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Monday, June 25, 2007

Bits and Pieces

The Wall Street J ournal deserves much better than Ruport the Kingfish Murdock owning it. Saudi Arabia wants to control America and they are very close to doing it. The Kingfish is a Saudi collabortor. Murdock uses there money to grow his empire and that is one of the main reasons his company has grown so rapidly. It would be a horrable mistake to let him run the paper. Its one step closer to Saudi domination of our economy and country. Saudi Abrabia has the money and the oil and pretty soon the whole fucken country will be under their control. America is weak and ripe for the taking. I strongly urge the Bankcroft family not to sell to Rupport Murdock. Los Angeles=== What has Rocky done to deserver the mess he is in? Well at this point not enough to end his poltical career. He didnt pay parking tickets. They are ridiculsoly and unfairly high. He drove for a year without insurance. Its extemely expansive owning a car in Los Angeles. The only issue that could derail his career is his wifes consulting business. Who paid her 100,000 dolllars a year to cosult. Was there a conflict of interest? Right now there really is a lot shit going in Los Angeles. The real estate developers have taken over the city. Besides extorting all they can from parking and traffic tickets they are now going after the city employees pension plans. Its very serious and dangerous what they are doing. What if there is a bad downturn in the real estate market. They could wipe out the cities pension and employee benfit plans. The money was never meant to be used that way. And that is what the media should be concentrating on and not Rockies personal problems. Dog MacIntrye shouldnt be getting in anybodies shit. He is a traitor. He sold out his country for money. He and Kabc helped sell the Iraq war to the American people. He works for a company that is under Saudi domination. Walt Diseny would be bankrupt without Saudi money. And they dont want kabc talking about there role in 9-11 and how they are buying up the country.. We live in dangerous times.. Its time to wake up

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Dont knock the rock

The city of Los Angeles top lawyer has a problem or tw0. He didnt pay his parking tickets and his wife was driving without insurance when she caused an accident. In most cases when that happens the police impound the person's vehicle which didnt happent to Rockey's wife. Rockey isnt reallly a hipocrate for getting into this mess he is actually in the same sitution that most people who drive a car in Los Angeles are in. Its very expensive to drive and own a car in Los Angeles and the city makes it worse with unfair and unrealistic parking and driving tickets. They are too expensive for the average middle class person. If a person in Rocky's postion has trouble paying the tickets and cant afford there ridiculous penalties just think what its like for the average middle class person who has a family and dosent make as much money as Rockey. Its really the real estate developers who are using the police and parking meter maids to extort money from Los Angeles' residents who are causing this mess. They must be stopped The people in la are being overtaxed

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Something is very wrong in this country when scum like the King Fish can buy the Wall Street Jouranl

Something is very wrong in this country when someone like the King Fish can buy a paper like the Wall Street Journal after he used his media empire to sucker the american public into supporting the Iraq war the worst military mistake in this country history. Before the Iraq war started during the time its success was being debated the Wall Street Journal ran a brilliant article saying that from a historical perspective it was unlikely the war would be won by the United States. If the King Fish had owned the paper its highly unlikely that article would have been printed. Bill(the vibrator queen) O'reilly and Shawn (manure head) Hannity that is the type of journalists that work for the King Fish. The King Fish should be tared and feathered and paraded down fifth ave tied to donkey for selling the Iraq war to the american people instead he is going to allowed to buy one of americas most prestegious newspapers the wall street journel. Something is very wrong somewhere.

Monday, June 11, 2007

It really is Bill Bratton's Time to Leave

People are afraid to walk in the Faifax area and a Home Depot was successfully held up. Robbing a big Home Depot store isnt an easy task. It takes a little bit of time to do it. However the time element isnt a problem when the Los Angeles police department is involved. There busy!! There most important job is giving out tickets that bring revenue into cash starved Los Angeles. The city needs big money to pay off the lawsuits from all of the police brutality cases against the city. So the average citizien has to pay with unwaranted traffic and parking tickets. The Real estate developers who hired Bratton they arent going to pay so the burden of paying off the law suits will fall on the averge citizen . Having Bill Bratton as police chief is just to costly for the city of Los Angeles.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Democratic party must be delisted

The Democrates are a major dissappointment to the people who elected them to congress and made them the majority party. They where elected on the promise that they would end the war in Iraq. What did the Democrates do? They caved big time. That phat whinning John Murtha who i have to say Sean (Manure Head) Hannity was right about should be arrested for fraud. He cried whinned and carried on about the poor boys dying in Iraq. So what did the liar do after the democrates where elected? What else he could he do? He voted to fund the war. The complete oppsite of what he promised the people. All funding must be cut off to the Democrates until they do what they promised,which is the end the war. They will lose the election if the war isnt ended NO MORE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!