The Unforseen Consequences of The Iraq War
The Iraq war is going to be differnt from any recent wars the United States has led or particapted in. In this case the United States created the havoc and chaoes that now exists in the middle east. And now unlike the other wars that simply went way when the fighting stopped the tumult and fighting will last for years like an atomic bomb that just keeps exploding and get be ended.
For one thing our competitors and enimies have only been strenghtened because of where General George Armstong Custer BUSH has led the docile lacadisical American people. The russians and Iran are sure to benefit because we are such a stupid naive gullable people. The Russian will proably benefit the most
For one thing our competitors and enimies have only been strenghtened because of where General George Armstong Custer BUSH has led the docile lacadisical American people. The russians and Iran are sure to benefit because we are such a stupid naive gullable people. The Russian will proably benefit the most