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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Is Los Angeles' Police Commissioner a dirty cop

Murders are down in Los Angeles but so is the quality of life and standard of living for most Los Angeles residents. A big part of the problem is that the city gives its money to the big construction companies and real estate developers in Los Angeles instead of providing adaquate city services to its residents. Bill Bratton La's police commissioner forced the city to build a new police headquarters that it cant afford . The construction company building it is a convicted felon that should have been banned from working on public projects. That is a very sad situation where u have a convicted felon building a police headquarters. There isn't any question Bratton sold influence to get the new headquartes built even though the city couldnt afford to pay for it. This makes Bratton a dirty cop. City residents sit for hours in traffic jams because they city wont pay for a modern traffic grid and at the same time the budget for mass transist has been cut. However Los Angeles will have a new police headquarters built by a convicted felon

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What Should Be the Key Issue In the Presidential Race

The most important issue facing the American people today is whether this country remains free or will be rulled by outsiders and foreign governments. Saudi Arabia already has a tremondous influence in the internal affairs of The United States inspite of attacking the United states on 9-11. The main issure of any poltical campaign should be to free us of there influence and making them pay for attacking the United States. Yet only one candidate or potential candidate has even touched on this subject. Newton Gringich is the only one of the candidates to even mention this topic. One of the reasons for this is the Saudias have tremondous control over the media. Bill (toyko rose) O'Reilly a dirty traitor who sold out his country for jewelery and money is on the Saudi payroll. American have to become more alert or face the risk of losing there country.

Friday, September 14, 2007


They have beaten the United States and beaten us bad. The Iraq war is lost. Saudi al-quida has won. Its just that simple. When the alquida speaks we obey and listen. Every time Bernard Ben laiden gives a speech he has the full attention of the american people because we know he can give us a beating anytime he wants to. I first realized something was horrably wrong when Saudia Arabia blew up Nyc and instead of attacking them the United States started a war with there worst enemy Saddam Hussan. That was a sign of surrender. The Saudia's are now feeding money to General Motors thru there bank Citicorp. Lester Murdock used Saudi money when he bought the wall street journal. That was a sign of surrender. The United States cant make it without Saudi money and we are to weak to force them in to giving us the money therefor we must surrender.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Three Sums Company: A Smash New TV Hit

There is a smashing new pay for tv show staring the mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Vee, legislator Fabian Nunez and the hot tomato of Latin tv Mirthala Salinas. The show is being sponsored by Eli Broads Grand ave project. Police Commissioner Bill Braton is the time keeper. The title of the first show is LOVE MACHINE. Who will be the love machine? Will it be Antonio Vee or will it Fabian. Only the senorita Mirthala knows for sure Stayed tune. Last week Bill Braton said he will resume confiscating cars for people driving with a suspended license even th ough a federal circuit judge ruled its illegal. City Attorney Rocky ruled that the city could legally do this under California law. Britton said suspended license drivers get into more accidents than those with legal licenese. Rocky's wife got into an accident driving with a suspended license so maybe they are right. The real reason though they are consficating cars again is because the city makes a ton of money from it. Money that goes to real estate developers like evil eli. The city is broke yet they are giving Eli downtown property worth Hundreds of milllions of dollars for free. The laws concerning parking tickets and suspeneded licenses are unfair as Rocky and his wife will attest to. The way to reform it is to stop the Dmv from acting as a collector for cities who charge unfair rates for parking tickets.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Who should Sherry Lansing sue

Sherry Lansing the Belair resident whose home was bulgarized should also be suing the city of Los Angeles besides the home protection company that was supposed to be watching her house. The city is neglegent because it dosent provide adaquate police protection to its residents. The main job of the police department under mayor Antoinio Vee is to bring money,revenue into the treasury. The Police department doest this by extoring money from unspecting motorists. They scan motoritst license plates even thought they arent allowed to unless there is reason to suspect a crime has been committed. In other words the police are very active in giving out tickets and harrassing people intstead of fighting crime.. THe city dosent make any money catching a buglar. However giving out traffic tickets is very profitable for the city.