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Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Depression:When Will It End

The depression is far from over with. Its a very slow going. The clue as to when it well end and how the economy is progessing can be seen by following the progress of the manufacturing sector. Right now we are at the very very begining of the rebuilding of this all important sextor. This is where the high paying jobs that support the economy come from. Under the tuledge of Dutch Reagan, Bush the elder and Bush the putz these jobs were destroyed, kicked out of the country. And now the United state must get them back. Those like the mafia in Detroit who say we dont need manufacturing jobs are self serving. Remeber the mafia looks out for its ass and does a good job of it. Just look at the condition Detroit is in while their wallets are bulging.
The Detroit Times believes the best course for Gm and Chysler is to be nationalized. Gm should be forced into bankruptcy and then taken over by the government. Like that the government would have more control over the rebuildiing process.
Phil Murtaugh the former head of Gm's China division would be the right person to lead a nationalized Gm. Murtaugh knows how to create product. He very succeesful led Gm to a dominant position in China by creating vehicles that fit the needs of that market. Butch Wagoner jealous of his success fired him. He should be give a chance to run the whole comanpany.
The manufacturing sector is the key here and right now its still in intentsive care. That is a long way from running a 26 mile marathon which is what it has to do in order for the depression to end.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: If u bought pfe(pfezor drug) Friday as was recommended you should have taken a profit today. 25cents a share is a good profit. Dont wait for us to tell u take a profit. It may be to late. Dan Dorfman in this weeks Barrons predicts the market will go down more. We agree

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Related Cos Must Pay!!!!!

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Vee ,the City Counsel and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors are not being fair to the community they represent by allowing real estate developer Related Cos to escape late fines and penalties of $250,000 a day for not starting the Grand Ave project on time. Related Cos is supposed to pay $250,000 a day in fines for being late in starting the Grand Ave project. So far they have not a paid a penny. This is unfair to the community and undermines the credablity of the Los Angeles city government to enforce binding legal agreements.
Is Related Cos so big and influential that it doesent have to abide by legal contracts it made with the city? Its no secreat that Mayor Antonio Vee is the property of the big real estate developers. However his refusal to enforce binding legal contracts just because it might hurt one of his financial backers is ridiculious in light of the cities fiancial problems.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS BUY Pfizer Inc. (pfe) tommorrow at the bst price avaliable

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ahmadinejad:The Crazy Man Near Russia's Border With Nuclear Weapons

THE ANGLE PUTIN DOSENT SEE! Russia has a rapidly growing and restless Moslem population who longs to have their own homeland and country in what is now Russia. They have in the past expressed a strong willingness to use force if necessary to take the land for their proposed country.
Once Iran develops nuclear weapons and it dosent need Russian help any longer Moslem extremists feel it would be their duty to aid the Moslems in Russia in starting their own country.
Ahmadinejad is an opportunist and a crazy man whose actions are unpredicable. The guy just recently released from a mental hospital is now back leading Iran a country near Russia's border. Hitler was saner then him. Is this situatuon really advantagious to Putin and Russia in the long run?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Tea Potty Potlickers

I find little sympathy for the tea party jerks. The same people whining complaing that eveything is wrong and unfair at these Tea Parties were George Bush supporters. All of them voted and supported the policies of George Bush that has now gotten the country into this mess. If Al Gore who was the actually winner of the 2000 election had become President this country wouldnt be in the trouble its in today. The Tea Potty potlickers are just a bunch of stupid potlickers.
GOLD IS NOW IN A MAJOR BEAR MARKET As we told you 2 weeks ago. This week it will fall threw its floor of support. How far down it will go is hard to say. Evuntually gold could trade between $250 and $500.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Vees Phony Disingenious Plan To Balance The Budget

