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Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Los Angeles Daily News Is A Potlicker Newspaper

The real estate developers are litterally robbing the city blind and the new police headquarters is being built by a convicted felon who stole from the city during the building of the subway so what does the Los Angeles Daily News write about? They do a big investigative piece on how a few bus riders (5%) arent paying there fair shaire of bus fairs. The Daily News is written by poltlickers for potlickers. And that is why it is Gov. Arnie (the panzie) favorite newspaper. Gov.Arnie is controlled body and soul by the oil companies and that is why they love him and we love him. He is a panzie

Saturday, October 27, 2007


The movie character that George Bush is playing out with America's future at stake is Hud played by Paul Newman in the 1960's classic. I really believe Bush watches the movie at bed time every night to make sure he gets the character right. And the American people have fallen head over heals for it. Inspite of the Iraq War and his obvious lying about getting the country involved in it and his close realtionship with the country that attacked the United States on 9-11 George Bush is still president. He hasnt at the very least been impeached or tryed for treason like the traitor he is. Why? The American people love Hud. The award George Bush should get is the one for so successfully playing Hud and staying in power when he should have gone a long time ago.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Russia and Iran Invade Iraq

There wouldnt be a thing the United States could do to stop them. The U.S. after fighting for 4and half years and accomplishing next to nothing would be no match for fresh Russian and Iranian forces. That is why the war must be brought to an end to prevent that from occuring. The debate should be how to end a bad war. A war we unfairly started without a morale leg to stand on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Next Step in Iraq Is To Get Out!!!!!

The United States should be making plans to leave Iraq instead of debating how long we stay. The danger in staying is that the conflict spreads beyond Iraq and Russian and Iran enter into the conflict. Who is going to fight on our side? Poland? That is about the only country left that hasnt withdrawn there troops. The United States isnt going to get a better deal by keeping the war going for another year and we could end up with an even more dangerous conflict if our competitors and enemies enter the war to get a deal that favors them. The debate should be about what has to be done to leave Iraq with out endangering our position in the middle east. Besides George Bush is to dumb to run the war for another year. The war in Iraq must be shut down immediatly and that is what the debate should be about in the media. The Iraq fire must be put out quickley before it becomes a towering inferino if it already hasnt become that.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

1907 Isnt That Far Away

A very interesting book has just been published called 1907 about the 1907 economic turmoil that some historians say was almost as bad as the 1929 stock market crash. The authors dont make any comparisons with todays economic problems but its there and just by reading the historical accounts of what occured in 1907 u cant help but see it. One of the funniest,and most interesting gossip books ever written even if most of its proably untrue is Brando Unzipped. How the author found witnesses to Marlon Brando and his friends most private moments is amazing. I always wondered what the glamourous movie stars of the 1950's did for fun. And its beyond what i ever thought them possable of doing. This book is must reading for mayor Antionio Vee and Fabian