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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Unforseen Consequences of The Iraq War

The Iraq war is going to be differnt from any recent wars the United States has led or particapted in. In this case the United States created the havoc and chaoes that now exists in the middle east. And now unlike the other wars that simply went way when the fighting stopped the tumult and fighting will last for years like an atomic bomb that just keeps exploding and get be ended.
For one thing our competitors and enimies have only been strenghtened because of where General George Armstong Custer BUSH has led the docile lacadisical American people. The russians and Iran are sure to benefit because we are such a stupid naive gullable people. The Russian will proably benefit the most

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Man Who Devised the Double Down Stragedy

A close adviser to George Bush is talk radio host Bill Bennett. Bennett was recalling his days a riverboat gambler in the Las Vegas casinos where he lost the fortune he earned as a mouth piece for the right-wing consevatives.
And he recalled what he and the other suckers playing the slot machines would do when they where losing there ass and have a bad night. He told Georgie Boy they would simply parlay or double down there bets thinking that there sting of bad luck couldnt go on forever.
In Bill Bennetts case there one to many nights when lady luck stood him up and never showed up. But Bennett told Georgie that was unlikely to happen to him since he had stole a presidential election and still managed to become President and win the congressional elections 2 years later. The Georgie Boy agreed and thats how the double down stragedy was created. Now they both are going on Hee Haw and announce it to the nation.