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Vee (the love machine) plans on balancing the budget on the backs of city employees and taxpayers. He has squeezed city residents for years for higher taxes. The Antonio Vee administration has turned the police department into extortionists going after motorists and residents for ever last penny. Its now the city workers turn to undergo the Antonio Vee squeeze to cover the mayors poor management of the cities financial resources. Its mostly the mayors fault that the city is running a $530 million deficit.
As a shill for the big real estate and construction companies Mayor Antonio Vee looked the other way while they raided the cities treasury. They borrowed money from the city to go into business. The business of developing property. They were supposed to pay back the money. However because of the recession some dont have any money and some have gone bankrupt. There response to not paying back the city is so "call me pisher". The money the mafia took from the teamster pension fund to build Las Vegas was paid back in full. But the ass betting,welching,mooching real estate developers will walk away from their debts to the city of Los Angeles thanks to Mayor Antonio Vees corrupt management of the city.
While the big deficits are mostly the mayors fault there are steps that can be taken to make the employee pay cuts and tax increases more fair. If the average person gets a speeding or parking ticket in Los Angeles he is hounded like a dog and turned into a criminal until every last penny is squezzed out of him. People have been forced to cash in their inhertance to pay parking tickests. Real Estate deveopers that refuse to pay ther fines should be treated the same way. Related Cos. the developer of the Grand Ave. project is on the hook for $250,000 a day in fines and has yet to pay a penny to the city. The city government under the leadership of Mayor Antonio Vee has not taken any steps to collect this debt. This is at a time when the city desperatly needs cash.
1.The city must force the Real Estate developes to pay their tickets just like it does everyone else.
2.The Mayor,his appointees and the City Council must take the same pay cut its asking city employess to take.
Its unfair to put the whole burden of balancing the budget on the backs of the taxpayers when the deficits are really the fault of Mayor Antonio Vee's poor management of city government.

The Detroit Times Trading Recommendations

Those that shorted Newmont Mining (NEM) as we recommended last week today is the day to take your profit. While gold is going much lower we think this a good time to take a profit in (nem). We go after singles and doubles not home runs.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What Putin Dosent Understand About A Nuclear Iran

Putin in a recent speech stated the Unites States has nothing to fear from a nuclear Iran. Meaning that Iran having nuclear arms capablity isnt a threat to the security of the United States. Putin dosent really believe that for a second. Putin knows that Irans history of being a terroist state makes them a threat to the whole world. The part that he dosent understand is that Russia is also threatened by a nuclear Iran. Putin is a smart man but he is over looking a great deal in thinking his country wont be threatened or at risk from a nuclear Iran. His country as a mater of fact could be more susptable to Iranian nuclear agression than any other world power.
The Russian population as a whole is shrinking at the same time the birthrate of its Moslem citizens is growing rapidly. The Moslems living in Russia have often expresed the desire to have their own country. Their own country in what is now Russia. Iran has shown a strong willingness to unite and help militant Arab groups achieve their goals. . What if a nuclear Iran decided to help their fellow Moslems in Russia achieve their desire of having their own country? It would be hard for Russia to stop them,especially if they have nuclear arms. That is why Russia could be the country that has the most to lose in the long run should Iran develop nuclear weapons.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECCOMDENATIONS. Hold Newmont mining(nem) We recomended that it be shorted. We still think gold is going down. If you went long on General Dynamics (gd)like we suggested you should have taken profits.
Dont wait to take profits on trades we suggest. If a profit is there take it

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kenneth Cockrel Will Be Detroit's Next Mayor

Cockrel has the the major backing of Detroit"s Mafia bosses and the that is the key to winning an election in Michigan. Unless a candidate is santioned by the mafia as Cockrel has been he has little chance of winning. Cockrel's stance on turning over Cobo Hall to a regional authority has won him the support and money of Detroit's mafia bosses. It was the mafia bosses who backed spending hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars the state dosent really have right now to redo Cobo Hall. The plan being if the city got more conventions then the mafia's casinos would get more business from the conventioneers. Tourists dont come to Detroit for that type of thing. The tourist who come are mostly young kids who want to see the (Ruins)abondoned buildings.
The automobie companies on life support are to weak to care about anything but surviving. It isnt them pushing this Cobo Hall garbage as Brooks Patterson has maintained. Its the mafia bosses pushing this wastful spending on Cobo Hall .
The foundation of Detroit is its neighorhoods and that is where the city should invest its money. Because of politicians on the take like Ken Cockrel the mafia has been able to push its agenda at the expensive of the city. Its time this changed but it wont change if Kenneth Cockrel is elected mayor and at this time he looks like a Detroit winner. What do u think? When responding just press comments.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What Makes Bernie Run

