Doing Nothing About Iran's Mullahs Is An Even Bigger Mistake Then The Invasion Of Iraq
When the United States unjustly invaded Iraq and toppled their government it changed the echo system in the middle east. The balance of power became unbalanced. The counterweight to Iran was destroyed making it the most powerful country in the middle east. Many people in Iran want freedom over terrorism and now is the time to help them. The war in Iraq was a major mistake and not acting to topple the mullahs when there is an opening is an even bigger blunder. There telling the world now what kind of country they would be with nucular weapons.
CALILFORNIA BUDGET CRISIS. Arnie caused a lot of this mess by building to many prisons that the state didnt really need. And when prisons are built they have to staffed with expensive prison guards who just happened to be major contributors to Arnie's campaign. Arnie must cut their wages and benefits. Programs that benefit children should remain untouched. State employees must acceppt lower wages and benefits because the money to pay them just isnt there anymore.
BARACK HOOVER OBAMA: Although I predicted Obama would be a worthless President Iam now greatly disappointed that its actually happening. Time magazine was wrong as usual about suggesting Obama was the next Franklin Roosevelt. In reality Obama is the next Herbert Hoover. I truly wanted Obama to succeed but its not to be. There is an excellent article in the current editon of HARPERS magazine that perfectly and flawlessly describes the Obama administration.