The Next Step in Iraq Is To Get Out!!!!!
The United States should be making plans to leave Iraq instead of debating how long we stay. The danger in staying is that the conflict spreads beyond Iraq and Russian and Iran enter into the conflict. Who is going to fight on our side? Poland? That is about the only country left that hasnt withdrawn there troops. The United States isnt going to get a better deal by keeping the war going for another year and we could end up with an even more dangerous conflict if our competitors and enemies enter the war to get a deal that favors them. The debate should be about what has to be done to leave Iraq with out endangering our position in the middle east. Besides George Bush is to dumb to run the war for another year. The war in Iraq must be shut down immediatly and that is what the debate should be about in the media. The Iraq fire must be put out quickley before it becomes a towering inferino if it already hasnt become that.
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