Many Jewish people feel that since most of the people Bernie swindled were Jews that he violated the tenant that Jews are supposed to look out for one another. Jews who think there is such a thing need to be awakened to what the real world is like. And that is people have to be responsible for there own actions. As the Rev.Ike used to point out God helps those who help themselves. Its an everyman for himself world out there.. Some of the Jewish people that got ripped off are trying to make this a Jewish thing and it isnt. Its nonsense to think Madoff owed these people something because they were Jewish.
Madoff was a con man looking for targets and the Jews were easy marks for him in this case. He knew a lot about Jewish social and religious customs and and could easily blend into their segment of society. What if Madoff had gone to a Baptist convention and tried socializing and selling his fund? That would have been like the con man who posed as the religious Christian that we first wrote about long before the Madoff scandel, going into Snyagogues telling everyone he was a good Baptist so invest with me. Both men stuck with the ethnic groups they knew best and had grown up with. The cornerstone of every con is greed and Madoff sprinkled his scheme generously with it. And his subjects quickley fell under his spell.
So the question is not why he preyed on mostly Jews. The issue is why he harmed people that had befriended him like Carl Shaprio without caring about the damage he caused. The answer to that question can only come from a highly skilled psychiatrist who has treated him for a long period. And after taking Madoff threw a comprehensive analysis he would proably find that Maffoff is a psychopath. A psychopath just like Ted Bundy or even George Bush. Bundy and Bush used physical violence to hurt their victims,while Madoff cheated and swindled his prey. They each harmed and hurt people and didnt care about the consequences of what they were doing. What caused them to be like that is a subject for another blogg.
WHERE IS GOLD GOING-----Gold is going down big time. Gold is starting a major bear market. $500 gold could happen

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Markets and Economy

The depression is like a bad virus that wont leave your body. Evuntually you know your going to get well but you keep wondering how much longer will it take. The depression like a bad virus infection is proably going to last awhile. The banks, automobile companies,major newspapers,insurance companies and other pillars of our economy are now bankrupt. Expecting the economy to suddenly spring back to life is like asking a heart attack patient to run a marathon. This thing is going to be with us a while so lets get used to it.
THE DETROIT TIMES LED THE MEDIA IN DEMANDING THAT GM CHAIRMEN BUTCH WAGNER RESIGN. Now that its happended Wagoner and Gm feel he is entitled to $20 million in walking away money. Who is going to pay this walking away money? The only funds Gm has is the monthly welfare check it receives from the government. Since Wagoner ran the company into the ground and lied about it to investors he is basically lucky to walk away without going to jail. Actually someone would have been better off investing with Madoff than Wagner. Madoff investors are going to get as much as $500,000 back while Gm's stock holders will get a worthless piece of paper called a stock certificate as a remberance.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS. You should be compleatly out of all our recomendations. Cat rallyed and you have should sold it and took profits.
Our new recommedations are:Buy General Dynamics (GD) tommorrow. It looks like gold is going to take a hit. So sell Newmont Mining(NEM)tommorrow. This a very risky trade. When gold looks very bearish that is when gold has rallied the most. So if u do short Newmont be very careful. Also short OSI-pharmacticual (osip) tommorrow only if the stock is higher than what it closed at today.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Plan:Will It Work

The president took strong action in forcing Butch Wagoner out of Gm but will his plan work at reviving the fallen company? When Chrylser went bankrupt Iacoaca simply stepped in and rebuilt the company. When Fiat collapsed the Itailian government made an all out commitment to rescue it. They didnt do any complicated restructuring. They just brought in new managers. President Obama should be congratulated. He has given a new begining to G.M . Lets hope they dont get lost in this thing called restructing. . What Gm needs simply is new management that knows how to run an automobile company. Thats it.
Time is getting short and Federal money like sand in the hour glass is running out. The president must move quicker because it will be a revival in the manufacturing sector that ends the recession and not a bailout of a bunch of overweight bankers