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Sunday, July 29, 2007

The case against George Bush for being a traitor to his country

Saudi Arabia was the country that attacked the United States on 9-11 and now there is overwhelming evidence as printed in the Wall Street Journal that the bank of choice for the Al-qadia hiding and storing there money is Saudi Arabias biggest bank. There also was a very provicative story in the Los Angeles Times that over half of the foreign insurgents in Iraq are Saudi citizens. Thru the course of time the Saudis have given the Bush family over a billion dollars for being good kids and using there political influence to look out for the interests of the Saudi Royal family. And now Bush wants to sell Saudia Arabia billions in arms and weapons. Where is Shawn(manure head)Hannity Bill( Toykyo Rose) O'reilly and Phat Ass Dennis Prager? Why have they not reported on these developments. There supposed to keep track of these things.Doug(white fang)Mac Intrye a true traitor has not said one thing about these developments. Why because they on the payroll of Saudi-Al-quaida as is the bush family They are traitors

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Antonio Villaraigosa must go!!! His credablity as mayor of Los Angeles is zero. It isnt because he had affair. I personally think that is his business. Its who he had an affair with that cheapened and soiled the office of mayor thus diminishing Los Angeles' standing as a great city. His affair with a news reporter was a conflict of interest that may have influenced the school board election unfairly in Villaraigosa's favor. His plan for Los Angeles schools will just add more coruption to the district rather improving the quailty of education. The reporter he had the affair with did she slant the news in his favor? The other thing that Villaraigosa is doing that is wrong and dangerous is giving public pension money to real estate deveolopers. If there is a bad down turn in the real estate market it will be deveasting to city workers planning on retiring and to the cities fianancial health. Villaraigosa has been a weak ineffective mayor who has accomplished little. He also may have made anti semtic remarks about older Jewish women. Its time for Villaraigosa to go leave office

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Saudi al-Qaida blitz smashed thru weak U.S. lines to take further ground in there quest to control the American economy

The photo of the average american potlicker sucking on a beer bottle with his finger in his ass while watching a baseball game flashed acroos European television as Saudi al-Quaida forces blitzed forword. The Kingfish a Saudi collabator is just about to wrap-up his purchase with Saudi money of one of the anchors of U.S. journalism The Wall Street Journal. Once Saudi al-Quaida controls the media they will be free to keep up there peneatraing attracks like 9-11 without fear of retrobution. As the dumb apathetic American people shit in there pants and cryed in there beer after 9-11 the Saudi al-Quaida virus took over the American government and made it attack not Saudi al-Quaida which carried out the 9-11 attacks but the Saudia's worst enemey Saddam Hussian who had prveioulsy attacted them. It was a brillian move on there part. Your average american
potlicker fell for it like flies to shit thanks to talk radio and Bill (tokoy rose) O'reilly and phat asss Dennis Prager and Sean (manure head ) Hannity. And now the Wall Street Journal will soon fall into there hands.