The Saudi al-Qaida blitz smashed thru weak U.S. lines to take further ground in there quest to control the American economy
The photo of the average american potlicker sucking on a beer bottle with his finger in his ass while watching a baseball game flashed acroos European television as Saudi al-Quaida forces blitzed forword. The Kingfish a Saudi collabator is just about to wrap-up his purchase with Saudi money of one of the anchors of U.S. journalism The Wall Street Journal. Once Saudi al-Quaida controls the media they will be free to keep up there peneatraing attracks like 9-11 without fear of retrobution. As the dumb apathetic American people shit in there pants and cryed in there beer after 9-11 the Saudi al-Quaida virus took over the American government and made it attack not Saudi al-Quaida which carried out the 9-11 attacks but the Saudia's worst enemey Saddam Hussian who had prveioulsy attacted them. It was a brillian move on there part. Your average american
potlicker fell for it like flies to shit thanks to talk radio and Bill (tokoy rose) O'reilly and phat asss Dennis Prager and Sean (manure head ) Hannity. And now the Wall Street Journal will soon fall into there hands.
potlicker fell for it like flies to shit thanks to talk radio and Bill (tokoy rose) O'reilly and phat asss Dennis Prager and Sean (manure head ) Hannity. And now the Wall Street Journal will soon fall into there hands.
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