Dont knock the rock
The city of Los Angeles top lawyer has a problem or tw0. He didnt pay his parking tickets and his wife was driving without insurance when she caused an accident. In most cases when that happens the police impound the person's vehicle which didnt happent to Rockey's wife. Rockey isnt reallly a hipocrate for getting into this mess he is actually in the same sitution that most people who drive a car in Los Angeles are in. Its very expensive to drive and own a car in Los Angeles and the city makes it worse with unfair and unrealistic parking and driving tickets. They are too expensive for the average middle class person. If a person in Rocky's postion has trouble paying the tickets and cant afford there ridiculous penalties just think what its like for the average middle class person who has a family and dosent make as much money as Rockey. Its really the real estate developers who are using the police and parking meter maids to extort money from Los Angeles' residents who are causing this mess. They must be stopped The people in la are being overtaxed
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