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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Can Big Oil Pull Off Another Election

There isnt any question the big oil companies are behind Dr. Obama's candiancy just like they were with George(Ted Bundy Eyes. The big money behind Dr.Obama is oil money. Big Oil knows the American people are gullable and naive. And they want some new shit. So they have to put a package together that the American people will buy. That package is Dr.Obama with a so called liberal label on it. The Democrates in 2006 with a liberal label on the package said they would end the Iraq war if elected. They campaigned on the bodies of the dead american soldigers promising to end the war. Has the war ended? Doctor Obama is campaigning to end the war. Will he end it? Sure he will. Just like the congressional Democrates did in 2006. They didnt end it. Did they? So call them Pisch. Dr.Obama wont end it either. And if he gets elected and dosent end the war you can just call him pisch.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Kid Campaigns:Baby Doc's Trip Abroad

Baby Doc Obama looks like a kid,a teenager campaigning. He lacks the experience and maturity to be President. That is obvious. Talks with Iran have failed to pursuade them to stop there nucular program. It was his idea to start talks with Iran. Basically Iran position is what you dont get on the battlefield your not getting at the negotationg table. This isn't Baby Doc's first mistake at foreign policy. He wanted to bomb Pakistan at a very bad time which would have only widened the Iraq war. This was during the primaries and he looked so ridicjlous that it gave Hillory the momentum needed to get her campaign going. Because Baby Doc looks like a teenager instead of a statesmen and he is again making critical mistakes John Macain's campaign is gaining strength and momentum. Obama's big lead has been cut to an even race

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Mta's New Sink Hole for Taxpayer Money

The Mta's new transportation proposal sounds like a waste of money. There isnt any question that new rail tranportaion projects are needed if Los Angeles is to have sustainable growth. However,Mta board member Gloria Molina is right when she says the Mta plan wasnt thought out very good. The other problem is that Roger Snoble would be in charge of the 30billion dollar package. Its an understatement to call Roger a wastful spender. He makes the purchasing for agent for the Army who bought the $600 coffee pot look like a miser or cheapskate. Roger likes to spend money and dosent care if the tax payer isnt getting much in return. Its plain as the sun that Los Angeles needs an extension of the purple line down Wilshire to the sea. Lets start with that before we have to dump a lot of money into Rogers sink holes.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sammy Let Your Hair Down

Sammy(the bull)Gravino-Zell bought a new toy that he dosent know how to play with yet and that could cost him a lot of gelt before he breaks it all together. The problem is in order for the Los Angeles Times to attract readers the Times has to write about things that interest them. And in order for that to happen Sammy (the Bull)Zell would have to let his hair down. Its not only because he dosent have any hair to let down that he cant be more open but also because he is a real estate developer. And that keeps him from giving the readers what they want. The mayor of Los Angeles is corrupt and is giving the city away to the real estate developers. The owner of a flee bag hotel downtown the Alexendria was given 11 million dollars of parking ticket money to supposedly fix up the hotel if he feels like it. And if he dosent he can just pocket the money. Sammy's paper Los Angeles Times dosent write about that. The story was in a weekly give away paper that the La Times might soon become the way Sammy"s running it. The cities pension fund could soon make Enron's look the Rock of Gilbrator because of all the loans to real estate developers. Does Sammy write about that? He cant. He is a real estate developer and they dont say anything bad about each other.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Tom Bradley Subway

It was Mayor Tom Bradley's vision that brought Los Angeles its subway. He was the mayor that built the subway in Los Angeles. There was a great deal of resistance to the subway. Many like Henry Waxman and Lev vehmently tried to stop it. The real estate developers who they shill for didnt want the subway but Bradley persisted. And his vision was the correct one. And the subway should be named after him. Red Line is really to small and cant handle rush hour crowds. It should have been built much larger. The purple line has much smaller crowds because it dosent go very far. Cities thinking of building a subway should build it larger than what is needed now and make it at least 40mile long. Subways do work. The purple line in los angeles should have been extended to the ocean years ago

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Israels Predicament

Israel is basically between a rock and a hard place literally in trying to find a solution with Iran over its development of nuclar weapons. The Iranian people arent against Israel and dont hate Jews. However the rulling Mullals without question at some point would use nucular weapons against Israel if they had them. So if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear faclities it risks turning the Iranian people against it and if Israel does nothing it allows a bitter enemy to have a nucular bomb. I think what Israel is weighing now is the effects of attacking and not attacking Iranian nucular facilites. If it attacks now Israel can proably gage the fall out and if it waits and dosent attack who knows what damage an Iranian nucluar attack would do. George(Ted Bundy eyes)Bush's incomeptency hasnt helped resolve Israel's problem because he changes policy every other day. Today Iran is no longer the axis of evil but a strong potential allie that we have to make frineds with. Georgie Boy you are a goose and dumb one.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Its Inevitable:War With Iran

The United States at some point is going to have to attack Iran. When George(Ted Bundy eyes)invaded Iraq he upset the balance of power in the middle east. Sadem Hussen was doing our dirty work in the middle east at a fraction of what its costing us today to maintain our presence there. Iran feared him and he helped contain Iran's desire to control the middle east. While he didnt beat them in the Iran Iraq War of the 1980's he showed them that they he was there equal in the middle east and that they couldnt invade his country. Plus Iran feared the country that had backed him during the war. That fear is now gone since they see the United States isnt invinciable. As a matter of fact the U.S. looks pretty wobbly as it struggles in Iraq. We now have to do our own dirty work in the region at great cost to the U.S. Iran see us struggle there and they are no longer afraid of us. So they have gone with a nucular weapons progran that they proably wouldnt have if we hadnt invaded Iraq out of fear of our military might. But we have shown them a weak hand and they are no longer afraid to pursue an aggresive military policy. So now we have to make them afraid us again or simply write off the middle east to Mother Russia and Iran. George(Ted Bundy eyes) put us in one hell of a fox hole. Because the American people are so fucken dumb and it may not be all his fault. After all we validated his theft of the presidency. And now we have to clean up the mess.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Fly Brain Liberals:Gullable and Naive

Babs Streisand is a perfect example of a fly brain liberal. She certainly is a good hearted person who wants to see a fairier and more eqeuatable world but she believes that will come if only we take a chance believe the fairy tale being spun by Dr. Oscar Labama and his fellow Democrates who are consistent liars. Dr.Labama can't change his position on key issures fast enough to suit his pollsters. Earlier in the campaigh season he was against relegion in politics and now he is for it with his proposals to fund relegious based organizations. Liberals tradionally are against the mixing of relegion and politics. Babs if we remember correctly this was a cornerstone of George(Ted Bundy eyes)Bush's campaigns. Babs how can us liberals forget that so quickly? For over 20 years the Rev.Wright was Dr.Labama's spirtural mentor and friend. In a few short weeks Dr.Labama has written that friendship off after his pollsters said it wasnt good for his election chances. Babs Dr.Labama changes his views almost quickley as you have changed boyfriends. He does this because he is pro everthing and for nothing. The one thing Dr.Labama wont change his obiedence to Big Oil and our Saudi masters since they have given him the money to run for president. Babs are you sure this is the candiate you want to throw caution to wind for? A candidate during the primary campaign who was in control of nothing and cheated and lied with his Big Oil backers to steal the nomination. Babs are sure you know what you are doing?