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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bank(Snake)of America has a new slogan

Bank of America's new slogan "Deposit your savings in the day while we steal it at night." fits exactly the type of banking establisment Bank America of America has become. They have the absoulte worst customer service and have an arrogant we dont give shit attitude towards helping there customers. Unfortaunatly this is what American busniness has become. These coporations have become huge companies thru mergers and acquistions and then tell their customers to get fucked when they complain about something.
It would be horrable mistake to give Saudia Arabia the type of advanced weaponary they are after. George Bush an unreptant Saudi agent wants to sell them very advanced weapons that could be used not so much against Iseral but against the United States. Remember Saudi Arabia was the country that attacked the United States on 9-11 and also the country that let Paul Johnsons kidnapers go free. George Bush is a Saudi Agent and lets see which congressman are supportive of selling weapons to the Saudis. That country dosent give a shit about the United States. What have they done for us. They blew up half of Nyc and charge us 100 a barrel for oil.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Writers versus Saudi Al-quidia

The writers in Hollywood are striking for a just cause but they dont have a chance of winning. That is because they are the latest victims of the Saudi-Al-quida biltzkrig sweeping America. Lester Mudock , Time Warner and Walt Diseny are heavily finaced by Saudi Arabia and can sustain a long strike with out being hurt. They just reach into Saudi Arabia bag for money. And that is how Saudi Arabia is slowly taking over this country.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why George Bush is a Bad President

The weak solution George Bush has for the credit crisis is indicative of why he is a bad president. He is letting American companies cover there bad descions with money from Arab -opec countries that want to destroy the united states. A good president wouldnt alloy any subsides from opec countries There are solutions to americas debt crisis that dont involve opec money. Remember the cause of the debt crisis is that American sare leaving beyond there means. The United Satates is the biggest debtor country in the world today. America's lenders are now going to exert there influnece over us and it wont be to our liking. Something must be done about this. What the United States is experience today is Ronald Regan's legacy to the american people

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Latest Sub Pime Fix Wont Work

The Bush remedy for the sub prime melt down is doomed to have very little effect on stopping the housing crisis. That because it dosent address the cause of the housing crisis and instead its like appling paint to rotted wood. The wood rotted because Americans cant afford the lifestyle they live. And that was the cause of the housing meltdown and why it will get much worse. Many people supplamented there income or lived off the appreciation in their houses. The reality now is people are going to have live off of what they earn. And there proably going to come up short. The United States is no longer a rich country. Thanks to Ronald Regan the United States is technically bankrupt and much of our industry that paid high wages has been sent overseas. Then you have those potlickers the teamsters that voted for a president who is going to give there high paying jobs to the less fortuante Mexican truck drivers. The French Revelution wasnt started by the poor but the middle class. And the middle class are now being pushed very hard

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Penny Wise and Dollar Foolish Los Angeles' Corrupt Polticians

The Los Angeles Transit Authority is going to spend 40 or 50 million dollars to keep a few people from riding the subway for free. It will cost over a million dollars a year to maintain the new system. The savings will be virtually nothing over the long term. So then why do this if there is nothing to be gained? The General Contractor building the new police headquarters that the city dosent need and cant afford is a convicted felon. He was convicted of stealing form the city during the building of the subway and yet now the city counsel approved his selection to build the police headquarters building. The project is now way over budget. Its seem that more emphasis should placed on excluding convicted felons from public construction projects then worring about a few people riding the subway for free.