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Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The most powerful person in shaping transportation policy in Los Angeles is Zev Yaroslavsky. And Zev and his constituency hate public tranportation. He represents the most affluent areas of Los Angeles. And those people definatly are not the type to be seen standing and waiting for a bus. As a matter of fact they dont even want to have anything to do with those that do have to wait for a bus. They dont want bus and subway riders in their community period.
And with that mentallity Zev had done all he could to stymie and ruin what little mass transit there is in Los Angeles.
Because we live in a Democracy Lev has become a extremely powerful Los Angleles County Supervisor. He keeps getting elected over and over and consequently has a lot of seniority and influence especially over transportation matters. That is Lev's little bailwick. And he has done the best he can to fuck it up.
As a result Los Angeles has way more cars than its main streets can handle. No small thanks to Lev.
The truth is Lev should not be allowed to have anything to do with transportation issues since he has done all he can to wreck. But because we live in a Democracy that isnt going to happen anytime soon since Lev keeps rolling along and constantly getting reelected. So much for Democracy.
The most powerful person in shaping transportation policy in Los Angeles is Zev Yaroslavsky. And Zev and his constituency hate public tranportation. He represents the most affluent areas of Los Angeles. And those people definatly are not the type to be seen standing and waiting for a bus. As a matter of fact they dont even want to have anything to do with those that do have to wait for a bus. They dont want bus and subway riders in their community period.
And with that mentallity Zev had done all he could to stymie and ruin what little mass transit there is in Los Angeles.
Because we live in a Democracy Lev has become a extremely powerful Los Angleles County Supervisor. He keeps getting elected over and over and consequently has a lot of seniority and influence especially over transportation matters. That is Lev's little bailwick. And he has done the best he can to fuck it up.
As a result Los Angeles has way more cars than its main streets can handle. No small thanks to Lev.
The truth is Lev should not be allowed to have anything to do with transportation issues since he has done all he can to wreck. But because we live in a Democracy that isnt going to happen anytime soon since Lev keeps rolling along and constantly getting reelected. So much for Democracy.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
And at age 91 Kirk still looks like he could easily step into the role he played so well in DETECTIVE STORY. DETECTIVE STORY(1951) was the forunner of the modern police detective drama seen so many times on TV and in the movies.
This great actor has suffered a tough 2010. His son became sick and his grandson was imprisoned. However 2011 could be a much better year for Douglas. While his son was diagnosed with cancer it was the trearment for the cancer that made him so ill. And that was expected. There is a good chance that the treatment worked and that Micheal Douglass will be cured. Doctors wont know until Feburary if the treatments were successful or not.
Kirk Douglass a living piece of history,great actor and authentic motion picture star deserves a much better year than 2010.
And at age 91 Kirk still looks like he could easily step into the role he played so well in DETECTIVE STORY. DETECTIVE STORY(1951) was the forunner of the modern police detective drama seen so many times on TV and in the movies.
This great actor has suffered a tough 2010. His son became sick and his grandson was imprisoned. However 2011 could be a much better year for Douglas. While his son was diagnosed with cancer it was the trearment for the cancer that made him so ill. And that was expected. There is a good chance that the treatment worked and that Micheal Douglass will be cured. Doctors wont know until Feburary if the treatments were successful or not.
Kirk Douglass a living piece of history,great actor and authentic motion picture star deserves a much better year than 2010.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
The last episode of DUTCH REAGAN RIDES AGAIN closed with Dutch telling those who questioned his wisdom and brains for borrowing mega billions to fight the perils of communism and Russian influence that everything would be ok because the lenders would get fucked in the end.
Dutch the visionary may just have had the right solution at the time.
Many in the financial community are now saying it would be impossible to pay back lender countries with out starving the American people and that the lenders should share in the burden of resolving America's debt crisis.
If that is the case the lenders may counter with that the American people must be the ones to scrafice since they were dumb enough to vote for Dutch. The biggest tranfer of wealth in the history of the world occured when Dutch gave the military contractors trillions upon trillions of American dollars to bring down Russia.
The question the American people now must ask themselves is was it actually worth it. . The U.S. is broke and facing bankruptcy and the once coveted American standard of living is gone with the wind.
And there are those who say the U.S. had little if anything to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Chernoble,the invention of the personal computer,and Russia's uncompetiveness in the world ecnomy were the likely causes of Russia's collapse.
Dutch Reagan the hot shot b-movie actor who become president may just have bankrupted the U.S chasing a phathom enemy just to enrich his campaign supportors like the military industrial complex and used fighting Russia as the excuse to do it with.
Joe Potlicker conned again which is the same old story and just another of many examples of the American's gullablity. The saying you wont go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people is so true.
Dutch the visionary may just have had the right solution at the time.
Many in the financial community are now saying it would be impossible to pay back lender countries with out starving the American people and that the lenders should share in the burden of resolving America's debt crisis.
If that is the case the lenders may counter with that the American people must be the ones to scrafice since they were dumb enough to vote for Dutch. The biggest tranfer of wealth in the history of the world occured when Dutch gave the military contractors trillions upon trillions of American dollars to bring down Russia.
The question the American people now must ask themselves is was it actually worth it. . The U.S. is broke and facing bankruptcy and the once coveted American standard of living is gone with the wind.
And there are those who say the U.S. had little if anything to do with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Chernoble,the invention of the personal computer,and Russia's uncompetiveness in the world ecnomy were the likely causes of Russia's collapse.
Dutch Reagan the hot shot b-movie actor who become president may just have bankrupted the U.S chasing a phathom enemy just to enrich his campaign supportors like the military industrial complex and used fighting Russia as the excuse to do it with.
Joe Potlicker conned again which is the same old story and just another of many examples of the American's gullablity. The saying you wont go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people is so true.