Is Los Angeles' Police Commissioner a dirty cop
Murders are down in Los Angeles but so is the quality of life and standard of living for most Los Angeles residents. A big part of the problem is that the city gives its money to the big construction companies and real estate developers in Los Angeles instead of providing adaquate city services to its residents. Bill Bratton La's police commissioner forced the city to build a new police headquarters that it cant afford . The construction company building it is a convicted felon that should have been banned from working on public projects. That is a very sad situation where u have a convicted felon building a police headquarters. There isn't any question Bratton sold influence to get the new headquartes built even though the city couldnt afford to pay for it. This makes Bratton a dirty cop. City residents sit for hours in traffic jams because they city wont pay for a modern traffic grid and at the same time the budget for mass transist has been cut. However Los Angeles will have a new police headquarters built by a convicted felon
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