy. The future inspite of what you have been reading is bright for the automobile industry. Those companies that are well managed will do well. And those that arent will fall to the wayside like Gm did.
So the key to success is having a comptent management team in place that is capable of creating product. Does Gm have that team in place now? Absouetly not!! Feddy "Skip" Henderson dosent know shit about running a big industrial company like Gm. What successful car has he created? He is a Butch Wagner clone.
Ifen the government dosent get the right management team in there soon 50 billion dollars in public money will be down the drain.
Obama's presidency hinges on rescuing the automobile industry. He better act quickley and get someone like Phil Murtaugh in there to run Gm or this thing isnt going to fly.