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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obamas Blood Feud With Bill Clinton

FOOLISH OBAMA CALLED BILL CLINTON A LIAR. The National Enquire reported that Obama told a Newseek Reporter that Clinon misrepresented his record on Iraq during the presidential campaign. Obama then brought up Monica Lewinsky and said Clinton shouldnt call anyone liar. First of all if Obama really did give that interview to Newseek he is going to look like a fool. Obama did in fact fudge the truth about his actual statements about the Iraq war. Obama did make statements supporting the war during John Kerry's campaign. And its on tape. Obama like Clinton is sincere about improving the human condition. You would think they would be better friends. Obama should be half the president that Clinton was.
OVERVIEW OF THE ECONOMY:It will that take years to recover from this mess. In order to prevent a releapse there must be tighter regulations on the financial system including the commodity markets. Insider trading is allowed in futures trading and it must be stopped because it distorts prices.
WALL STREET MONEY HAS TO MUCH INFLUENCE OVER THE ECONOMY: Wall Street and there CDS notes caused the mortgage mess. Banks were making a ton of money from packaging mortgages. In order to maintain the supply they gave mortgages to people who shouldnt have qualifed. There money helped elect Obama and now they control his administration. Steve Rattner's hedge fund has performed poorly and he has no background in the auto industry yet he is in charge of restructing the automobile industry. Does that make sense?
THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: Its imperative to the economy that the automobile industry become healthy again. Chrylser doses have a shot at a recovery with Fiat. The Times wanted the socalled sale blocked bedause Fiat may not be able to understand and design products for the American market. But we have a lot of respect for the Itailian government and what the accomplished in rescuing Fiat. We wrote about Fiat long before they became involved with the Chrysler take-over.
GM DOSENT HAVE A CHANCE. The government put a retread in charge who will be lost in the job just like he was with the Old Gm. What did Henderson do at the old Gm that he deserves the job of running the new GM? Nothing!!!
GEORGE BUSH MUST STAND TRIAL FOR TREASON AND LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: The Times will soon form a posse to bring him in to stand trial.
THE IRANIAN PEOPLE SHOULD FOLLOW AMERICAS LEAD:When George Bush stole the 2000 election from Al Gore most Americans went and got a beer,turned on a baseball game,sat back and farted and said what the fuck life goes on and forgot the whole thing.
TRADING RECOMENDATIONS: If you bought puts like we suggested just hold on to them. It could be a losing trade. But it isnt yet