Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Vees Phony Disingenious Plan To Balance The Budget
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Vee (the love machine) plans on balancing the budget on the backs of city employees and taxpayers. He has squeezed city residents for years for higher taxes. The Antonio Vee administration has turned the police department into extortionists going after motorists and residents for ever last penny. Its now the city workers turn to undergo the Antonio Vee squeeze to cover the mayors poor management of the cities financial resources. Its mostly the mayors fault that the city is running a $530 million deficit.
As a shill for the big real estate and construction companies Mayor Antonio Vee looked the other way while they raided the cities treasury. They borrowed money from the city to go into business. The business of developing property. They were supposed to pay back the money. However because of the recession some dont have any money and some have gone bankrupt. There response to not paying back the city is so "call me pisher". The money the mafia took from the teamster pension fund to build Las Vegas was paid back in full. But the ass betting,welching,mooching real estate developers will walk away from their debts to the city of Los Angeles thanks to Mayor Antonio Vees corrupt management of the city.
While the big deficits are mostly the mayors fault there are steps that can be taken to make the employee pay cuts and tax increases more fair. If the average person gets a speeding or parking ticket in Los Angeles he is hounded like a dog and turned into a criminal until every last penny is squezzed out of him. People have been forced to cash in their inhertance to pay parking tickests. Real Estate deveopers that refuse to pay ther fines should be treated the same way. Related Cos. the developer of the Grand Ave. project is on the hook for $250,000 a day in fines and has yet to pay a penny to the city. The city government under the leadership of Mayor Antonio Vee has not taken any steps to collect this debt. This is at a time when the city desperatly needs cash.
1.The city must force the Real Estate developes to pay their tickets just like it does everyone else.
2.The Mayor,his appointees and the City Council must take the same pay cut its asking city employess to take.
Its unfair to put the whole burden of balancing the budget on the backs of the taxpayers when the deficits are really the fault of Mayor Antonio Vee's poor management of city government.
As a shill for the big real estate and construction companies Mayor Antonio Vee looked the other way while they raided the cities treasury. They borrowed money from the city to go into business. The business of developing property. They were supposed to pay back the money. However because of the recession some dont have any money and some have gone bankrupt. There response to not paying back the city is so "call me pisher". The money the mafia took from the teamster pension fund to build Las Vegas was paid back in full. But the ass betting,welching,mooching real estate developers will walk away from their debts to the city of Los Angeles thanks to Mayor Antonio Vees corrupt management of the city.
While the big deficits are mostly the mayors fault there are steps that can be taken to make the employee pay cuts and tax increases more fair. If the average person gets a speeding or parking ticket in Los Angeles he is hounded like a dog and turned into a criminal until every last penny is squezzed out of him. People have been forced to cash in their inhertance to pay parking tickests. Real Estate deveopers that refuse to pay ther fines should be treated the same way. Related Cos. the developer of the Grand Ave. project is on the hook for $250,000 a day in fines and has yet to pay a penny to the city. The city government under the leadership of Mayor Antonio Vee has not taken any steps to collect this debt. This is at a time when the city desperatly needs cash.
1.The city must force the Real Estate developes to pay their tickets just like it does everyone else.
2.The Mayor,his appointees and the City Council must take the same pay cut its asking city employess to take.
Its unfair to put the whole burden of balancing the budget on the backs of the taxpayers when the deficits are really the fault of Mayor Antonio Vee's poor management of city government.
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